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Bloopers 03-28-2012 12:07 PM

Omg, do you guys ever dream about binging?
I just had the most vivid dream last night that I went back to my old lifestyle of binging and eating whatever I wanted to. In my dream, I did feel guilty about eating, but I couldn't stop the temptation!! Thank god I woke up from that nightmare cause I felt even more energetic to start a healthy day.

Darn dreams messing with me :tantrum:

AlyN 03-28-2012 12:18 PM

That sounds really frustrating. I have never dreamed about eating, but it sounds pretty weird. Now day dreaming is a different story. If I were you I would make sure you are hitting your calorie limit for the day, try not to go to bed hungry. Maybe your body is trying to tell you something? And you can always indulge, just in things that are good for you! Like spinach, blue berries, etc. Good luck. Keep at it. I'm just starting too, it's hard to change your life. But keep telling yourself it's for the best!

surfergirl2 03-28-2012 12:22 PM

When i clicked on your post i was thinking you meant daydreaming, not literally dreaming. Because actually i was just daydreaming about binging. Which is bad. It's almost like i'm LOOKING FORWARD to falling off the wagon so that i can have my binge!!! Terrible!! It's not even that i crave anything. I just daydream about falling off the wagon so that i can seize that as an excuse to say "ok now i'm binging so i'm just going to eat anything and everything."

And then, i was having this internal dialogue about how it would be a shame to eat sugar again, considering i've worked so hard to kick the sugar habit...so i was thinking about what else i could eat that would be a binge. (Really though, i have no desire to binge on anything that's not sugary/carb-y). I was thinking about eating something higher fat than i would normally eat, like pork belly or something. Yes this is bad i should not be daydreaming about eating in excess!!!!

LockItUp 03-28-2012 12:31 PM

You know what's ironic is that addicts getting clean have vivid dreams of using. I do believe it comes from the same part of the brain. Weird huh?

Yes, I've definitely had those dreams! My brother is just starting recovery from heroin and other various drugs, and he constantly has "using dreams", which really upset him because they seem so real.

alaskanlaughter 03-28-2012 01:20 PM

ive had a few dreams of binging on food...once i dreamed that i was eating an entire chocolate cake and couldnt stop myself even though in my DREAM i knew i wasnt supposed to eat that much of it...and i woke up and was SO worried that i had actually done that LOL

and on the flip side, i had been working out hard for awhile and was sore and dreamed that i was too sore to get up and go to my son and i took that as a sign that my body needed a day of rest LOL and i did rest that day, and never dreamed about that again

twinieten 03-28-2012 07:27 PM


thistoo 03-28-2012 07:37 PM

I have had those dreams. I always wake up feeling guilty.

Tai 03-28-2012 09:31 PM

I had those dreams when I first started losing weight and they were so vivid! I always woke up positive I had been eating.

Insomnia cured this.

pixelllate 03-28-2012 09:43 PM

When I do, I revel in it! Its a calorie free way in indulging lol. The memories are so vivid I might as well be eating all that, but I don't suffer health wise because its just a dream, so if I get a daydream, I have one-relish the memories, and it passes.

hle82 03-28-2012 09:51 PM

I occasionally have dreams of binging... when I wake up, I am super freaked out and it takes a few moments to collect myself & make sure I DIDN'T really binge! But hey, I'd rather have those binges in my dreams than in reality. :P

Amy23 03-29-2012 07:00 AM

Not so much dreaming but daydreaming. I daydream about food constantly. I miss it and I don't. My binges were so salty and starchy and fatty and sugary that they left me feeling like I'd been hit by a truck -- afterwards I wouldn't want to move for days. But at the same time, while I was bingeing I was peaceful and numb and satisfied. Not having those feelings anymore is a hard thing to get used to but definitely worth it. I have much more energy and my attitude has improved significantly. So while I'll probably continue to daydream, I doubt I'll act on it in the near future. I've put in too much effort this time round to f*ck it all up.

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