Short term reasons to stay On Program

  • Just like everyone else, I am taking this weight loss journey a day at a time. I have started down the road and failed many times before. But somehow, this time is different. Something "clicked" and I know I will be successful in reaching my goal. Here are a few things that run through my mind when I am tempted to overindulge - short term reasons why I stay OP, other than for health, which is a given:

    1) The feeling of accomplishment as the weight numbers go downward is indescribable!

    2) I want smaller clothes more than I want a box of cookies.

    3) I need to prove to myself that I can do this.

    4) As I step on the scale, I don't want to regret anything I ate the previous week.

    5) I refuse to waste time and hurt my body by yo-yoing as I did in the past.

    Of course I slip sometimes - everybody does. But I don't take it too lightly...

    What are your short-term reasons to stay OP?

  • sounds like you have some great reasons for staying on program.
    you will definitely be a success if you keep them all forefront in your mind.
    Good luck.

  • health is important also. good luck,

  • Hi glen and all,

    Health sure is the most important reason! That's why I mentioned it right off in the first paragraph....

    What are some of your short term reasons to stay OP?