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redballoon 09-19-2003 08:20 AM

a long, long day
Hello everyone. This is just a flyby post because I'm exhausted but just wanted to say Hi.

I had a good leg workout in the gym this morning and then went to work a long day in the paper and then another parttime job after that. So I'm really beat. I've been reading all your posts though and will catch up soon.

I hope none of you were affected by the hurricane. I have family and friends in its path. Sure hope they're OK.

My one "up" thing today was that at the gym (I usually go to another branch now and haven't been to this one in a good week, maybe two) someone I know said I looked like I'd lost weight, that my face looked totally different. Wow! I had been feeling frustrated because the scale is up! even though I know I've lost fat. I mean, Ok, I know it's probably muscle but I would like to see the scale moving down because it has to at some time because I still have a lot of fat on me. This is the problem with being around bodybuilders all the time. It's not just a matter of being NOT fat. It's like anorexia with muscle. And the Tokyo contests are next week and Japan nationals are Oct. 12. So they're all so ripped now. But this is all beside the point. I DO have a ton of real fat fat on me still. Anyhow, I guess the changes are happening. At least I've lost fat, if not weight.

Ok, I'm turning in! Will try to catch up real soon. Best to you all! :wave:

Dips'n'twists 09-19-2003 09:09 AM

Way to go RED!!

You know, it always happens that everyone else notices your weight loss before you do. I think because we obsess and look in the mirror daily we don't really notice how much we've changed. as opposed to others who don't really pay attention until they see a noticable difference. I know exactly how you feel though because I do see difference in my appearance but I just can't get into the 130s' to save my life. I'm hovering in the 140-142 zone and I'm stuck! All I can do though is press forward. I really want this for myself as I'm sure you want very much to accomplish your goal. I'm here rootin' for ya girl so kep it up and your scale will start to agree with your appearance :)

I'm psyching myself up for evening aerobics, It's friday and I really want to lounge today but I have to think about Mickey Mouse and how disapointed I would be if I didn't give it my all before my vacation.

Everyone have an excellent weekend, I'll be peeking in.


PhotogirlTX 09-19-2003 09:12 AM

Thanks For the Warm Welcome!
Good Morning all! Well... I am about ready to throw my scale out... for a few days anyway. Still a frustating week, week and a half actually... of not losing ANYTHING! I've stayed OP and I've exercised every day.... why do we get such a great feeling when the numbers go down... but feel anxious and stressed when they don't budge or go up????? Anyway...

I did good last night.. I did my hour on the treadmill... about 4.30 miles. I also did my abs video and a few side kicks. I just keep telling myself.... keep it up, an results will happen.... I do feel like I am looking better even from the first of the month when I started... so that is keeping me motivated to stay OP and to keep up with my exercising!

Red Balloon.... isn't that just great when someone notices??? That is an even better feeling that seeing that darn scale move!

Noelle... I hope you dog comes home and recovers quickly.... I wouldn't have known what to do in that situation.... Thank goodness he is still alive, and so are you!

Julie.. I am in the same boat as you.. staying OP, exercising and the *$#% scale says I have gained! Just keep up the awesome work, and it will turn itself around soon!

Angie.. I hope you start feeling better... I have been fighting a cold since last Friday.... I lost my voice last weekend, and just felt like crap... but I have continued working out, not sure if that has helped or been counterproductive... but hopefully you will feel better fast!

Dips... Italy... that is where my dream vacation is... I bet you love it there....

Kempy... so you are the tall Amazon woman of the group? Hahaha... I wish at times I were taller.... always been envious of the taller ladies...

Oh well.. I am here at work, so I better get busy.. I have two payrolls running next Monday and Tuesday... and not even close to having them complete!

Take are everyone and have a wonderful Friday!


chikitababe 09-19-2003 09:26 AM

Hey Ladies! WHEW, I have a lot of catching up to do!! My foot is getting better, and I have been walking some, though not as much as before I injured my foot. I am having a "real" weight dilema. I weighed myself on Wednesday, at home, first thing in the morning, without clothes, and it said 146.5. I took my son to the dr. later in the afternoon, and decided to weigh myself on their scales; it said 145, clothes and all. So, am not sure what my "real" weight is, scale at home still says 146.5. I have to be honest, though my goal weight is currently 140, I would LOVE to be 130.

