I'm gettin' there!

  • I haven't posted in a long time, but I just was so shocked when I did a side by side comparison pic from week 1 to now ( which is at the end of week 3) and I see such a difference already. Feeling good! I'm not doing anything crazy wise. Not doing a specific "diet", just eating under 1400ish (sometimes I go over, but 90% of the time I stay on track) calories a day and doing SOMETHING physical each day whether it's running, walking, riding my bike, disc golfing or shooting hoops in the drive way with my husband. I can't believe how easy it's coming off!

  • I see it and whatever you are doing is working so keep it up!
  • Yay!! Big changes already. Awesome, keep up the great work!
  • That's a very noticeable difference! Congratulations. That must be so motivating
  • Good for you! Congrats!!!