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-   -   Tomorrow morning, I am going to fix this. (https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/weight-loss-support/227346-tomorrow-morning-i-am-going-fix.html)

Linsy 03-06-2011 01:47 AM

Tomorrow morning, I am going to fix this.
The past two weeks, I stopped taking care of myself. I got depressed, I started starving myself and then getting so hungry that I would take bites of peanut butter, which turned into bites of a cookie or bites of candy--all things that probably threw me out of ketosis (I'm on Atkins) and has stalled my weight loss at 222 for two weeks. I've still been eating low carb but my cravings are out of control again. I'm honestly ashamed of myself because I've been saying from the beginning that I can do this and it was so much easier than I thought it would be. I am not giving up after losing 60 pounds. I will see my halfway point (creeping up soon!!), 100lbs lost, onederland, and goal. I will be a maintainer for the rest of my life.

This is my official "I'm done slipping up" post. Tomorrow is back to my plan. I don't care if I want a bite of a cookie. I don't care if I want a piece of a candy bar. What I want MORE is to be happy about my body and love myself. I will not give up on the thing I am most proud of for a few bites of food.

Heavenseventeen 03-06-2011 03:27 AM

Do you have a carb 'refeed' 1-2 times a week? If you're nibbling on carbs then maybe it's your body's way of asking for some?

beaka 03-06-2011 09:22 AM

1. I would suggest you start right now instead of waiting until tomorrow. 2. Maybe you should re-evaluate if the diet works for you now. Maybe a diet that greatly restricts a food group that you crave isn't a good fit anymore.

DanielleLynnMichaels 03-06-2011 09:32 AM

Oh I'm sorry you feel that way. I think we all feel that way throughout our diets. I am just starting this journey and therefore my advice probably isn't the best. But, opinion wise, I agree with the above poster. If you are craving something it's your bodies way of screaming for that nutrient that can be found in it. That's what I have been told. This is a lifestyle change that we should all be planning and if you are miserable now, it's won't get any better. Find something that works for you.... you don't work for the diet. The lifestyle change should be tailored to fit you. Don't beat yourself up. Stick to your guns and think about your choices. :hug:

Linsy 03-06-2011 02:18 PM

It has nothing to do with my plan...I love my plan. It has everything to do with my stress and anxiety level because when I get stressed out I can't eat. I don't usually crave carbs, I actually love the foods that I eat but I've just been getting depressed, starving, and then wanting to eat whatever is lying around once I'm having an "up" mood (usually junk food, since I live with 4 other people).

Beaka, the reason I said "tomorrow" is because when I posted that it was 11PM yesterday and the day was already over, lol.

I just woke up today...about to go make an on-plan breakfast. Hopefully I can stomach it.

amandie 03-06-2011 02:28 PM

You can do it, Linsy! Just don't beat yourself up if you happen to be off plan for a while. Just move on and get back on track. :)

foodmasochist 03-06-2011 02:57 PM

good luck!
So how have you been doing? You are almost half way! you can do it!! we will be here for you. sounds like you are doing a GREAT JOB! ~fm

Linsy 03-06-2011 05:12 PM

I'm doing better today. I wasn't up to eating breakfast, so I skipped it and instead made a few eggs fried in butter w/ cheese and a flax muffin with 1tbsp of peanut butter. The flax muffin was bitter so I didn't eat it but I ate about half of the eggs and some off the peanut butter off of the top. I washed it down with sugar free Arizona lemonade.

For dinner I'm having a big chicken and veggie stir-fry. I've been craving veggies for a few days because chicken stir-fry is my absolute favorite "healthy" food. The thing that's been stressing me out is supposedly going to be resolved by tomorrow and then my anxiety should go away. The main cause of my stress is in someone ELSE'S hands...which makes it worse because I have control issues and I hate when I can't control stuff, LOL.

JohnP 03-06-2011 05:15 PM

FYI ketosis makes no difference towards weight loss. It is the deficit of calories that causes the loss.

Having said that ketosis might make you feel slightly better.

LightRaven 03-06-2011 09:34 PM

Hi Linsy! I'm glad to see you feeling a little better and taking control! And hopefully, the more you take care and love yourself, the better you will feel! :hug: Great job and good luck! :)


Bombe 03-07-2011 10:47 AM

Linsy I am in the same boat as you. Also a low-carber (although not Atkins specifically) and I had a ROUGH weekend! But as of this morning I'm back at it and feeling confident, we just can't ever give up!!! :hug:

Linsy 03-07-2011 02:25 PM

Still playing the waiting game with what is stressing me out but I have my fingers crossed that it will get resolved today. I felt better last night and talked to a friend about some things that I needed to get off my chest and that helped a lot. I also played left 4 dead with some friends for a few hours and it was great to have fun and temporarily take my mind off of everything. It's hard to be stressed when you're trying to survive against zombies and jockeys and hunters while laughing with friends :).

