I'm down about my weigh in today :( I fel like giving up :(

  • SO last week I decided I realy want to lose this weight already!! I lost 5lbs like 2 months ago& decided I want to kick it up a notch and really get it all off me! So I started last week at 245.0 and I lost 4 lbs in the 1st 5 days w/o exercising, just counting calories and watching what I ate very carefully. So on Sunday I weighed myself & decided I wont weigh myself till Friday. & decided I would incorporate exercise now. I went to 2 spin classes at my gym 6 am for 45 mins, 2 days this week & the other 2 days I did the step aerobics class for 1 hour each. My body is soo sore!! On top of working out like a nut, I ate so incredibly clean all this week, no more then 1250 cals a days and everything was super lean, fresh and healthy.

    SO this morning I get on the scale & it barely budged! Thats 5 days of busting my butt and eating like a saint and only .2lbs down. I cant help but feel so sad & discouraged and debating weather or not to go on some crazy diet to drop 20lbs off me FAST. I'm on unemployment and it ends Oct 28th & I wanted to at least be in the teens before I go back to work bc I'm extremely insecure& shy and I feel my weight always interfered with my work performance, so I wanted to drop some weight to feel more confident.

    I got laid off a while ago and when I got laid off I was 290lbs. I did this starvation diet called the bead diet for 28 days and lost 31lbs! I kept it off & then went to healthy eating and exercising and its take me months to lose just 15lbs, but the reason for that is bc I would lose some weight then cheat & be off diet for 2 weeks, gain what I lost then repeat that vicious cycle.

    I dont want to do that again, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't repeat all the same mistakes Iv done in the past that has held me up for the past 6 months. I really want to push hard & lose this dang weight already!!!

    SO what is the problem??? I know on tv shows like the biggest loser, they say the 2nd week is always the toughest week bc your bodies in shock & being resistant. DO you think that could be it??

    I just find it hard to apply that to myself bc the 1st week I didnt workout or cut my cals really low, I just watched what I ate and didnt think about it. But this week, I count cals like a champ, workout like a crazy woman and pretty much no weight loss.

    I dunno what to do anymore. Thanks for reading
  • 1. The weight loss in the beginning is mostly water.
    2. You workout means you build muscle. Muscle is heavier than fat.
    3. You worked out and you are sore. Sore muscles retain water.
    4. You should check your calorie limit again. When you workout you need more calories. Don't go into starvation mode!!
    5. Don't compare to Biggest Loser. You don't know all the facts!
    6. Don't give up!
    7. Be patient. You didn't gain all the weight overnight, you won't lose it overnight.

    I would say figure out your calories, incl. add backs for working out. Do it for a few weeks (say 4) with a weekly weight in, same time, same place, same clothing. Track what's happening. You will figure out how your body works.
  • Quote: 1. The weight loss in the beginning is mostly water.
    2. You workout means you build muscle. Muscle is heavier than fat.
    3. You worked out and you are sore. Sore muscles retain water.
    4. You should check your calorie limit again. When you workout you need more calories. Don't go into starvation mode!!
    5. Don't compare to Biggest Loser. You don't know all the facts!
    6. Don't give up!
    7. Be patient. You didn't gain all the weight overnight, you won't lose it overnight.

    I would say figure out your calories, incl. add backs for working out. Do it for a few weeks (say 4) with a weekly weight in, same time, same place, same clothing. Track what's happening. You will figure out how your body works.
    +1 to everything said here.

    You need to give your body more time and it would definitely not be a good idea to go on any crazy diets. Keep working out, find the right amount of calories to eat for your current weight and exercise level in order to lose 1-2 lbs per week (online calculators are available). Trying to lose "a lot" of lbs each week will not help you to continue and stay focused in the long run. Ask me how I know? LOL
  • I would strongly suggest drinking lots and lots and lots of water. If you are eating well and exercising well, but not loosing weight, it could be water weight, your body is retaining water because you are not drinking enough. It also helps flush unwanted toxins, on days I knew I had too much sodium intake, I drink and drink and drink, it helps with my bloating problem as well.
  • thanks everyone! & I do drink a lot of water like 100+ oz a day!! I live in the bathroom lol. I think what I'm gonna do is just switch some things up and make some adjustments to my plan. If I don't lose any weight by next week then somethings definitely gotta change!
  • Next week? Don't expect too much. You need to give it more time!!

    Check back and let us know how you are doing!
  • sore muscles = water retention

    Keep doing what you are doing and I bet you will see a big whoosh very soon!
  • Quote: If I don't lose any weight by next week then somethings definitely gotta change!
    The only thing that needs to change, I'm afraid, is your patience and expectations.

