"Calling all Canadians -- March Chat"

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  • As promissed....

  • Yep, I think a thread-of-the-month is a good idea. Think I'll suggest it in a couple of other places, too. Thanks, Ilene.
  • Good Saturday morning! Cold, clear and crisp here this morning.
  • Good Saturday Morning...
    not much to say,,,took my youngest son to vocal lessons,,,first time driving in a couple of weeks...did well. Even stopped at Tim Hortons for my coffee...feeling human!
    Getting picked up tonight by one of my closest friends,,,going over to another friends house to watch our favorite movie Pride and Predjudice
    Yesterday I was so proud of myself...I was hungry had the munchies. so instead of binging on the peanut butter cookies I made I chopped up some cellery and carrots.
    Well I should get in my shower and nap....
  • Good Afternoon. Fellow Canuck here! Hoping that the snow will finally go away. I hate winter!!!
  • Welcome, Margaret. Glad to have you with us. The more company, the more fun. Drop in often.

    Have a great evening, everybody. We'll see you all tomorrow. Keep on doing all the good stuff and the rewards will come.
  • hi everyone i found you. glen
  • Merry March to all my fellow Canadians!
    I have not been good this week. I hit the gym twice; the rest of the week I worked. I have been retired for a year and a half, and went back to work part time because a friend needed a tax preparer for the season. Ahhh, back to sitting at a computer all day.

    The weather has moderated this weekend. Hope that's the first sign that spring is on the way.

    Have a good week.
  • Hey all, not much happening,,,hubby and I went grocery shopping,,, so I have all the veggies I have been craving...
  • Thought I'd say a quick hello. Not feeling too great today. Hope I'm not coming down with something nasty.

    Hang in there, gang. See you tomorrow. Hopefully feeling better.
  • Hello fellow Canuck

    Today is and bright ... I'm off to the gym in a few minutes to do some leg workouts...
  • Hello fellow canucks!

    I've been horrible with exercising so far this month. But I did manage to stay away from the chocolate cookies my husband brought home and left in clear sight! Small victories are better than no victories, I guess.
  • Life happens, but here I go again
    Hi all my canadian friends, trying again, and hope to not sabotage myself today. Am going to try to eat well today, and remember that just because I mess up one time I don't need to carry it on for the rest of day. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming .
  • Good morning all,,,,

    Shannon, my favorite movie is Finding Nemo...just keep swimming!

    had a fantastic sleep, was in a bit of pain last night,,,did too much...grocery shopping, folding clothes and lil stuff around the house.
    So took a pain reliever and it knocked me out. Hate taking anything, makes me have horrible dreams...which I didn't have.
    big plans for today is eat my celery, finish folding the last two loads of laundry.
  • Hi there, I'm new here and it's nice that I found a bunch of Canadians to yak with. I'm Carol, married 19 years to a great guy and mom of two teenagers, one girl and one boy. I started to get serious about my wieght at the end of January and so far have lost 12 lbs. I'm still on the high of eating healthy and light so I haven't hit any major obstacles in that area yet and I've gotten real serious about excercise and especially weight lifting - I think that is the ultimate answer for women over 30. I look forward to getting to know all of you!