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lucysam77 02-01-2011 10:00 AM

losing weight one day at the time****
I dedicate this to all women like me whom gets desperate and want to lose all the extra pounds in one week....

I used to make diet and after one week with few results I felt anger, sad and felt of the wagon. One day I woke up to make breakfast for my husband and daughter and while I was cooking I thought that I was going to make a healthy breakfast for me, I did the same with the lunch and dinner. Later that day I went to bed trying not to think about food. The next day I did the same with exception that I changed my TV evening for a 30 minutes walk, then I went to the bed.

That was 30 days ago and every morning as soon as I open my eyes, I always said to me.... Im gonna eat healthy, 30 minutes exercise... just the same thing I did yesterday!!!

I weighed myself and I lost 15 pounds. I feel motivated, excited and I am taking it one day at the time!!!!

--------------------Im sorry my english is not perfect :o-----------------

Emme 02-01-2011 10:04 AM

Congrats on losing 15 pounds!! I am one of those who always wanted to lose 80 pounds after one weekend of heavy dieting and exercising ;) I have learned to be very, very patient and just take this a day at a time. The weight didn't pile on over one week, so it's not going to come off in one week.

beerab 02-01-2011 10:06 AM

That's great! Keep up the good work :)

berryblondeboys 02-01-2011 10:10 AM

Exactly! One day at a time. And if one day is bad, it's OK, there's tomorrow. This is a lifestyle change and that takes time and patience. Good for you!

WillsAngel 02-01-2011 10:13 AM

Good for you!!! Instant gratification is exactly won't you don't get when you change your eating habits! BUT the best is when you put on a piece of clothing and it is too big and you can't wear it cuz it looks ridiculous! Each change is a success and brings you one step closer to your goals!

time2lose 02-01-2011 10:26 AM

Congratulations! I have to take it one day at a time too. The big picture was too overwhelming for me but I could handle one day. "One day at a time" became my motto.

CurryMama 02-01-2011 10:31 AM

I think this is an awesome idea for a post. I too just take it day by day. Congrats on your 15 pound loss! :) Weighed myself this morning and I have lost a total of 12 pounds to date.

joyc21 02-01-2011 10:34 AM

Congrats on your success so far. I'm slowly but surely chaning my mindset as well. For so long I've approached dieting with what I like to call a "microwave mentality". I want it all right now.....I've decided to stop weighing everyday and just stick to my daily plan. Everyday, every meal is a choice and as long as I'm making the right one at least 90% of the time, the results will have to follow.

lucysam77 02-02-2011 01:15 PM

Thank you girls for all the postings. Good luck to all of you!!!...
3FC is great... with all the support i'm not feeling alone anymore in this journey.
Again, thanx... :-)

stasiagurl91 02-02-2011 01:31 PM

Congrats on the 15lbs! This is one of the most important lesson I learned and what makes this time different from my other billion attempts: patience. Today I weighed myself and I didn't lose anything sance last week but I thought at least I didn't gain either.

Eliana 02-02-2011 02:35 PM

This has been exactly my problem!! I was definitely the type who wanted to lose all 100 pronto and when "pronto" wasn't to my liking, I quit. When I finally got it and committed to doing this for life...the weight has come off. It has come off at its own rate, but it has come off and the wait has been so worth it! :D

AZ Sunrises 02-02-2011 03:05 PM

:) Congrats on the loss. It's one day at a time, one pound at a time, and sometimes when you're having a bad day, it's one minute at a time. It's so easy to not see the results as quickly as you want and throw away all of your hard work. It's so cool when things finally "click" for a person.

Rana 02-02-2011 09:55 PM


shannonmb 02-03-2011 06:20 AM

I think being an "instant gratification" person is why I gained so much weight in the first place -- can't feel skinny and awesome today? Then I'll order a pizza and have an instant reward from that. I'm FINALLY figuring out that the reward for long, hard work will be lots better than that temporary one I get from overeating. Luckily I've figured out that I don't have to get all the way to my goal to feel lots better, so I'm being rewarded in small ways along the way -- and taking it one day and one small victory at a time!

Kahokkuri 02-03-2011 07:46 AM

I'm so glad I checked out this thread rather than eating the piece of bread that was tempting me! I had a bad day yesterday and felt bad today as a result; I was about to go for the instant gratification of overeating again but stopping for a minute to be conscious of it is helping me resist. Thanks!

HMM3 02-03-2011 09:46 AM

Congratulations ..... a very good message too ..... just what I needed to hear ......

Ultreos 02-03-2011 10:06 AM

That which motivates us the most is our will power and our minds. With a mind set like that, with a will like that, it's going to be hard if not impossible for you to fail.

lucysam77 02-03-2011 10:16 AM

It's a daily struggle, but worth it!

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