How do I lose FAT but not necessarily weight?

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  • Ok, so I am around the weight I want to be, 105lbs. But I have a fat in the lower tummy that I need to lose. What do I need to do? Change the diet? Exercise differently? Is there really something to that whole fat burning zone thing? I run 3x a week (one long run, one tempo run, one easy run, avg 15-18mi/week) and then on my off days I cross train on the elliptical or with the treadmill (doing a treadmill hike, progessing hte incline and speedy up as I go).
    I am currently do 45-60min of cardio a day, sometimes easy (HR of 120-140) sometimes hard (HR of 160-180).
    I am also doing weight training 4x a week.
    I have recently taken my calories even lower, aiming for between 1,400-1,800 cal/ day (higher on my tough workout days) and have seen weight loss but I want to see more FAT loss.
    I have had 5 kids so I know there will be a little loose skin but I know I can lose it as I did after I had baby #4 due to going on an elimination diet because to her allergies, however I dont want to go on such a restrictive diet again (I was never really hungry, but it was so bland and probably missing some great healthy foods)
    So I trying to figure out what I need to do to lose the FAT. More lower HR workouts? More higher intensity workouts? higher weights?
    Do I need to cut out certain things like sugar or simple carbs? I have tried to keep breakfast, lunch and both my snacks pretty clean, but for dinner I eat whatever we are having (pizza, tacos, chili etc), though I just eat less of it then I used to...
    Any tips??
  • It is normal for women to have some fat in the lower belly. And as you say, some of that is loose skin. I think you are normal right now and should stop trying to make your body fit some kind of mental ideal.

    Aside from that, I know of no way to spot reduce one area, or to only lose fat.

    You could have your body fat percentage checked and see whether it's actually too low now.

  • Maybe try and maintain your weight for several months. Lots of ladies on here have had their loose skin tighten considerably after losing weight and having kids.
  • I have the exact same thing - fat ONLY in my gut. If you reduce your fat some more, you will be skinnier all over your body, too.

    My advice is to embrace it. Wear your belly like a badge of honor as evidence you bore FIVE KIDS!!!
  • I've seen a Dr. Oz show where they said doing the plank and side plank really helps to tighten the tummy, but I don't think it would eliminate fat and loose skin. I think there are some laser procedures that could accomplish that, but I'll bet you already look amazing.
  • Hey rawbanana!

    I checked out your blog (which is great, btw! Very detailed & motivating) and to be perfectly honest, I think you are already very thin and to force your body to lose more weight by cutting out foods or calories would be counterproductive. Why not focus on fitness and nutrition, as you do already, and let your body determine where it wants to be?
  • My mother-in-law will point to her belly and say: "that's NOT fat! that's FOUR kids!" and you know what? She's right!

    Your "poochy tummy" is due to the muscles being stretched beyond their capacity five times. It's like a rubber-band. After so many stretches, it never goes back to its original tautness. Of course, there's always plastic surgery (tummy tuck, lipo). I have a friend who is a plastic surgeon; she said most women who consult with her are looking to get rid of that "poochy kid-tummy". They've exercised til they're blue in the face, dieted down to practically nothing, but it WON'T go away! -and therefore surgery is the only thing that will "fix it" - however, in her professional surgical opinion, those women really don't need a tummy tuck, they need body acceptance. And they mostly opt more for liposuction than a tummy tuck (esp. after they see what it entails to go thru such a pervasive surgery! a tummy tuck is no joke! even the pictures are frightening!!) but also equally as often, they decide against surgery altogether.

    Just thought you'd like to know that from a plastic surgeon's POV!

    105 lbs at 5'2" is itty-bitty in my opinion. That was my hi-school weight
  • Heavy strength training would be my only recommendation. Check out "New Rules of Lifting for Women" if you haven't, already
  • It's a terrible thing to say, but it's just super hard to target that area. It sounds like you're consistant in your exercise and working hard! Maybe some shapewear would help you feel a little better about it. Just keep being consistant and your body will keep (SLOWLY) changing. I agree with arctic mama about the heavier weights too. Also don't forget to drink some muscle milk after lifting. Just the chocolate though, the other flavors are kinda icky
  • I agree with the above! You can't lose weight in certain areas. Maybe you can work on your lower abs to tighten the muscle so that it looks tighter and more toned?.
  • The thing is, I lost ALL that tummy fat after baby #4 by going on an elimination diet for her allergies (I ate only 7 foods for about 4 months, but I ate a TON of those 7 foods-beef, chicken, brown rice, pears, brocolli, spinach, and apples. After 4 mo I added in soy milk and a few 'Enjoy Life' products as well as white sugar-which I put in my brown rice cereal w/ soy milk-and STILL continued to lose!) which leads me to think that the lower tummy fat is a lot diet related. So because that happened, I KNOW it can be done. It was a GREAT feeling to not need to suck in at ALL and have a flat tummy. And be able to fit into a size 0! And I didnt exercise a LICK during that time. Not. one. day.

    I can accept my body the way it is, but to me, I SHOULD be able to lose the rolls on my tummy, that's FAT! and to read about it, fat around your middle is NOT good. Some fat yes, but not rolls of it =) I want to be able to sit down and not have the jelly roll over the top of my jeans...

    And maybe I am just being to impatient. I have only stepped things up the last few months, maybe I need to give it more time and continue to work on keepin with what I am doing and cutting out (or greatly reducing) things like white sugar and processed foods...

    Thanks guys!
  • You know? Even thinking about limiting your diet to seven foods sounds like disordered eating to me. And shooting for a size zero and a totally flat stomach after four kids sounds, well, a bit off as well.

    I wish you luck in your journey but you might consider looking into what's above your shoulders, not what's below.
  • How long ago did you have baby number 5? From my experience, losing the baby weight gets harder after every child and I only have 2. I have lost all my pregnancy weight and then some, but my body is completely changed.

    If you weren't at such a small weight, you could just continue cutting calories and upping your cardio. But since you are so little, it will take longer to cut fat and maintain weight.

    Try pilates. It's a great belly toner and will strengthen your entire core. Pilates also makes you stand straighter and look thinner. YOu will not sweat, but you will work! Karon Karter is the best I've found. Her class "pilates from the inside out" can be purchased on dvd on Hope this helps
  • I am looking at your picture and I really don't see how you'd have ROLLS hanging around your belly. It sounds like you are pretty much doing everything right already. You could give up the dinner and eat something different to see what happens. But you look fan-freaking-tastic.
  • There are women who, at 5'2, have a 6 pack and are 115-125lbs.

    I think your problem is one of two things:
    1) You don't have enough muscle to support a 'flat' looking stomach
    2) You have unrealistic expectations.

    And judging from your picture in your blog, it seems to be both. I see cardio, cardio, cardio. 1/2 marathons. Are you eating enough protein and doing strength training to prevent muscle loss from such a restricted diet, low body weight, and cardio regime? I'm guessing not. You wrote on May 13 of THIS YEAR that you were exciting to fit into a size 0. I don't know if you see what the rest of the world sees.