March 2020 - Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome!

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  • March 2020

    Joe: I really like ice cream...if I have a choice, I try to get a lower fat variety like frozen yogurt. At the grocery store, I like Denali which is chocolate or vanilla with peanut butter cups and a chocolate swirl. I like butter pecan, too. So, with these I am getting fat from the nuts or chocolate. I like vanilla with caramel with nuts (like Baskin Robins).. I like those ice cream bars that have a layer of liquid caramel covered by chocolate. When I got a blizzard, I liked strawberries and pecans. When I got Ben & Jerry's (they learned to make ice cream at my university). I like New York Super Fudge Chunk (chocolate with different kinds of nuts and different kinds of fudge). They also had a cinnamon ice cream with oatmeal cookies and fudge chunks. Fortunately, I don't see these at the store anymore...I like sorbets like raspberry, mango, lemon, etc. Being fat free, they are not as satisfying. When I would buy those fat free ice cream sandwiches, I am never satisfied and end up eating all them within a couple of days. When I had Ben & Jerry's I could eat a quarter or a half a cup and be satisfied. I once attended a talk by a person who wrote a book about why French people eat chocolate and don't gain weight. He gave us each a square of dark Ghiradeli's (sp?) and told us to make it last an hour. For 6 months I did that. I would cut up my bonbons into teeny pieces...It is harder to do that with chocolate covered almonds...Oh, I also like mint chocolate chip......You got me started...

    Pixel: I have been thinking about all that stair climbing you did. I live near a city that has these steep hills. Sometimes they have races where people run up and down the steps of the hill or do the steps of a tall cathedral...A family member did these races where you bike up and down these steep hills. I feel fear when I drive up some of these steep hills. Anyway, I did garage staircases again yesterday, but only 2 flights...

    I was at 20.9 yesterday, but this am it was 20.1. I biked yesterday, did stairs and other knee exercises. Diet was okay except for a small sundae (I ate half and ate the rest 8 hours later) and some nutty cereal. I did not eat enough veggies yesterday...

    PIxel, Soon2B: the virus is getting closer here. It's in some counties 2.5 hours from my home...I think there's been a delay here because the big city near me has no international airport and no seacoast...

    Diana: Sometimes I lose after I eat big...I don't get it, but maybe my body gets in "starvation" mode and doesn't want to give up the weight. ...Just a rationale...
  • good morning! just had breakfast. will go for a power walk and run errands in a few minutes.
  • Good morning to all
    WI up again today....bit frustrated with that but mentally I know that for what ever reason Wednesdays seem to be my high day for the week, so weird I know
    WO boy the gym is getting to be a lonely place. But us die hard souls keep at it, I spray down the equipment before and after each use, I keep a cap over the spout of my drinking bottle and wash my 'rag' so to speak with hot soapy water after each day.

    Real downer is the sustainablilty expo I planned to attend this weekend has been cancelled, as well as the senior center where my mom plays cards. I do so hope they find a way to contain the virus soon. They are even closing a major part of one of the local malls. I think the first case locally to have a child test positive. I was really hoping that the little ones would not step infront of the virus train.

    Diana, I have those days sometimes more than I want to admit, but I log it all knowing it is just a tool to remind me of ...oh yeah, guess I had a bad day but I moved on.
    Teri, wow had no idea your passion for ice cream ran so deep, I do beleive you are now the resident expert
    yangzter, I too find the hours before bed as my danger zone. I have tried finding low cal snacks, I tried finding something to do with my hands (painting rocks) that worked for a bit, but like when I quit smoking I had to find something to do with the whole hand to mouth habit and that is what is boils down too. So far for me it is an uphill battle every night
    Rachel good for you for finding a way of tracking your water intake. I have a 24oz water container I use at work and a separate one for home. I fill it about 4-6 times during the day then at night I go through another 3-4. I know I am hydrated well LOL
    Jaimsy, I hate it when my schedule is off, it just messes with my entire day
    Pixel you should be celebrating you did not give into the higher fat meal...score a win in my book
    Soon2, I hope you day shapes up better for you, and don't stress over your thighs being bigger...think muscle definition!
    ciecie do you walk the same routes each day or are you able to vary up the landscape much?
  • good evening! got home from power walking and running errands in a nearby community about an hour ago. will go for another power walk and run another errand in a few minutes.
  • Hi Everyone!

    Total Approx 1515 calories +

    Breakfast ( 400 calories & )
    spritz olive oil in pan
    2 large eggs 140 calories
    veggies 60
    14 g. shredded cheese 50 calories
    1 piece thin sliced bread toasted 60 calories
    Fruit spread 30 calories
    juice equivalent to 60 calories
    coffee w/cream & monk fruit

    Lunch (415 Calories)
    2 pieces thin sliced bread 120 calories
    Smoked Turkey Breast 50 calories
    Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedge 35 calories
    Siggi's vanilla yogurt 110 calories
    fruit equal to approx 100 calories

    Dinner (700 Calories)
    salad w/grilled chicken & BHF's ranch 700 calories

    KCM's Lean Body Circuits, Upper w/8's, Lower w/8's, Boxing

    Have a Blessed evening!
  • Morning!

