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  • Staying off the scale after a bad weekend is a good idea, but don't stress about going off track too much. You made a mistake, you're human and it happens. Don't let this turn into weeks and months of staying off track and you should be fine. Get right back on track and pick up where you left off.

    Weigh yourself in a few days and see where you are.

    I know how tough it is being with a tall guy who can seemingly eat what he wants. My fiancee is a foot taller than me (therefore he can just eat more in general) I weighed more than him for a good chunk of our relationship and I really didn't like it (he was underweight when we met, I was obese). Now he outweighs me by ~60lbs.

    Try to tailor your plan around going out with your husband. Maybe you can plan for a higher calorie day during the weekend or you can eat lower calories earlier in the day. I went out with my fiancee every weekend and I was able to generally stick to 1200-1400 calories through careful planning.
  • I agree - life is going to happen despite our best laid plans! So you're going to have to have a plan to deal with it for the rest of your life. In my case, I have 3 young kids (2, 6 and 8), so we ALWAYS have junk food around the house. Not that they eat it all the time, but they DO get to eat chocolate sometimes, cookies, popcorn, sun chips... so we have it in our pantry. Marshmallows for camping, gummy bears.. it goes on and on.

    So I can't be one of those people who 'clears the decks' for weight loss - I'm going to have to create a strategy that works for me, regardless of what food is constantly under my nose. I will have a couple of chips, a handful of popcorn, a few gummy bears.. but I make sure I don't have the whole bag, and I make sure I check the serving size so I account for my calories.

    I don't like to feel like I'm 'on a diet'... so I feel normal to have a couple of sunchips and an apple with my kids when they have their snacktime. You'll maybe have to think about your portion sizes when weekends hit and you're eating 'celebration food' with you husband. Doesn't mean you can't have any, but it does mean that if you eat calorie rich food, you're going to get less of it.

  • Just drink lots of water and find your focus. You will be fine. I've found it's not effective to beat yourself up and guilt trip yourself. Just get back on track and make sure to log log log those calories!
  • Don't beat yourself up about it, everyone goes off plan from time to time. You are right about not weighing yourself, you are better off waiting a couple days so the sodium has time to leave your body and you have time to get back on track. My guess is that you probably didn't do to much damage over a weekend.

    If you think you are going to go out and eat, try planning it into your day and keep your calories low up until you go out. That way you wont feel like you completely blew it. I agree with everyone here, you need to make a plan that works best for you.