300+ And Ready to try again...#386

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  • God Bless America!

    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We recently started a Topic of the Day.

    Monday........Motivation Monday
    Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
    Thursday......Thankful Thursday
    Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
    Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

    We chat on Wednesday and Saturday at 8:30 EST, 7:30 CST.

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

  • I was tempted not to post here so we could here from our resident posting police officer...Oh Miss Sandy...where are you?? Are you out having a good time??? Must be taking care of those cutie kids of yours!!

    This is just going to be a quickie...I need to head to bed. We just got home from our date night out! It was quite liberating! We went to dinner where I ate way more than I should have, then visited with John's dad's lady friend, June, we haven't seen her since the funeral, then we met friend for a couple of drinks. Then.....I had to drive the babysitter home. She is the daughter of one of my co-workers. Its the first time she babysat and Andrew really likes her. She said he was really good after we left...he was so easy! My little devil child so sweet and easy? Geesh....why can't he be like that to me? anyway...she liked him so much she kept stressing that she would babysit any time we needed her too!! So....looks like we have a permanent sitter so we can go out more often! Our last one...the sister of a friend of ours got a job for the summer so she's not babysitting anymore!

    Ok Kat...Peddler's Village it is...Saturdays are ok with me, how about you Barbara???? Only ones I can't do are Sept. 6th, surprise 40th birthday party for John's youngest brother, and Sept. 13th because my parents will be here that weekend for Andrew's birthday party and oh, August 30th because we have a graduation party to go to for John's nephew who graduated college!! Phew...what a social calendar!! And let me know if you want it girls only or if you want to meet Andrew...I won't be offended either way...his dad is off on saturdays so he can stay home. My spoiled little brat!! I call him John's demon seed now! LOL.

    Tina just wanted to let you know you always bring a smile to my face! I love you girl!! I will get this weight thing under control again soon...I thought I was ready last month but something just didn't click!

    Ok you guys...I gotta hit the hay...my eyes are slits right now. I will be back tomorrow to catch up with the rest of you

    TTFN Michelle
  • Hey everyone

    We had a really fun time tonight. Our county fair is going on right now, and we took the girls, one of their friends, and my dad there tonight. I've been helping run a booth to advertise our new BMX track here in town, but there hadn't been a chance for me to see the fair yet. Anyway, we had a great time and I managed to somehow stay away from all the goodies. I did have a gyro, but I had saved up carbs from other meals today by eating more free foods, and I'm fairly sure I'm still OP. It felt great to have us all together and enjoying an evening out.

    I'm about to pass out at the keyboard, so I'll have to come back tomorrow and do major congrats to all the Phat Losers around this thread. You are all so amazing!

  • Announcement!!
    First off..... before I make my announcement, let me explain the "Big n Tasty" for those that may not be aware. One night, dh and I were having "marital relations." Right after it we were finished and the dismount was performed, (I love saying that) he said: "Hey...did you know that McDonalds has the Big n Tasty for .99 cents?" No bliss.... No laying there treasuring the moment.... Nothing. There was just something NOT right about the words big, tasty and .99 cents that did not sit well with me after our "time together". Anyways.... from that time forward, all of us girls refer to "it" as the big n tasty!

    Now onto the announcement:

    I am without a computer.

    I am very upset about this. I'm at work typing this right now. I was on the internet last night looking up some pictures and the computer just died. It was like someone just turned the power off. I tried to cut it back on from the CPU button and it wouldn't come on. It was like it was dead. So, I moved the desk out and cut the power and cut it back on and it came on. So.... we thought it was just a power surge or something like that. Well, it came on long enough for scandisk to run and turned itself off again. The weird thing about it, is that you can't turn it back on by pushing the button on the CPU. You have to turn the power source cord off and on and then it will come back up. So I turned it back on and this time it didn't even run long enough for scandisk to run before it shut itself off. We called Gateway and (isn't this lovely) the guy on the phone said, "Oh, I know exactly what your problem is and I can tell you exactly how to fix it.....it's in the power settings. You need to go into your bios (whatever that is) and change something............however, since you're no longer under warranty, I can't help you. But I CAN give you the number to extended warranty and you can purchase one and then call me back. So, he transferred us to them and they said, "That will be $150.00 bucks please." So, not having $150.00 bucks just laying around and not knowing if that is truly even the problem....we just hung up, more discouraged than ever.