    Today - 69.7kg. Tried to run but it is sooooo cold and windy out. Plus my trainers are rubbing, I need to buy plaster's so hopefully they haven't all been panic bought off the shelves lol! Anyway, I got to the end of the road and turned back. Bin day and loads of bins had been blown over so I had to run in the road to avoid them, plus the cold, I just decided it was healthier to return home. But do feel guilty.

    Also, I fully intend to stock up on chocolate bars (no space in the freezer for ice cream) and caramel because if I get coronovirus the last thing I'm going to be doing is counting calories!

    Diana - how are you doing?

    Teri - sooo funny re ice cream. I told my husband if we win the lottery I want a soft-serve machine in our kitchen. Fact.

    Nancy - good on you, sticking with the gym. It's important to support businesses I think. I worry about restaurants etc and how they will manage if people stay in for weeks.

    Joe - I weigh myself in the evening as well as morning. I don't keep track of it, it's just for my own awareness. I weigh after dinner. I find weighing before settling into the evening TV watching helps me focus and not binge so much on chocolate and nibbles. Plus flavoured fizzy water is quite nice, you can (sort of) pretend it's boozy and if you drink a whole litre bottle it does fill you up and it takes time to drink so that keeps you busy... can't drink and eat at the same time lol!

    Rachel - hope you (and the pets) are all doing ok as well :-)

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning
    Jaimsy, Would "plasters" be what we call band-aids? So interesting the cultural differences in words

    My back is strained. Think I maybe did it when I was hauling around 3 pets to the vet?? So feel kind of immobile right now. No exercise yesterday. I'm not even sure about today? I took in 1355 calories yesterday on the NS Plan. Plugging along......

    Today's plan: NS Plan, 2 liters water, veggies, fiber, calcium, stretching exercises.
  • Got a nice little 2lb woosh today. I'll consider it my reward for not caving on the country fried chicken

    Teri000 - Those hills/stairs sound like torture! My knees are totally shot (genetic) so there's no way I could participate in that!
    nancylmrn - I can't make heads or tails out of my higher and lower days either. I hope it's a low day for you tomorrow, you're working so hard! I'm sorry about your cancellations, its really disappointing, even when you understand why.
    Jaimsy - Ouch! I like those squishy blister plasters, they work really well. Good on you for getting out there, even though its miserable you can't say you didn't try. We are big on self deprecating, sarcastic humour around here but we all love each other <3
    Rachel1234 - I hope your back feels better quickly
    Soon2BSlender - I've been tempted to, but I've never enjoyed cauliflower mash. I've tried, it's just pretending
    yangtzer - Reading keeps my mind busy, especially when the book is a page turner. Tv doesn't engage me as much and I feel snacky
    Diana3271- Good idea to give yourself a little break from weighing, and I hope the downward trend continues with your next weigh in
    ciecie - Are you able to just walk from your house for the errand running? I'm super jelly if so!
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    We are having a concert at church tonight. A choir is coming in. We will be feeding them before the event tonight. All of this was planned last year, before the virus threat came about. I have been put in charge of the dinner and making sure everything gets done. I probably won't be able to get a workout in today. Tomorrow morning we will be feeding the choir for breakfast before they leave for their next stop. I am also in charge of that. I have rescheduled my hair appointment for tomorrow evening. I doubt I will get a workout in tomorrow either. Lots going on!

    Jaimsy I am ready for a day off! See above. Thank you for asking.

    Last night: Basic stretches
    This morning: Oxycise

    Calories for yesterday: 1515 +
    No weigh in

    Have a Blessed day!

    This needs to be my devotion, every single day!

    Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

    March 12

    2 Chronicles 15:2
    '. . .The Lord is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek him, he will be found of you; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you.'

    In this day and age, promises are made easily and just as easily broken. We promise ourselves that we are going to lose weight, then we turn around and cheat at every possible chance. For this reason, we ought to include God in our diets. Whereas we might break promises that we make to ourselves, we stand a much better chance of keeping the promises we make to God. When we break promises to ourselves, we have no one to answer to, but when we break our promises to God, He expects us to explain. Promising God that we will lose weight makes dieting much easier.

    Today's thought: I will lose weight for God's sake!
  • Good morning to all
    WI down today, (wednesday is always my high day, thur is the drop that never sticks LOL)
    WO boy the gym is scarce but that is ok, got my workout in

    Todays meals are planned, but I feel like I need to work on my weekend meal planning. This seems to be a problem area for me, so many temptations if we go out to eat. Now with the virus restrictions around here dinning out is not quite as tempting.
    PIxel congrats on your woosh.....I feel like you should do a happy dance from one end of the room to the other
    Diana, that sounds like a lot of work and good for you to take it on and good for the chior for traveling
    Rachel I am sorry about your back, please rest it. Exercise is only 10-20% of a factor in weight loss----read that somewhere and really am not sure if it is true. I do it more to keep from losing what muscle I have **muscle burns more calories i.e.= can eat more yummy food-that is my motivation LOL
    Jaimsy I have to give you kudos for going out and giving it a try today....I would have looked out the window and go...nope not gunna do it

    back (I hope) later today for more
  • Good morning!

