NSV!!!! They FIT!!

  • So, went clothes shopping in my closet/chester robe and found a pair of nice dress slacks that I bought last year (In the same size as my jeans, so i just knew they would fit..pfft!) that I couldn't even get up over my hips, much less to button. Tried them on this morning (running late to work) praying they would fit, and low and behold--they not only went up over my hips and buttoned....they are a little loose!! WHOO HOOO!!! I was an excited girl this morning!!!
  • YEAH on the NSV. It feels great doesn't it
  • That is awesome!!!! I've been closet shopping a lot myself!
  • Yes! I love that feeling too. Congrats!
  • Thanks Everyone!! It was an exciting feeling this morning!!
  • Oh my gosh, that's the best NSV! Congrats! I love closet shopping! I can't wait to get there!
  • That's awesome!
  • I can't wait to closet shop
  • woohoo!! good for you.

    i've been doing the same, and have heaps of new outfits from the closet-shop that have suddenly become wearable in the last few weeks, everything looks great! - loving it!
  • It's the best feeling in the world isn't it??
  • It's so nice to be back into something old! Or New is some cases in my closet LOL I've been doing that this week too, Yay!