    So.... if you don't see me on as much. That is why. It's not that I don't care or love you guys.... I just can't until we can afford to take it somewhere to see what the crap is going on with it. I will still be able to post from work though....so at least that's something.

    I'm going to hop off here for now and I won't be here tomorrow since I'm off from work, but I will see you guys on Monday. Please know I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful OP day and week!
  • Good Morning Girls,

    I was MIA yesterday from this post and all of you have been doing some yacking!!!!

    Tina, a big and tasty hmmmm? sounds good to me, the that is, not too much interested in the other these days you asked what kind of plan I am on...I see a dietician once a month, and she wrote out a food plan for me 2300 cal a day, 3 meals and 2 snacks, I dont get 2300 calories a day, because believe it or not, the meals and snacks are more filling than what I did before, before "in my other life", I would skip meals then eat high fat foods (junk food), and McDonalds, bk Taco Bell, you know the drill.....the nutritionist says that as I lose weight the calories will decrease. but like I said I seem to be doing well with what I am on now...mostly common sense stuff. I eat absolutely nothing fried!!! I eat fruit everyday, and try to get in as many veggies as I can, dont do as well with that as I would like though, I have changed to 1% milk (from 2%) cant do the skim, will just cut back somewherelse...and of course the exercising, I do it 6 days a wk. The WATP tape, I am up to 1.5 miles, and I also walk in the evernings a few days a wk after work with a co-worker. thats the plan..feeling great!!! and I have soooo much more energy!!

    Andria, the fair sounds like fun, havent done that in such a long time

    duckie: clicked on pictures and got error has occured, but I am sure you had a marvelous time, I love the mountains....wish I was there right now.

    youhooo Sandy where are you????? miss you girl!!
  • Quote of the Day....
    There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.

    George Sand
    (1804-1876, French Novelist)
  • Duckie
    It won't let me in cause " I am not the owner of the pics"????
  • I couldn't get in either...

    Michelle...Peddler's Village in the fall is SO nice! I can't wait...I'm not sure of schedules yet...so far I have nothing planned, but once school and scouts start up, you never know...I'll keep you posted!

    Pam, your plan sounds like a keeper...one you can follow for the rest of your life without too much pain! You are doing great!

    Andria...the country fair sounds so nice! I hope you get to see some more of it! mmmm...GYRO!

    COME ON, EVERYONE...we're going to Oklahoma!! Lots of bargains to be found at 2cute's garage sale!

    Wouldn't that be a hoot?
  • Kat, We would drive up to 2Cute's house and "shop" the garage sale. Walk around, talk - - - see if she notices any accents!!!!

    Then yell

    S U R P R I S E
  • Hey there chicklets,

    Michelle: I only missed yesterday posting, did you miss me that much? Bestill my heart she loves me.... . Sounds like you found a keeper for a babysitter. I have one this year for the summer, it's actually hubbys cousin and she is wonderful. She plays with Alexis and they play dress up and do their nails, she is just wonderful and I don't have a worry when she is sitting for me. So, do you and John have date night weekly? I am almost thinking I need to pencil me and hubby in like that sometimes, seems like the days fly byand we are only a goodmorning, how was your day, good supper, and goodnight. But my biggest gripe is I wish the man would help out around the house!!! I can't understand how 2 adults and 2 kids and 2 dogs, 1 cat and 2 hamsters make such a mess in one house. I swear they are all piglets not humans.... I would go on strike, but I can't stand the mess.

    Tina: Hope there is nothing too wrong with the computer. Hope there is someone local you can take it to and they can at least look at it? We had a gateway at work that started doing that one day too, and we had to take it in a local shop and they did something to fix the settings and it only cost us $35.00. So good luck with it.

    Pam: Your plan sounds great! And the best thing of all it is working for you. I need to find that little thing in my head again to start me back on the right track again.

    2cute: $225 wowzers thats great. Yup one mans junk.....hope you did as well today. So you said you went swimming at home, you have a pool.....I want a pool at home too. Been bugging hubby for one. Is it in the ground or above?

    Andria: Our local fairs start next week, I just love going to them and looking at all the agricultural tents and stuff. Boy don't I feel old saying that, I used to love to go on the rides and play the games......now, it's my kids that do that, and boy you can spend some money with 2 kids in tow.

    Duckie: Guess they have all told you it's a no go on the pics. would love to see them though.

    Lucky: Loved the little comment about walking to 2Cutes garage sale and talking and seeing if she notices the accents. I talked with Amanda on the phone the other day and she has no accent at all, but she said I have one and I talk way to fast.....but yes, I have always talked fast and people tell me to s l o w down.....