On the down side, I was laid off from work last Friday :(. We just got the commitment letter for our house on Monday. Hubby and I figured it out, and we should be ok so long as I don't stay out of work too long. I am the office manager for a construction company, and things are really slow right now. My boss is hoping to have me come back within the next month. So, for now, I am at home with my 2 year old and 3 1/2 year old, fun, but, boy, do I get stressed, LOL! I am finding that it is harder for me to stay OP when I am at home bc the fridge and oven are constantly within reach :(. Also, it doesn't help that it is my TOM. This week has been pretty much a bust on the food end, though I have exercised daily.

I hope everyone is having a good day, and if you are in the path of the storm, please stay inside and be careful. Here in NY, so far, the worst has been the wind. The plastic around my air conditioners blew out, and I tried to retape it, but, it is soooo windy!


angieME 09-19-2003 09:55 AM

Good Morning!! Noelle, I am glad Kai came home already. I am sure the bill will be unreal also. Gotta love the bills. I stopped journaling because of the new format and because I wasnt really dieting too. I still dont like the format but I figured i would give it a try anyways. So far so good. I had a little run in with the pretzels last night but nothing I would consider too bad. So as far as I am concerned so far so good.

Red, congrats on others noticing your weightloss. I'll bet that made your day. You deserve it though you have been working hard.

Dips, You sound like you are starting to get really excited about coming home now that it is getting closer. M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E !!!! Is it fun there or just really really busy? I would go but I dont really like overcrowded places. I heard the wait is likle an hour for a ride. I want to swim with the dolphins so bad while we are there but it would cost $1200.00 for my family to do it. YIKES!!! I told Jay to buy me a ticket and him and the kids can stay out in the parking lot while I go in. :lol: :lol:

Cheri, that is why i havent weighed myself this week. I know if it doesnt say what I want it to then i will use it as an excuse to eat out this weekend. :lol: I know I feel better but I also know the scales dont like to cooperate. I will bet that when the scale does move for you the numbers are gonna shock you at how big a jump down they take. You will get there girl.

Holly, Hey girl. I would take the doctors scales and set yours to them(Unless they are digital). I always weigh in at the doctors and then go home and make sure mine match up. Mine are digital and they match up every time. I am sorry you got laid off from work. I hope you can get back to work soon.

We wnet for a walk this morning and there was a dead squirrel in the road so I took the dogs over to see it. Their idea of a walk is to scope out squirrels and then act like maniacs. So Candi tried to get the squirrel in the road. the pig so I had to drag them home. My wrist hurts now. :lol: My throat is still scratchy.

Kempyd 09-19-2003 10:20 AM

Dips I don't mind the comment. I actually like it. I am taking it to mean that I have great posture and I am hard to the touch. :lol:

Red you and I had the same day as far as having someone tell us that we looked different. Mine was a doctor that comes here to workout that I havn't seen in awhile. I was wokring out and he started to talk to me and made the comment that he could tell that I had really been working out. :cb: I told him Joe would be thankful b/c now I could stop hounding him to tell me if I look different.

Holly remember you are probably holding water. If it is time for TOM I can almost be certain. I had a gilr at work talk to me yesterday about her being so bloated right now. I usually gain 5 lbs for the 6 days right before my period. yuck! Don't give up. Sorry to hear about your job but I know that everything will be ok for you. :goodvibes: I am sending these to you.

Cherie you did great on you workout. How long have you been wokring on this part of your journey?

Noelle I wonder if your vet will let you make payments. Ours does. It is almost $100 just to take Echo to get a few shots. I remember how much I paid when my little kitty was sick last year. We paid a large bill with him but we were able to make payments.

Angie be sure you take your vitamins. You can't be getting sick on us. How is your weather today up there. Was this the weekend that you were supposed to go on your trip.

If I missed you I am sorry but i do need to get a few things done at work today. I'll be back later.

angieME 09-19-2003 10:41 AM

I was supposed to go to New Hampshire this weekend but we decided to cancel when we heard about the hurricane. It didnt make any sense to go to Santas Village while it was raining. I had to give a weeks notice for cancelling so we just decided not to bother. We had too many people going anyway. I think next weekend we are going to go down just us and the kids and go hiking for the day.

angieME 09-19-2003 10:50 AM

Here is the link to the first thread that Me,Kempy and Chris did together. We all sounded so different back then. Our one year anniversary is on October 10!!!! Noelle, I am still trying to find the post when you joined us....


angieME 09-19-2003 10:58 AM

Noelle joined us on December 3. I guess we have 2 anniversaries(sp) That doesnt look right, is it?

