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pjkdreamer 08-06-2003 12:39 PM

Good day Ladies!

hope all of you are well! just finished my watp tape another 1.5 miles behind me!! weigh in Tomorrow!!!
:cb: :cp: :cb: :cp:

Yesterday when I got to work, my mom called right after I clocked in (knew immediately something was wrong because my family never calls me at work), my sister had lost her job after 14 yrs!!! at K-mart, that should tell you something!! Anyway I called her and she was just sitting in the parking lot crying and screaming, it really devastated her, she had already had her hours cut (they were doing that to several people!), and she had already been applying for jobs and has an interview today, she started looking when K-mart filed for bankruptcy. Anyway, I wanted to be with her because I was worried about her, she has had a hard time lately, and I am concerned about her. There is only the 5 of us, my mom, my sis and my two neices we are close. She went this am and applied for her unemployment, and she has an interview set up for this afternoon. she had been applying for a while and has had some prospects, she started applying when K-mart first started having $ problems...anyway, after that there was a highlight to our day... her godson celebrated his 16th birthday at Ruby Tuesdays, there were about 25 of us there, was fun to be out and around folks, and since I was scheduled to wrk yesterday i would have missed it!! So I had soup and salad, I was a good girl!!

:D :D there were cheescakes and hot fudge brownies all around but I did not indulge!!! feels so empowering to me to be able to do that!! and of course I was the heaviest person there!! but you know what I felt good inside because I knew what I was accomplishing!!

So...got to head back to work this afternoon, I am off tomorrow, and looking forward to my meeting with my dietician..will report in to all of you naturally!;)

Katrina, boat ride up the river and to the game sounds like fun..ENJOY!!:dance: thanks for your entry, I have Sarah's books too that one and simple abundance, and the Discovery Journal, it is a book of exercises and collages, (cutting and pasting), like scrapbooking), I have been working on it for a while. It is one of the tools I use now that I am on the road to a healthier and happier me!! thanks again!!!

Joe Anne, thanks for the email - will write you soon!! Love your website!!!! Congrats on your degree...you rock girl!!


all the rest of you, will try and catch up with you later! take care and have good afternoon!!!

LuckyLadyBug 08-06-2003 01:13 PM

All I have to say is:

QueenB 08-06-2003 02:38 PM

I object!
That is the thought of the day.

I object:

To phones that will not stop ringing.

To people that ask stupid questions.

To the radio station we listen to at work that plays the same music over and over and over. :dizzy:

To too much rain.

To a wet butt that will be mine when I leave work today because I left my window partially down.

To people that hang up on me.

To Lean Cuisine meals that do not taste like they advertise.

To people that are always late.

To grocery shopping after I've worked all day when dh was home all day and could have done it himself! :mad:

To messy living rooms and kitchens.

To dogs that will not stop barking.

To doing "supervisor" things and not getting paid for it.

To going to the bathroom and finding out my underwear is on backwards.

To being on my TOM and wanting to kill the world.

For all the above reasons and many, many more.....

I object!

katrinabgood 08-06-2003 04:47 PM


To going to the bathroom and finding out my underwear is on backwards.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I went to work one night and discovered that I had two different sneakers on...

Tina...I hope your day gets better! Go sit in the Tony room and meditate.

Pam, I hope things work out for your sister...BTW, good job on passing on all the goodies! YOU GO GIRL!

Barb and Michelle...I had a great idea as I was going to sleep last night...how close are you guys to New Hope? Wouldn't it be fun to meet there, maybe on a nice Fall day? Keep that in mind...

Deb, Hang in there! No news is good news...so they say!

Amanda, sounds like you're back on track...atta girl!


However, what could be better than a hot, sexy man AND chocolate?????????
Do the heroes in your romance novels use chocolate too?? Inquiring minds want to know...

Hi to everyone else...the thunder is rolling in now...I'm gonna get off for now....OOH! I almost forgot! Official weight is 249...YAY! I'm in the 240s! That's 17 lbs since January...I KNOW the next 17 will come off much faster...:^:


Gotta go.............

kidmeister 08-06-2003 05:01 PM

OK I know, I just pop in here once every couple of weeks, but my life is such a mess right now. I am just wondering if anyone could tell me what it is like living in Maine. What is the weather like. and so on. I am considering moving there. e-mail, give me websites to check out, whatever. I want to move there.

MichelleK 08-06-2003 05:17 PM

Kat I'm game for New Hope...its about 30-40 minutes from me...what did you have in Mind? Peddler's Village????? I love that place!! How about you Barb??? I can still meet Barb two weeks from now on a Sunday...unless we make plans for New Hope before then! Barb you can come up this way then we can ride the rest of the way together! If its a Saturday I don't have to take the little devil boy...oops I mean my angel...cause his daddy is off on Saturdays! Unless of course you two want to be subjected to him! LOL They have a couple of nice restaurants there...we could do lunch! I won't watch what you all order!!! And I promise I won't come running back here to report what you all ate either! LOL....Your secrets will be safe with me!!


