Minor NSV!

  • So here's my NSV...it's my panties.....

    Much to my husband's delight, they just DO NOT want to stay up ! LOL

    They keep falling down when I walk! Too Funny!
  • Bwhahaha. I know what you mean. My jammie' pants don't want to cooperate. I have to tie them super tight at the drawstring. :/! but at least you know you're losing!
  • LOL my pants are ok, because they all have crazy stretchy elastic in them. But while I am walking, my pants stay where they should and my underwear fall down...so I am trying to inconspicuously hike them back up! LMAO

    I do know I am losing! lol
  • Congrats!! Sounds like a great excuse to go shopping!!!
  • HA HA HA HA! Ohmydogs...that is freakin' hilarious! Keep on keepin' on!! You are doing simply amazing!
  • that is awesome! way to go!