My stomach is growling but I don't feel like eating so maybe I'll try to force myself to get some leftover stir-fry.

Linsy 03-07-2011 09:41 PM

The scale was down today, but I felt depressed and didn't eat until like 5 minutes ago--a slice of pepperoni stuffed crust pizza. I feel guilty but it was there and I was starving.

I think I actually might have found a big problem in my plan. I might not love it as much as I think I do. I am kind of sick of Atkins. Big pieces of fatty meat and cheese no longer appeal to me and I'd like to be able to eat fruit and milk without feeling like I'm cheating. I'm going to research it and talk to my mom about it switching plans--either to just low carb calorie counting or South Beach.

I'm afraid to switch it up because it makes me feel like I'm "weak" for not sticking it out...although I guess if I consider eating on my plan "sticking it out" then it's a sign that I need a change. It's also nice to be able to go out to a restaurant and order a steak or grab a burger at fast food (no bun) for a quick guilt free meal, but I think I could give up some convenience for a little bit more sanity. I think if I eat another egg I'll gag.

oodlesofnoodles 03-07-2011 10:05 PM

Hey, you're not weak! There's absolutely nothing weak about that. That's the right thing to do. If something isn't working for you and you decide it's time to change it up, you're being smart about your plan. You're being successful! You're always going to have to adapt and change... what works now might not work 20, 30, or 40 pounds from now. You can do it! And I hope you feel better. :hug:

Resolute 03-07-2011 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Linsy (Post 3747511)
The scale was down today, but I felt depressed and didn't eat until like 5 minutes ago--a slice of pepperoni stuffed crust pizza. I feel guilty but it was there and I was starving.

I think I actually might have found a big problem in my plan. I might not love it as much as I think I do. I am kind of sick of Atkins. Big pieces of fatty meat and cheese no longer appeal to me and I'd like to be able to eat fruit and milk without feeling like I'm cheating. I'm going to research it and talk to my mom about it switching plans--either to just low carb calorie counting or South Beach.

I'm afraid to switch it up because it makes me feel like I'm "weak" for not sticking it out...although I guess if I consider eating on my plan "sticking it out" then it's a sign that I need a change. It's also nice to be able to go out to a restaurant and order a steak or grab a burger at fast food (no bun) for a quick guilt free meal, but I think I could give up some convenience for a little bit more sanity. I think if I eat another egg I'll gag.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with tailoring your eating habits to something you can live and be happy/fulfilled with, personally i just count cals and honestly eat whatever i desire, within reason / moderation ( no empty cals like junk food or liquids) , obviously you will have to find a happy medium anyways, why not find one that works for you on both a physical and emotional level ?

indiblue 03-07-2011 11:01 PM

A plan is just a tool for weight loss. You're not giving up on weight loss, you're just changing the tool you're using to get there. If I'm painting a house and the paint brush just isn't doing the job, I may reach for a sprayer. Either way, I'm still getting the house painted, I'm just doing it in a way that works better.

People tend to use "diet" as an all-encompassing word for "weight loss plan." Sure, a single diet can be part of the all-encompassing plan, but it doesn't have to be. I am losing weight by calorie counting and exercising, which are methods, not diets. Calorie counting, South Beach, exercise, low carb, these are all various methods one can utilize and assemble as needed to get to their weight loss goals. It's finding the right combination for each individual person that's so critical for success.

You have done absurdly now, so why turn back? Rummage through the tool box to figure out which tools are working, get rid of the ones that aren't, and keep moving forward. You've come too far to give up now! Hugs :hug:

laueliz 03-08-2011 12:33 AM

Hi Linsy,

I'm glad you're not giving up on you're weight loss :) I know you're going through some stressful personal things right now, but your health is so important. I think it would be a fine idea to try South Beach diet. I think you would see similar results to Atkins while maintaining your sanity.

If you don't like Atkins as much as you thought, that's okay! Try modifying to another healthy diet because if you don't like it, you won't maintain it and you'll be tempted to binge.

Much luck to you and I really hope things get ironed out!

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