getting back on track...

  • The last week and half I haven't been feeling like exercising and for the last week I haven't done my food journaling at all... I just started school last week, so I think that might be some of the problem, but I can't let that throw me off my whole lifestyle change...
    Starting tomorrow I'm gonna get back on track so I can keep the pounds coming off....
    First, get back to food journaling using my ww points plan..
    then, exercise this week for atleast 90minutes..
    And most importantly, Keep drinking my WATER..
    just wanted to share,
  • Hi!
    I've been "off program" for a month or so too. Fortunayely I've maintained my weight and possibly even lost a pound. I'd like to start exercising regularly again, and wouldn't it be nice to lose 3 pounds by Christmas?
    I'll post again tonight with a plan...we can do it!!
  • I've got to get back on track too. Not with eating, but with exercising. I've been sick, and I still don't feel like doing anything. But I know I'll feel better afterward (if only in the sense of feeling better about myself), so I gotta do it.

    Someone light a firecracker under my chair so I get up?
  • Hi girls,
    Well for the last two days I stuck with my point range and I did exercise both days I did the treadmill and stationary bike so proud of myself... my water was great to...
    Apple and talisman how are ya'll doing.
    Apple I'd love to lose any weight before Christmas it'd be like a Christmas present to myself hehe...
    Sorry Talis I don't have any firecrackers hehe....
    Well my sister just called to see if i wanted to go the rec center or to go walking so guess I'm gonna go do one of those
    Talk to you later
  • i'm out here. That's about it. I was hoping to go for a jog today but it didn't happen. Still no plan for action either. It's difficult this time of year, isn't it?
    Hopefully tomorrow is a better day!
  • it does seem like I lose any motivation I have during the winter... Haven't done anything today but sit and play mario party 6 with my hubby hehe.... well I'm gonna go make dinner talk to you later,
  • My daughters birthday has sidelined me. Cake cake cake and Christmas cookies too. I have been jogging twice! I'm trying to go every other day and pound myself back into shape. I'd love to lose a little this week but just maintaining will be an accopmplishment. Cheers!
  • I feel the same way apple everywhere I'm going I got food being put into my face, I hoping to at least maintain this week.