i just wanna rant

  • about my bad day.

    first of all, the back of my heel was rubbed raw from working out the other day..so i couldn't go to the gym. depressed by this, i took a nap instead. then i started craving chocolate. i ate two full bars for lunch (was glad my stomach didnt explode) because i just wanted something chocolatey.

    then later at work i had two cookies although while i was munching i really started to think that they weren't even THAT good. and i could really feel the sugar on my teeth.

    then i go to put on my jacket and the zipper breaks. probably because it got tired of holding in my fat.

    UGH.. just a diet and gym FAIL DAY. i hope my heel is better by tomorrow. so disappointing.
  • I know the feeling. I've had days like that where I ate something I knew I shouldn't have and I just end up feeling awful the rest of the day, like I just ruined my entire diet and that cookie (or box of cookies sometimes ) isn't worth that feeling.

    But I've learned that you gotta pick yourself, dust yourself, and keep moving. You've admitted to yourself that you made a mistake so there's no use in beating yourself up over it. Tomorrow will be better and don't let one day that you probably won't remember years from now, get you down.
  • "although while i was munching i really started to think that they weren't even THAT good. and i could really feel the sugar on my teeth."

    This happens to me all the time. I'm like, why the heck did I even eat that, it wasn't even that good.. I get so angry with myself afterward. I'm going to be more aware of what I put in my body, because what goes in does not always come out.

    I know you'll get back into the swing of things soon though. Injuries suck, i've been there. But you're strong just for being here so don't think too much about it.