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spryng 11-12-2003 02:10 PM

Yes Misty the link worked! You should get a belly shot too!!! But you look very good to be 9 months along! :) Very pretty. But we already knew that. lol. Your girls are adorable. Would your OB consider stripping your membranes?? Maybe that would get your contractions going and being effective. Did you say you go back this friday? If they are going to check you I would ask them if they could do it. It might just be the little push you need. But my heart goes out to you. Hope those contractions either get real or go away if they aren't going to get labor going. Rest as much as possible.
Karen, good luck with getting a dog! Any specific breed you are wanting? I don't think we'll get any more pets for a long time. Too much work for me.
Emily, congrats on the great loss!!! Wow 5 lbs is alot to lose in one week! You are doing great.
Well I have went to the store already today. Got some more cold medicine and some FF milk for dinner. So now I'm just home relaxing. I started to get laundry folded... I have about 4 more loads to fold before I'm done. Shew! I should stop waiting so long to fold!
But anyway... a normal day around here. DH is coming FRIDAY!! I'm so excited. Can't wait to spend the weekend with him.
Ok, talk with you all later! ;)

K2BMe 11-12-2003 02:50 PM

ty spryng. do they do the stripping even when I've already dilated? I had never heard of it until you had it done with Tanner.
<~~~~ :joker: thats my daughter the 2 yr old I didn't know it would work! Yay me!

spryng 11-12-2003 02:55 PM

Yes, they can do it even when you are dilated. i was almost a 3 when my midwife did it to me. Talk to your OB about it and see if they do it. Some don't. And some will but you have to ask about it. HTH. Are you feeling any better?

K2BMe 11-12-2003 02:59 PM

I'm a wreck. its still raining and the water is coming up all aroundus. Dh still isn't here he called and is about 30 min away but he will have to park his vehicle and hike in over the mountian. Still having contractions every 45 min Bah! so frustrating. I'm really gonna try and convience the OB to admit me on Friday. tysm for putting up with me :) I'm def gonna ask them about the stripping.

spryng 11-12-2003 03:02 PM

Misty, you just may be in early labor. How long do they last? Are they painful? Hopefully your DH can get home soon to be with you just in case. They may start coming closer together today. Keep us updated ok?

gemini 11-12-2003 03:12 PM

Hi gang.........

Phew, I feel like I am never going to catch my breath! One more night of work tonight, then I have 3-in-a-row off......... thank gawd!!!

Michele, hang in there, hon. Sending you extra-big hugs! That little boy will show his face when he's good and ready. I remember that anxious feeling well, though. You go right ahead and vent to us all you want! Whatever you need to do to keep your stress-level to a minimum. And, try to get some rest, honey. Soon, this will all be a distant memory, and it will be well worth it! :)

Spryng, hope you are hanging in there with fighting that cold. My kids have been battling them for what feels like forever.... really, just a couple of weeks, though. I have been lucky so far (knocking on wood!) and have stayed healthy. I think it's the healthier lifestyle and vitamins having an effect. Enjoy your weekend with hubby!

Karen, good luck on the allergy testing. I commend you for dealing with this before you bring a dog into your life. I hope you're feeling better yourself, too. Remind us when your ultrasound date nears so I can send out good thoughts, ok? :)

Ginny, how cool that you found old posts/threads. :) Amazing you had one with me in it, since I really did not stick around very long my first time here. Then I disappeared for over a year, only to resurface. I am so grateful to this thread and all you wonderful women for all of the support since I've been back. Hugs to you all! :)

Candy, how is dd? Did you get her to the doc? I am thinking Spryng's advice to you is right on and perhaps dd just has a small tear/irritation. I hope she is better.

Emily, congrats on your loss!!! Sorry about your long dentist appt....... what a drag! But, I bet your mouth thanks you!

Well, we had a nice afternoon yesterday...... took the kids to see Brother Bear, which they loved, then we went out to dinner. I have not been very OP for the last week, and would not be surprised to see a gain on Monday. But, I have been good today, and there is still time to do damage control between now and then.

A bit of news........I had an appointment with a new endocrinologist today. I have had thyroid issues since I was 18. I have always had a large goiter, and I had an underactive thyroid for 10 years. My thyroid function has been normal for the past 4 years now, however, still the goiter. So today, the endocrinologist says it is time to lose the thyroid! I will see a surgeon this Friday, and go from there. It's a big surgery, but best done now while I'm young and healthy. I will keep you all updated.

K, gotta run and pick up the house before the kids get home from school. Have a good evening. :)

candybar74 11-12-2003 03:25 PM

Misty, were you whining? I didn't notice. Sounded like normal end of pregnancy talk to me! I've got to figure out how to get pictures on here. None of mine are small enough, file-size wise. Your's were cute. You looked just like I imagined!
Spryng, the blood was not coming from her hiney. I wiped twice there just to check. It was coming from her "pee pee". I took her to the dr today and they did an urinalysis and she had some blood in her urine and a little protein. I have to come back in 2 weeks and they will do another just to see if this is normal for her or if something's up. She also has a yeast infection/rash on her hiney. Poor baby. You would never know it by the way she acts! I talked to my mom today and she started having similar problems when she was 2 or 3 and after all kinds of tests and hospital stays they discovered that one of her kidneys was doubled. I will mention this to the dr next time as she favors my mom looks wise so there could be other connections!
Thanks for the recipe! I am eager to try it out. I don't do much in the crockpot but that's just because I never think that far in advance! Got to get into the habit!
Emily, congrats on your loss! Are you nursing or bottle-feeding? Everyone always told me "When you nurse, the weight just melts off!" Hah! I guess that is when you gain a normal amount of weight, not 50 or 70 pounds. I nursed both my kids until they were 16 months and am still battling this 30 extra pounds!!!
Dinner...I've got some cabbage cooking and that is as far as I have gotten. I'm thinking of saving the cabbage for tomorrow and doing Taco Soup! That is sounding so tasty except it is hot here today and I usually like soup when it is cold!
Well, I am painting my bikes and I need to go check and see if they first coat it dry. We are going to the Keys in December and we bike everywhere but are bikes hadn't been used since the last Keys trip 3 years ago so they are pretty pathetic looking. DH wanted to get new ones but I'm trying to save a little so I can get my house sooner rather than later but as low of a house payment as possible so I don't have to work for the rest of my life! So I am painting them, getting new tires and new seats. They'll be presentable.