Kempyd 09-19-2003 11:11 AM

Wow Angie nothing like a stroll down memory lane. I almost forgot about Jenn. I remember she was from Pensacola, FLa adn her ex hubby was really sick. I knew she was having a hard time with everything too.

That is so cool that you found that. When Iwin the trip from Blue Bunny I will take you and Jay along with me and Joe and we will get to meet Noelle. That would be so cool.

jackieO 09-19-2003 11:26 AM

Hey Everybody!!!! Sorry I did not post yesterday..was out of my office for a workshop. I did not read all of the posts, but it sounds like you are all doing well..

noelle- I hope your dog recovers quickly. What a horrible story!

Red- Glad to see that someone is noticing all your hard work and efforts. We see ourselves in the mirror everyday, so often we are the last to notice any change. I am proud of you for your healthy eating and devotion to your workouts!

Dips- Good for you on staying focused on working out to the very last minute before your trip..I hope your workouts pay off in the form of that darn scale finally budging. I know how frustrating it can be. Thanks for putting the Doritos episode in perspective for me!!

To everyone else, Have a Fabulous Friday. I will check back when I have a little more time. For now, my goal this weekend is to stay on track and exercise portion control when eating out. That is so difficult for me...

angieME 09-19-2003 12:18 PM

That would be cool! We could all have so much fun!

I am freezing today. It isnt even cold outside but I am cold.

Jackie, we can make it through the weekend. I am going to try really hard this weekend myself. I want to get back to feeling totally great and I am afraid Wendy's doesnt help me in the long run. :lol:

Gotta go to work. TTYL

jbbm 09-19-2003 01:00 PM

Happy Friday Ladies
Red that is so great that somenone noticed your loss! That is a wonderful feeling and adds motivation to keep going.

Kempy , Chirs, Angie, and Noelle you guys have been together a year!!!! Thats wonderful. THis is such a great place to get support. We all are in the same boat. I just really appreciate this board. Its hard to find someone with the same goal.

Noelle I am glad that your dog gets to come home. When my dog stayed at the vet overnight I was so worried because he was such the nervous type.

Hi cherie and welcome this is such a wonderful board!!!!

Dips thanks for the support. Thats the word I needed to hear was GOAL.

Holly so sorry to hear about your job. It is so rough out there for so many people.
Well take care everyone Hi to anyone I missed. Julie

jbbm 09-19-2003 01:11 PM

Kempy congrats on that doc to take notice! That has got to feel so great. Have good day girl!!!! Julie

melekalikimaka 09-19-2003 03:14 PM

I remember my first post with Angie/Kempy/Chris and Jen was on "Tough Chicks at Large" :lol: . We've gone through a bunch of names and such but we stuck together through it all and now we're "Weighty Issues" . Angie thanks for putting that link in there, I scrolled through it and will go back later to read up more on your history "BN" before Noelle :lol: .

OMG we went and picked up Kai yesterday and the bill was $1160, not including follow up visits of which there are sure to be at least 4. My sister put it on her credit card since she can get frequent flier miles. Now begins the process of trying to recoup expenses from the other dog owner...wish me luck! Thanks everyone for your concern.

:wave: Holly, glad to hear from you. Foot getting better = :D . Out of work = :( . Home with kids = :dizzy: . Commitment letter for a new house = :dancer: . All in all good to have you back :grouphug: ! The construction industry is tough ain't it? I used to work for a construction equipment rental and material supplier firm so we were always affected by the increase and decrease of work. Sending good vibes your way.

Kempy/Angie I sure hope you win that BB trip to Hawaii sweepstakes. I mean, neither of us won the FineLiving Maine beach house in August, so we'll have to cross our fingers for the Hawaii trip.

Cherie, like Angie said I'm sure you'll have a big drop real soon, just keep at it. My advice (not that you asked) is to drink as much water as you can. You'll be peeing like mad but it'll be worth it.

Red, you go girl :strong:

Dips, 5 more days :jig: and bye-bye furniture. Say hi to Mickey for me, tell him I'll try and visit next summer.

Julie, how's it going for you today?

Hello to everyone else and here's wishing a great Friday (or Saturday) to all- -stay safe!

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