The weight comes back too fast

  • Hey guys, so far my diet has been relatively successful, as I've lost 15 pounds in about 5 weeks

    But one thing that really bothers me, is if I eat any kind of normal meal (meaning not a diet meal, carbs, sugars, etc.) the weight comes back 5 times faster than I lost it.

    It's really troubling me cause I feel like this is all going to be a massive waste if I go to eat something and the weight just returns in a week.

    I'm by no means binging or anything, just like one simple meal will add weight fast.

    One other problem since I cut calories is my digestion has been a bit messed up. Some stomach cramping and constipation with too many trips to that bathroom. Anyone know a good remedy?
  • The reason you're seeing large fluctuations has to do mostly with sodium consumption and water retention. If I have an indulgent meal and it fits into my calories, I usually don't weigh myself for 4 days after and drink lots of water in between. I think the key is not to have these too often because they can really prevent weight loss. At the same time, you want to find a way to eat that you can live with for the rest of your life so if this works for you then maybe just accept a slower weight loss but something that you can do forever.
  • It's called salt & carbs. You are retaining a couple of pounds of water, pure and simple. Think about what you were eating before you starting losing weight - let me guess - salty and carb rich foods? Then you stopped eating them to begin you health plan, right? Guess what - you dropped pounds real fast. That was almost all water and a little bit of fat. Now after a few weeks of eating well, you put excess carbs and salt back in the form of an off-plan meal. So your body accommodated it by retaining water and you 'gained' a few pounds.
    Simply, limit the carbs and sodium in your diet over the next few days and drink some extra water and those pounds will magically diappear again, just like when you started your health plan weeks ago.
  • That happens to us all. And everyone is right it's not weight from fat it's totally water weight. Also be careful of weighing yourself near when you are getting your period because you can put like 5 pounds of water weight with that.

    Constipation and then too many times going to the bathroom is normal when you start, honestly I have found that eating more fiber-caplets or just from salads, helps with that, it will regulate you. Also understand that you are putting your body through a major change and that it needs time to adjust. Stress can also play a part in whether or not you have a lot or no bowel movements. Talk to your doctor if it persists for more than a week.
  • It's easy to gain 3 pounds just carrying food inside your digestive tract, if you were measuring on empty that morning. That's why I think it helps to keep perspective with what the scale says. If you're paying attention to yourself, you can sense when you're dehydrated (discount the apparant "loss") or well hydrated (don't let a few extra pounds spook yourself).

    I've lost 4 pounds before walking on a humid summer day. And yes they creep back on within a few days. As long as you understand what is going on, it should be no big deal.
  • I see thanks for replies. This is the first diet I've been on that i've followed through on.
  • You will lose weight! It won't continue to be mostly's mostly water in the beginning stages....after that, once the loss slows down, that's when you know you're losing actual fat. But it IS fun to see those numbers go down. Remember, consistency is key and as long as you stick to it, you'll see results.
  • I appreciated these posts so much - I fluctuate almost 5 pounds in a day. I found the key is to always weight myself at the same time of day and wearing the exact same amount of clothes. I also only let myself use a scale every third day - otherwise I begin to get obsessive.
  • Quote: I appreciated these posts so much - I fluctuate almost 5 pounds in a day. I found the key is to always weight myself at the same time of day and wearing the exact same amount of clothes. I also only let myself use a scale every third day - otherwise I begin to get obsessive.

    if possible, it's best to way first thing in the morning, before you've eaten anything - that way, you know you are weighing YOU and not whatever you happened to have had to eat or drink.
  • Quote: At the same time, you want to find a way to eat that you can live with for the rest of your life so if this works for you then maybe just accept a slower weight loss but something that you can do forever.
    This is key. Most people can't "diet" forever. You really need to find a way to continue enjoy the foods you like (maybe not as often or maybe smaller portions). It really needs to be a lifestyle change and not a diet.
  • I was wondering whether a more gradual rate of weight loss would help. I don't know your stats, but for most people 3lb/week is definitely on the rapid side.
  • I think that's why this has to be a lifestyle change, different mentality.

    I'm eating the way that I am eating for the rest of my life, not in a bad way. I do still indulge, but it's not as often as before (every day!) and I really find that the longer that you eat good healthy foods, then the less likely you are to want the old unhealthy favorites of before.

    Just recently, I had McDonald's french fries, which a couple of years ago, I would have told you were the BEST fries EVER in the whole planet. I had some and they tasted greasy and yucky to me. I was so disappointed and honestly, I never thought I would reach this point. I loved those fries so much!!!!!!!!

    Of course I'll eat French fries again. But probably not McDs. Maybe just a few off someone's plate because they aren't worth the calories or ****, the TASTE.

    You're doing fine. But remember that this is a lifestyle change, not just a "diet."
  • I just started the Atkins diet. Tomorrow will be my 4 th day. I have been going to the bathroom a lot and feeling a bit nausaeted. Have you ever been on the Atkins diet? Also my sugar cravings have been exremely high. I have been doing a lot of praying and it seems to help.
    Drink lots of water with a few drops of lemon juice bribarian
  • Hm... Well, I can relate on the constipation point. This is the second time I've jumped on the exercise/healthy eating wagon this year, and both times I experienced some extreme constipation. It's to be expected with any kind of diet/exercise change, so don't worry! You can eat foods that naturally help it along - Raisin Bran, apples, prune juice (yuck!). I had to just let it be and eat right. Two weeks later (yeah, I know), I'm back to my regular schedule. Your body just needs to adjust.
  • Diets do that to you. You need to think of this as a permanent lifestyle change if you want to get it off and keep it off. If you go back to eating the old way, you will gain!