Candy headaches?

  • So for the first time in two months I treated myself to an old favorite food: gummies. First off, they were sickeningly sweet and coated my mouth which felt strange, but secondly, after 3 or 4 pieces I got a headache!

    Is this due to the sugar? Or just the chewiness on my teeth? Needless to say I gave my little bag of candy away to a girl sitting beside me because I just couldn't eat them.
  • Are you on a super low carb diet normally? I was going to say the sugar, but not sure since it was so few, possible though. Although those chewy type candies always make my jaw ache, so that could be it too. Or a combo. Or a coincidence?
  • I keep my carbs below 50g or 70g depending on the day. Today is my "relax" day since it's my anniversary and we're going out so I'm not minding carbs, only calories and even then I'm going up to maintenance. I had a tall salted caramel mocha earlier today too (skim milk, sugar free caramel syrup, no whip. But the toffee syrup doesn't come sugar free so I probably got around 10g of sugar there too). So I'm betting on sugar.
  • Considering all of that, I'd agree it's the sugar!
  • Yup! I call them sugar headaches!