Holiday pact!

  • I was just thinking to myself:

    "I'll make a pact with myself not to side-step from my healthy eating for a single day/meal during these holidays. I will enjoy Christmas with all the other nice things besides food."

    So I thought perhaps someone wants to join me?

    Think of it as a challenge, something amazing to achieve during a time of giving and happiness. Perhaps simply writing it down here will motivate us to do it
  • Yes yes yes!! I'm in!

    I've also been thinking about all the ways to enjoy the people and the festivities and redefining them in non-food terms.

    I also tell myself this is temporary. Next year I'll be able to enjoy some holiday food stuff because I'll be on maintenance and I'll be ready to incorporate some of those days into my life.

    So yes, I take the challenge
  • I'm in too!!!!
  • We can do this!

    The only real difficulty for me is how to answer the family when they try to feed me. I need to think of a plan of "attack".

    I have decided to go with my family on christmas hikes, because the mountains on my island are beautiful in winter and to go on christmas walks in the city to see the lights
  • I'm in too. This Christmas will be about food like years past. I will enjoy myself without overdoing it.
  • YES YES YES! I am so in! I absolutely LOVE christmas. Let's share some ideas for this plan for december and figure out how we can resist the temptations