Tina I object to those Lean Cusine meals tasting like cr^p too!! The WW ones are even worse!!

Kat I am going to an Eagles game sometime in September...well a preseason game anyway. Friends of ours have season tickets and they are going to be away that weekend!! We have another friend who lives in Lancaster who has season tickets too...he and his son...sometimes the son can't go so John gets to go in his place alot!! Lucky him!! A couple of years ago I was hoping the Patriots would be playing the Eagles in the superbowl...it would have been fun at my house that year...we had a superbowl party then!! Me being a die hard New Englander!!

Pam sorry about your sister's job....its always devastating to lose your job but I say things happen for a reason....something better is coming along for her! Just wait and see! AND>....great job on resisting the goodies at the party...I know I would have been too week to resist! I am a glutton!

Connie do you work nights? What do you do??

Deb any word yet? Waiting is the pits...

Lori...my mom is a Steeler's fan...my parents are from Pittsburg area...but live in Rhode Island for over 40 years...my dad was in the Navy for 20 and spent most of his time in RI so thats home to them now...nothing but closed up coal mines back where they are from!! Hey I just had a brain fart...next time I am headed to West Virginia to visit relatives I could stop by and meet you...better yet...I can drag Barb and Kat to visit you too...I don't think you are all that far away from us...correct me if I'm wrong...I'll go look at the map!!

Lucky you make me laugh...VIKINGS! I think not!! More like Patriots! LOL or I'll settle for the Eagles!

Joanne...sorry to hear about the problems...keep the faith and things will work out!

Sandy great pics...your son is a cutie!!

Amanda good job on the 5 lbs gone! Just watch your intake this week cause I use to blow it after I had a big loss after I wasn't so good on program the week before...I got too cocky!!! You are doing a great job!!

2Cute where are you????

Ok I guess I should go fold the laundry and get dinner a cooking...I'll try and catch you all in chat tonight!

TTFN Michelle

Jehari 08-06-2003 05:20 PM

:fr: A hot man and chocolate!! My goodness girls!!

I'm just popping in to say a quick hello. I haven't slept in over 30 hours. We just got back to Germany. Now if only my luggage would catch up. I'm told it should be here in a day or two. THAT really helps. I had to go buy underwear and socks because every stitch of clothing I own is somewhere in Baltimore!!
Anyhoo, I'm a lot tired now so I'll pop in again later and tell you more.
Talk at ya later,

BarbPA 08-06-2003 06:17 PM

Hi Ladies ---
I am sitting here debating what to do with my evening. I need to get on the treadmill, but I am thinking about running out to the store first. Hubby is working late again tonight so it's just me and the dogs. I am not eating dinner because I didn't have lunch until 2:30. I may just have some fruit later.

Tickets?? Eagles Tickets?? Michelle, I am so jealous!!! I want to go to a game this year. The past couple years we have gotten lucky and been giving tickets through work connections (Last year we got to watch a Giants game from a penthouse box :) ). However, with the new stadium this year I doubt we'll get any. If anyone has connections for me to buy any I am all ears!!!

Michelle - I am still up for meeting you on the 24th when you are down in my area. Hopefully it will be a nice day and we can meet at the park down the road.

Kat & Michelle --- I've been the Peddler's village once, but don't really remember the location --- is that in the New Hope area?? I'm game for meeting up that way sometime in the fall. I'm out of town Sept. 13-20 and Oct. 10-19.

Pam --- Sorry to hear about your sister's job. It's so nice that you were able to leave work and be with her. Good job on the dinner last night --- passing up cheesecake??? Not sure I am that strong. :tape:

Tina --- My oh my, sounds like you are having quite a day!!! I have to admit I got a good chuckle out of the backwards underwear :lol: . That had to be uncomfortable.
:lol: :lol:

Deon -- Oregon to Maine? That's quite a move. I don't know anything about Maine, but I bet Sandy will be able to chime in. Good luck with everything - keep us posted.

Jen --- You must be dead on your feet....hopefully you are sleeping by now. Sorry about the luggage. You have no underwear and Tina is wearing her's backwards....what a day we are all having. :p

Alright gals, time to get off my big butt. I just remembered that it's chat night. I'll try to pop in - no promises... :)

Catch ya later!

LuckyLadyBug 08-06-2003 06:39 PM


Do the heroes in your romance novels use chocolate too?? Inquiring minds want to know...
Kat I haven't read about any chocolate but they do lick a lot.

Michelle: What the h e double toothpiks do you mean YOU THINK NOT about the Vikings...They have the BEST looking uniforms in the league.

peekabooangel 08-06-2003 07:12 PM

Good evening chicklets,
I would have to pipe up and agree with Michelle on the PATRIOTS being from New England and all. I'm not all that big of a sports fan, but I do have to cheer for my home team.;)

Deon: I sent you a pm about Maine, if you need more let me know. But, let me add that a move from Oregon to Maine.....culture shock for sure. :fr:

Tina: Sounds like you had a rough day, but I have to admit, I do agree with most everything you objected to.;) I had my employee review today, and one of the things I have to work on is having more patience with the employees.....lol

Barb: So, what won? the store or the treadmill?

