What a great feeling

  • What a great feeling. Yesterday 5 people noticed I lost weight and said I look good.
  • Congrats! It feels so great when others notice!
  • Congratulations Joanne!!! I agree, what a great feeling. It makes me want to continue to stay on plan and get my exercise done. I hope today is just as good for you!!
  • Too COOL and good for you. It just shows that your work is working and that people noticed is the topper! Just like Elvis said.... It keeps you motivated to keep getting those lovely compliments
  • FIVE people. That's gotta be a record. Congratulations.

  • That's awesome!!!! Keep up the good work!
  • That is great! keep it up
  • That's awesome!!!!
  • Yay
  • You must be on cloud 9 !

    Enjoy your day in the sun You earned it

  • Thank you everyone.