Hope everyone has a great evening!!!

jbbm 11-12-2003 04:56 PM

Hi girls

I thought I would introduce myself. I am Julie a sahm of two!
I have spoken with Karen and Spryng before but I just wanted to say hello to everyone else. I usually post on another thread but I often check in here and you guys seem like a great bunch of girls and sometimes it is nice to have support from other sahm's. I am about 20 pounds from my goal weight. It is a real struggle but I think I will get there. At this point I am trying to cut down on the bad carbs and do portion control.

Spryng your salsa chicken sounds great! Can I ask do you use frozen chicken breast or do you have to defrost them first? Thanks so much for the reply.

Looking foward to talking with you all. Julie:)

K2BMe 11-12-2003 07:16 PM

Spryng, I'd say the peak of the contraction lasts less than 30 seconds. The entire thing is over in 1 min I am guessing. I haven't timed the length of the contraction. But yes they are painful. If I sit or lie it makes me want to scream. But if I walk during them it is more bearable.
Hoss finally made it home. Just in time. the water was up to the bellies on the livestock. He saved the day. I'm so thankful.
Some stress has subsided now that he is here. We had a quiet dinner and everyone is starting to settle.
Thanks for the hugs Jen and the understanding it means alot. I'm interested to learn more about you having surgery. Its great that you can be so up-beat about this. I'd prolly freak. Having any surgery freaks me out!
Candy glad you enjoyed the photos. Is that you and your dd in your advitar? darling if it is. Wish I could help you with your images. I know a site I'll post the link later I have to look it up where you can resize images. It might help you. Hope everything comes out with your Dd. Did your mother have to have surgery to correct her double kidney?
Julie, welcome! hope to see you postig often. Its a great bunch here and tons of support.

ECmom 11-12-2003 08:37 PM

My gosh, what a busy day here!

Michele- girl, you amaze me! Contractions up the ying-yang and you are still posting. I am so glad that Dh made it home~ and you have not been bellyachin' at all! Hang in there and big hugs- I hope that the contractions are not too intense.

Julie- Welcome!!!!!!:) This is a great bunch of ladies here- and you'll love them all. We do get a bit silly at times........but the company and encouragement is great. I look foward to getting to know you better.

Candy- I loved your picture!!!! What a pretty lady you are and with a cute baby! Keep us informed with Dd and her urinary problems.....I have had 2 Dd's with reflux, and am fortunately or not, familiar with all the tests and whatnot of pediatric urology.
Hope your bikes came out well! BTW- the crockpot is such a huge time saver......dinner cooks itself, I would be lost w/o mine!

Jen- big hugs to you. You seem calm about your surgery~ I will pray for continued grace and peace about it. Let us know how you are doing- and feeling. I know that thyroid is responsible for some peoples weight issues, maybe losing will be easier post op?
Glad that you had a nice day. Don't work too hard!!!!!

Emily- congrats on the 5# loss!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!

Spryng- thanks for putting on the recipe again- I think I might have that for dinner tomorrow nite (have 90% of the ingredients already). Any news on FIL??????? When is Dh due home (Friday, right?)

Karen- gee, this is going to sound a lot like my former "chats" with Jackie- TAKE YOUR VITAMINS!!!! With all the stress that your body has been thru, you need them!!! How did the allergist appt go?

As for me, Dh stayed home today, not feeling too well. He went to WW with me (he stayed in the car) and then helped me with the Walmart trip. So I only stayed for a few minutes for the meeting. And I got my walk in this am......in the rain (but it stopped towards the end.
Well, I finally broke the 150 barrier!!!:D I lost 3.8#, and now weigh 148!!! (and I am so excited!!!!!!!!) I set my WW goal for 142, the weight I concieved Dd #1 at and came home from the hospital with her at. It is a livable goal for me and I hope to undershoot it by 10#. But, it gets me out of paying for meetings sooner than 132 does.....;) . Todays meeting was about how people use their flex points. Seems like most folks had the same trouble as I did- getting all 35 points a week and going too low each day. Laura's advice was to save 15 points for the weekend- giving you and extra 3 points per day. Of course you can manage the points anyway you like, but after the discussion- it seemed that most people had naturally worked out a system like that and that was best. 20 points a day (which is where I am at now) is awfully low and hard to do on a daily basis.

WW tip #7- If vulnerable to snacking later in the evening, floss and brush your teeth. This will deter you from putting anything else into your mouth.

Gotta go- tomorrow will be sane.......well maybe!!!!!
Have a great nite.

need2losemore 11-12-2003 09:09 PM

starting a new thread, see you there

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