Jen: Hopefully you are in La~la land and snoozing away. How did the kids handle such a long trip? How old are they?

Michelle: Laundry, dinner, cleaning......the daily grind on top of a work day, don't you just love it? NOT!!!

Kat: 2 different sneakers, that is a good one. I think the worst I have done is the backwards or inside out underware thing.

Pam: Sorry about your sisters job. I'm glad you had the option to go and spend the day with her and cheer her up. what a good sister you are. I have all brothers and not one of them would bend over backwards for me. Sounds like you girls did end your day nicely though, and congrats for staying true to your plan.

:hat: cheers and hello to everyone else, hope you are all doing good.


MichelleK 08-06-2003 07:30 PM

OK I have to vent....WHY DO MEN JUST NOT GET IT!! My dear loved one decided that he was going to go fishing tonight...even after I told him I was sick...I have a cold, a stuffy nose and a headache and a 2 1/2 yr old running around!! He said well he'll watch the wiggles with you...but I DON'T want to watch the wiggles AGAIN! I won't be able to sleep with him running around the house with no supervision! Geeesh...men! Yet when they are sick oh my gosh..just leave them alone to let them sleep! Ha...wait till next time he doesn't want Andrew in the bedroom when he is sleeping because he is sick!!

Well that was my vent...I love the guy dearly but...geeeshh! Just once I need a break!!

Barb I'm all for the 24th and when we set a day for Peddler's Village you can drive here and we can go in my car...I know the way! Been there many times...even from Rhode Island!!

Jen glad you had a safe trip...sleep tight and fill us in when you are well rested!!

Sandy...here I go again about the dear loved one! Two laundry baskets of clothes are, correction, were sitting on the living room floor, do you think he could at least fold the towels? Nope...I'm beginning to feel like a maid, nanny and mistress all rolled into one with no committment there!! I am in the wrong business huh? I should be charging for my services!!

Hey Lucky...do the Vikings ever play the Patriots or the Eagles? Or is that another division...I'm not a big sports fan and don't know the first thing about football...John has been trying to teach me for a couple of years now...but...this girl just ain't getting it!! Kinda like me and algebra!

Deon you snuck in on me earlier...as far as Maine...I think Sandy is our expert resident but I know for sure it sure gets COLD up there! I been there several times in my lifetime...and I only know at one time the state of Maine was bankrupt but I think that was back in the early 90's...its beatiful up there though thats for sure!

OK 2Cute still hasn't popped her head in here....she must be busy moving still....what a dreadful job...but one things for sure...you get a clean house that way!! Just like moving and packing stuff up to have new carpet installed....I still ain't done unpacking! Maybe this weekend....

And Thin...where are you tonight?????

OK I gotta hit the hay...I am going to try and come back for chat but don't know if I will be able to stay long..my head is pounding!!

TTFN Michelle

dixiedarlin 08-06-2003 09:00 PM

Happy Hump Day
How's everyone this evening? We have had thundershowers here off and on all day. It's a little cooler outside which is nice. I got in a short walk before I got to work. Doing good with food so far.

Now to replies -----------

Pam - so sorry about your sister; hopefully a door will open for her soon; you did great staying away from the goodies at RT's. Determination is your middle name.

Tina - it sounds like you have had a day from :devil:; I agree, the Lean Cuisine, WW, and Healthy Choice never look as good as they do on the box. Hope you are relaxing tonight - shut your eyes and repeat over and over - Tony, Tony, Tony.

Kat - :bravo: keep it up girl.

Michelle - yes I work nights; I am a medical transcriptionist in a pathology lab. I transcribe the descriptions of the specimens that we receive in the lab at night. I have been here almost 6 yrs (November anniversary). I have been doing this type of work for about 10 years now.

Jen - glad you had a safe trip home; seems you and Tina are both having a bad underwear day :mad:

Sandy - I enjoyed your pics.

I think that covers everyone that has posted on this thread so far. It's about time for supper - going to Subway tonight. Hope you all have a nice night.

Grannie39074 08-06-2003 09:09 PM

My son has Pneumonia He went to the Dr today because he was caughing up blood and they told him he had it in both lungs.

I went to chat but no one was there. No boddy loves me I guess.

dixiedarlin 08-06-2003 09:20 PM

Hey Miss Mary!!

What do you mean - "nobody loves me?" I love you to pieces. I popped into chat and didn't find anyone there either. So sorry to hear that your son is so sick. Hope he starts feeling better soon.

Ok, I'm going to check chat, then go to supper.


katrinabgood 08-06-2003 09:56 PM


Kat I haven't read about any chocolate but they do lick a lot

You slay me!

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