    A couple of weeks is simply not enough time to evaluate whether a plan is working for you. Your weight fluctuates due to factors such as fluid retention, how much food is in your stomach and in your digestive tract, and so on - many of these factors are simply outside of your control. These fluctuations can easily mask several weeks worth of real fat loss.

    Not only that, but changing up your plan (or changing your exercise routine) can cause your body to temporarily retain or release fluid, which can make it look like the change had an immediate big effect - either "good" or "bad". But it's illusory - it tells you nothing about how the change affects your fat loss - which is the loss you really care about.

    Don't change your plan now. Stick with it. Give it 4 weeks or more before you even think about changing it. Remember that what matters is not whether you weigh less than you did a week ago, but whether you weigh less than you did a month or two ago. Don't let short-term fluctuations fool you into mucking with your plan. Be patient.
  • You just started, you can't expect to see results right away as awesome as that would be. As others have said, try drinking more water and that may prevent you from retaining water.

    How do you FEEL after five days of exercising and eating healthy? I wouldn't be surprised if you feel pretty great right now. That alone should be a motivator for you.
  • Don't give up!
    I know the frustration that you must be feeling!!!! But, I will say, if you're going to the gym, ESPECIALLY doing spin class, you may want to bump up your calorie intake a little bit. If you eat too little, your metabolism will slow down so that you're not burning calories as efficiently as you can. I've heard before that women should never eat fewer than 1200 calories a day, so I would suggest upping your calorie intake to somewhere between 1500 and 1800 calories a day. I lost (and subsequently found) 60 lbs before just counting calories and working out, and I always stuck to that calorie range. Plus, you're more satiated with what you're eating, so it's easier to stick to!!! IF you have the extra funds, I highly recommend getting a device that tracks how many calories you are burning (I have a bodybugg, but I think bodymedia makes one and I know there's another device on the market now as well). The basic principle to weight loss is calories in vs. calories out - if you are eating 1500 calories a day and burning 2000, you will have a calorie defecit of 500 per day and 3500 per week. There are 3500 calories in a pound of fat, thus that would be a pound per week. I know that the max recommendation for sustainability with a calorie defecit is 2 (1000 cal daily deficit) to 2.5 (1250 daily defecit) lbs per week - any more than that your body and metabolism start to shut down. For example, at the beginning of the year I was doing a detox program and exercising like a mad woman. Due to the diet I was following, I was only taking in a max of 1000 to 1100 calories per day. I was tracking my calorie burn daily, and I watched it slowly become lower and lower despite the fact that neither my workout routine or diet had changed. So, with that being said, don't lose hope!!! And you are doing yourself a huge favor by only weighing yourself once a week! Just remember that quick fixes and quick weight loss typically does not last!
  • (and with that hug, I say "no giving up missy!!! giving up will definitely NOT help you get to your goal!!")

    1st, I would check that 1250 calorie intake. are you SURE? I ask because for the longest time I was eating *I THOUGHT* 1500 calories. At closer inspection, I discovered it was closer to 1900...even 2200 calories on *most* days. And of course that would explain the slow-to-no weight loss.

    2ndly, I would do whatever it takes to get rid of that mind-set "I have to hurry up & lose a bunch of weight right now!" - it does nothing for you in the long run except make you feel like a failure if you don't lose "x" amount of lbs by "x" date. I understand having goals (4 lb a month, 20 down by xmas, whatever) but I have found that it just tightens the stress rope for me, and when I'm stressing, I'm eating, and I'm not losing.

    Now I'm comfortable with the 2-3 lb per month loss that I'm experiencing. Would I like it to be quicker? You betcha! -I'd soooo love to be one of those women who lose the coveted 2.5 lb per week! - but the important thing is that I AM LOSING... slowly, but steadily, and THAT is my ultimate goal. What is YOUR ultimate goal?
  • Quote: 1. The weight loss in the beginning is mostly water.
    2. You workout means you build muscle. Muscle is heavier than fat.
    3. You worked out and you are sore. Sore muscles retain water.
    4. You should check your calorie limit again. When you workout you need more calories. Don't go into starvation mode!!
    5. Don't compare to Biggest Loser. You don't know all the facts!
    6. Don't give up!
    7. Be patient. You didn't gain all the weight overnight, you won't lose it overnight.

    I would say figure out your calories, incl. add backs for working out. Do it for a few weeks (say 4) with a weekly weight in, same time, same place, same clothing. Track what's happening. You will figure out how your body works.
    this is a great reminder! Thanks for posting this!!!

    I would continue doing what you are doing with week 2 and I bet over the next couple you will see a change in the scale and feel better from the exercise!