New here

  • This is my first attempt at posting on this web site. So be patient!

    I'm alot older than most of you and have battled my weight longer than you have been alive, but I really enjoy the support I see here.

    I have 30 to 40 lbs I need to lose, and one bit of advice to everyone of you is do it NOW. don't wait to loose to live.

    I do best on low carb, as I am allergic to wheat, eggs, and yeast. I started last Monday again (always on Mondays, right!) and with one bad day have managed to lose 2 lbs.

    I am not all that good with computers either, Old Dogs and elder elfs learn.
  • Welcome Elder Elf
    Welcome to the forums .... I am an older too... past 50 anyway.. weight loss is a struggle for all of us... I am a TOPS member and I find the weekly support very helpful.... Have a great holdiay and welcome.... I do post on the Tops forum.... your welcome to join us there.... India