    Deb: Sorry I missed your B-day....hope you had a fun filled day.

    Okay girls, gonna run now. I've been at the ER most of the day with my sil, they finally decided she has a bowel infection of some sort. I guess it is some virus thing going around. but we were there for 5 hours.....ugh...I hate The ER...

  • Hey anybody miss me. I'm here
  • Mary,
    I always miss you!!!!....
  • HELP ... need info ASAP
    HELP !!!! A.S.A.P.

    I had this happen to me... and I read somewhere that one symptom of gout is a Throbbing PAIN in your big toe. Often spreads to the other toes. Can anyone give me info on gout... and what to do about it. I need this info ASAP. My sister woke up with this severe pain in her big toe... and now it is spreading to her other toes.
  • Hi Chickies!

    Okay, quick post on qout...Dad has it. It does start in the big toe and it has spread to the rest of his foot. It can spread up the leg.It's call the disease of Kings because it's usually caused by a rich diet. We used to have a farm stand when I was a kid....one of the cures/aides to gout are cherries. Red cherries are good but white/Queen Anne cherries are better. Used to have customers coming in for them all the time. Dad was also given medication for it but I'm not sure of the name. I think if you change diet (reduce sodium, alchol, high fat) that it will help. Oh yeah, and your supposed to stay away from Tomatoes...licopean triggers it too.

    Hope this helps and hope your sis gets better.

  • Sandy I miss everyone's posts! I enjoy reading whats going on in everyone's days! And I am with you on the husband helping with the kids and housework thing. John will do anything I ask him to but WHY do I have to ask...can't he just do it on his own? He knows it has to be done! Geeesh...men!!

    Mary I miss you too! You don't post much anymore! You are such a busy beaver!! You peek in and run!

    Lucky I think you all would have to drive DOWN to 2Cute's house, and on your way stop and pick me up too! I always say that too to my parents...why don't you drive up here...they are up from me...Rhode Island is much farther North then Pennsylvania is! LOL

    Kat Peddler's Village it is...I think they have an apple festival in the fall and in October a Scarecrow festival...I'll check out the website and maybe we can coordinate with Barbara for a saturday that we can all make!! That would be so much fun....I am still planning on meeting Barbara in two weeks!!

    Tina don't you hate that.....when computers fail us? Its like a line of oxygen has been cut off!

    Andria aren't country fairs fun? I use to go all the time with my mother and nephew when I was still back home. No matter how old you get you never outgrow them....

    Pam it sounds like you got the exercise thing going for you. Thats the key to losing the weight. It seems to help it come off quicker...don't know why...wish there was something else instead of exercise that helps! Wishful thinking sure don't help!! Your plan seems like a good one too! I am still struggling with food right now. I have good intentions then come 10 a.m. and its taken a curve for the worse!!

    Duckie...the pics didn't work for me either...maybe you can try it again. I would love to see them!!

    I popped into chat a few minutes ago and no one was there...I kinda got caught up in watch a cartoon..As told by Ginger...with Andrew and I really liked it...I didn't realize that is was already 9:30! I completely forgot about Chat...which isn't anything new! My brain is like a colander these days!

    Anyways...I told you we just put down new carpeting in the house...well today we went out and bought Andrew a new bed. John wanted bunk beds so when he has friends stay over and I wanted a full size bed for him and wouldn't you know they make bunk beds with the bottom one a full size and the top a twin! Who would have known! LOL....plus it has two storage drawers underneath too! Its going to be delivered next saturday...I can't wait! Maybe he will stay in his own bed now...sometimes he ends up sleeping on the couch...he wakes up in the middle of the night and wants to come in our bed...I can't sleep with him he is all over the bed and kicks and turns and sometimes he snores...two snoring men in my bed just don't cut it!! I can't believe that kids beds cost $1000 either! By the time you get the mattresses its just as much as the darn bed!! But this bed should last him a long long time cause the top bunk comes off and when he is older he will still have a full size bed to use.

    Ok enough of me babbling for now! I will talk at you all again tomorrow I am sure!

    Oh wait..one more thing...I found this new grocery store in Northeast Philly and it is sooo cheap! I can't believe it! I bought apples there for .48 a pound, bananas .32 lb, and tons of other stuff really cheap! Its called Food Basics! I love a good deal!

    TTFN Michelle