Weight loss question

  • They say that weight loss is nothing but *creating a calorie deficit*. So any activity you do + dieting that amounts to a significant calorie deficit each day should result in weight loss.

    But they also say that if you do the same activity everyday, you might plateau after a while because muscles need different types of challenge for you to keep losing weight.

    I'm confused at the second statement. Why should it matter to you if same activity is done each day as long as it creates a calorie deficit?
  • Welcome BigNoMore

    The reason is our bodies like efficiency... so if you do an exercise, your body can become pretty efficient at it aka may burn less calories than in the beginning. It may still burn calories but it may burn less. Also, as the more weight you lose, the less calories you burn throughout the day. So changing up exercises, creates a new challenge which your body isn't adapted for which is why it is recommended to switch up exercises.
  • Ah! I get it now, good reply, nelie! Thank you.
  • Yeah, what used to work in our favor back in the "tough to procure food" days kind of makes our lives more difficult now. Our body is so good at staying alive it's pretty amazing. You CAN keep doing the same exercise, BUT over time you'll have to increase the intensity (for example if you walk on a treadmill you will have to walk faster or on an incline instead of on the flat) or the duration (5 miles will have to extend to say, 7 miles etc). But most folks get bored with the same exercises so they move on to different activities anyway.
  • Thanks for the info, MauiKai! I feel happy to know that atleast for now I don't have to change my workouts because I just recently increased the intensity of my treadmill walks.