    I'm in at 105 today so things are moving in the right direction again. Hopefully, I'll soon be back to where I was last month.

    Pixel congratulations on your woosh! I haven't had one in a while, but it's such a nice feeling.
    Nancy Even if it doesn't stick, congratulations on being down today. Do you eat particularly salty meals Tuesday or Wednesday?
    Rachel I'm sorry to hear about your back. Take it easy and don't push yourself to workout too soon. You don't want to further irritate an injury.
    Jaimsy I love the idea of stocking up on sweets.
  • March 2020
    Good Morning!

    I worked out this am and went back to sleep. I did not bike yesterday, but I biked today and did steps. I need to do some other exercise...Diet was okay except for a sundae, sweetened yogurt with sprinkles, 12 cinnamon jelly beans and 1 chocolate covered coconut almond. I am back to a 18.8 wt. loss. Oh well.

    Nancy, Pixel: I was really good at making desserts as a teenager. The first recipe I learned to cook was fudge when I was in grade school. When I was on a sports team in H.S., at home meets everyone had to bring a can imagine 20 desserts every week during the competitive season. And back then everything was homemade. ...I told a family member that I was going to participate in a cooking group at the end of this month...They perked up...thought I said cookie group. This is how my family thinks... I had a gym teacher/health teacher in H.S. who told us her family only had dessert once a week after Sunday dinner. ...We teenagers all laughed...

    Pixel: I don't think extreme stair races are very healthy...2 lbs. Yeah!

    Diana: I hope you get lots of help, so you are not overwhelmed...Food events can be tricky for me...

    Rachel: Hope it is one of those overnight recoveries.

    Jaimsy: I asked for an ice shaver for Xmas, because I wanted to make frappes at home...and try stevia in lieu of sugar. But I did not get it. I don't know if stevia is good for me...Sometimes I get headaches...

    CieCie: I like how you keep moving...

    On fried chicken: Al Roker had a pecan chicken recipe he used when he lost a lot of weight. I never tried it, but I think it is on line. I think it is baked...
  • Teri I'm going to need to find that pecan chicken recipe. All this talk of fried chicken has given me a craving!
  • Hello all, I'm finally home! Got back at 5:45 this morning. Let me recap as best I can--it'll be long so I'll start up with personal greetings again tomorrow. Chicago was great! We did some of the best museums and I got to visit my parents' old stomping grounds (they met and married in Chicago), so that was a lot of fun.

    Breakfast: 1 slice toast w/ mascarpone, apricot, pistachios
    Snack: 1/2 lara bar
    Lunch: pesto tomato sandwich, smoothie, caesar salad
    Snack: 1 scoop ice cream
    Dinner: can't remember
    Exercise: 6 hours of shopping, 3 hours of teaching. active all day

    Breakfast: 2 muffins, milk?
    Lunch: 5 mozzarella sticks, 1 pack fruit snacks, something else I can't remember... I was running from thing to thing so whatever I could stuff in my mouth in 10 min
    Dinner: can't remember, but it was small
    Midnight snack: 1 toast w/ mascarpone etc (3am trains mess with the schedule)
    Exercise: >1.5 miles walking, 2.75 hours taking class and rehearsal

    Breakfast: 3 muffins
    Snack: 1 slice pb toast
    Lunch: cinnamon roll french toast, home fries
    Dinner: 1 slice deep dish pizza stuffed with veggies, donut
    Exercise: 7 miles walking

    Breakfast: 2 muffins
    Lunch: grilled cheese w/ avocado and tomato, lentil soup, french fries
    Snack: donut, 4 mini scones
    Dinner: baked salmon w/ roasted veggies, couscous, ?more mini scones?
    Exercise: 7-8 miles walking

    Breakfast: kefir, 3? mini scones (380 cal total)
    Lunch: sunchips/greek yogurt, baguette w/ nutella (haha yes really, the nutella cafe is a thing)
    Dinner: lasagna, apple w/ cheese
    Midnight snacks: 3 mini scones, protein bar (again with the overnight train, sigh)
    Exercise: 10 miles walking

    Breakfast: 1 muffin, milk
    Lunch: 4 mozzarella sticks, blueberry smoothie, 1 pack fruit snacks
    Dinner TBA
    Exercise: are you kidding me, I'm resting today lol

    wow, that was a novel, but I really wanted to make sure I kept the recording habit. It was great to eat all that delicious food but my body is pretty excited to go back to normal eating now. The only thing I regret is snacking on those scones instead of more healthy snacks. I didn't always succeed, but I tried really hard to keep getting vegetables in my diet wherever I could manage.
  • The recent news headlines really stressed me out. Hope I won't cope with food