Started exercising

  • So i finally started exercising last night. I hope that i can keep this up. I really don't know anything about exercising and i refuse to go on a diet because everytime i do, i gain 20lb more after i lose 10 lb from the diet. But it felt great when i got back home from jogging
  • Keep on posting and we'll cheer you on!! Having a group of people who understand and who are in the same situation helps keep you motivated.

    Feel free to join us at the "one-week-at-time" challenge or the "21 day" challenge. We're a bunch of ladies trying to stay motivated with a goal. And we're all succeeding.

    Of coarse, there are many other threads here that are great also. Just pop in and start typing.. You'll be welcome with open arm!!

    Take Care
  • Thank you! i already feel so welcomed!
  • hi
    Well, this is my very first attempt at garnering support..I'm 24 and quite overweight- 240 and have been for about a year now...Exercise seems to be just about the only effective weight loss method for me..I tried low-carb but it hurt my intestional track and I've definately spent a few years with anorexia, which worked but not very well. As I know now it only slows down your ability to lose- I've even been an exercize addict, running 6 miles a day for seven days a week and hit points after which my body would not lose weight and I spent 8 months pushing it, until i realized...I was simply gaining more muscle and my body needs fat. But now I have a fabulous supportive boyfriend and he seems to have not only made me feel way better about my self, but also, alas allowed me to eat more bad foods and gain the most weight i've ever had...Strange how it works.. his bad eating habits, which don't effect his physique have caused me to swell from the 180 of mostly muscle when i met him to what i currently weigh. Well i suppose that's enough for my first post.. thanx everyone.
  • I too have a fabulos boyfriend as well. It's not fair that guys (well majority of them) can eat whatever they want and not gain a lb! He doesn't care what i look like at all, he supports me everyday and naggs me to exercise if i don't as well (cuz he told me that i either stop complaining and help myself, or have him nagg me, so guess what i chose?). If i don't exercise, i don't get any kisses...