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PlaygroundLove 07-31-2010 11:41 AM

Ughh, TOM is the worst. I completely understand your decision not to weigh in, hahaha. I'm kind of nervous about weighing in tomorrow too--I didn't do anything REALLY wrong this week, but it definitely wasn't my best. I think I'll be happy if I lose a pound or two.

I think the key to not eating "bad food" when you're drunk is to make sure you either

a) eat before you go out or
b) have slightly healthier "munchies" available--like a lean cuisine pizza at home...that's what works for me, anyway.

Sorry to hear about the drama in the house...hope everything's okay!

Also: I know we've both had a kind of shaky week, so I just wanted to remind you (and me) that we CAN do this. We're doing an awesome job- yes, there are bumps along the road, but I think as long as we get over them and keep moving forward, we'll do great :)

JJ Canada 07-31-2010 02:28 PM

I agree, TOM makes me feel hungry all the time! I hate how huge I feel then as well.
Can't wait till monday to see how your weigh ins go!

CHUBBY...my 20 days should be up soon, although I'm not exactly sure what day I joined. I'll have to check on my profile.
Am I the only paranoid internet user??? I don't think I would ever dare to put my photo up on an open forum like this:o

DANI...absolutely it is an ego boost to have guys show interest in you!! Hope the B's BF finally notices you, and we like to say, live happily ever after:p

COURTNEY...have you figured out how many points a mixed drink is!!?? I think I should try to figure it out because it's gonna ruin my good intentions:)

Have a good weekend!!

PlaygroundLove 07-31-2010 03:01 PM

JJ- Haha, thank you! I hope eventually things work out too, but we'll see :P As for mixed drinks...have you heard of Hungry Girl? She just released a new cookbook that's all low-cal cocktails...the average mixed drink at a bar can be REALLY high in calories, but if you use things like fresh fruit, Crystal Light, and diet sodas in your drinks, you can cut out a lot of the calories.

Also, you are not the only paranoid user! I don't plan on openly posting a picture here either, although I guess if anyone was really curious and messaged me or something, I might send it via PM.

JJ Canada 07-31-2010 05:12 PM

Yeah, I'd probably do it through PM(whatever that is...just e-mail?) Who knows when I'll finally get it!
I have a craving for potato chips right now, so bad that I can taste them!:mad:
Great idea about the lowcal drinks. I'll have to look into that!

Sunshinenmysoul 07-31-2010 07:30 PM

Dani, thank you SO much is all I have to say. I have been screwing up left and right. As soon as I started my TOM my mind went haywire and I've been making TERRIBLE choices. This is going to be the difference this time. In the past when I would mess up I'd give up. This time all I have to do is keep coming on here and talking to y'all and knowing that tomorrow is another day for me to pick back up where I left off and exercise.

I'm just having a difficult week and I'm completely frustrated with myself. Where's my will power that I've had? Here we go... just like always. Please help me help myself to not fail again! I'm freaking out lol. I don't want to revert to my old ways. AHH!

The problem has been for me the last 2 times I've been drunk is someone says let's go get fast food and I'm like WHOOOOOO OK! Haha. So, I just have to know in my drunken subconscious that I can't do that. It's so hard!

JJ I have the Weight Watchers app on my ipod and it has a list of mixed drinks like daiquiris, margaritas, blood marys, etc. and tells me how many points they all are. It's pretty cool.

Here are a couple-
- Long Island Ice Tea (6 oz.) 6 points
-Frozen Mudslide (12 oz) 19 points (DAMN!!)
-Bloody Mary (4 oz) 2 points
-Screwdriver (4 oz) 2 points
-Gin and Tonic (6 oz)- 3 points
-Mojito (6 oz) 3 points
-Mai Tai (4 oz) 4 points
-Manhattan (4 oz) 4 points
-Cosmopolitan (4 oz) 4 points
-Sex on the Beach (6 oz) 4 points
-Frozen Strawberry Margarita or Regular Margarita (MY FAV!) (4 oz) 5 points
-Martini (4 oz) 5 points
-Jack and Coke (6 oz) 3 points
-White Russian (4 oz) 7 points
-Rum and Coke (6 oz) 4 points
-Pina Colada (6 oz) 7 points

That's ALL of them that I have lol. So maybe next time you go out that'll help!

PlaygroundLove 08-01-2010 12:57 PM

Courtney, you can do this! I'm not going to let you go back to the way things were, and (more importantly) YOU'RE not going to let yourself go back, either.

You had a rough week, yes, and you will probably have rough weeks again in the future, but that's not what matters! What matters is all those good weeks in between. Is there a chance that you didn't lose a lot this week? Yes. But it's not like you gained it all back, either! Think of how far you've come and how hard you've worked- I know you don't want to undo all that.

So today, get right back on the horse and stay within your points. Go work up a sweat, either at the gym or with a video. You can't change what you ate yesterday or the day before, but you CAN control what you eat today.

As for the drunk munchies, I struggle with this a lot too. I think the key is to not let yourself get drunk enough to become irresponsible--you can be kind of drunk and still be sober enough to know that eating fast food is a bad idea, y'know?

And I'm serious, if I know I'm going to be drinking, I always ALWAYS have a contingency plan for eating. Like, save calories for a Lean Cuisine pizza. Eat tons of popcorn (4 cups of some brands is 1 point, I believe). Keep a snack in your purse. Eat something with carbs BEFORE going out (that might be a good night to eat something like whole grain pasta or brown rice with your dinner).

Remember not to be too hard on yourself. Learn from this and move on--I think you're going to be just fine :) All in all, you're doing awesome!

As for me, I weighed in this morning and lost a LOT more than I expected to- I think I had a huge drop after TOM ended, so 3 pounds seem to have disappeared overnight. Unfortunately, I'm going away for a conference for work and won't really have internet access from this Thursday until the following Sunday (10 days), so this will be my last Sunday weigh-in until two weeks from now! I'll probably weigh in one last time on Thursday morning before I leave, just so I can keep track of whether I gain or lose while I'm there. I'm nervous about it...no gym time at all and all catered meals. I think my only hope will be to be really careful about portion control.

Sunshinenmysoul 08-01-2010 02:06 PM

You are so totally and completely right. I messed up, but it's not the end of the world and it's definitely not the end of my weight loss. Ok, so today I am going to keep track of my points much better. Still skipping the weigh in today due to TOM and I'm going to get my butt to the gym and stay there for a while burning off tons of calories.

I took some photos last night with friends and could already see a difference in my face in the pictures. It looked a little thinner so that was motivating. I have had a rough past few days, but that won't define me and it won't be the end of me! Here I go again! (At least this time 2-3 days of messing up won't turn into 2-3 months right?)

Thank you so much for the encouragement. I know you will do amazing on your trip and you should definitely take snacks of your own with you. I'd suggest eating something low calorie and high in fiber before you eat one of the catered meals. Maybe take a printout with you of general food items and how many calories they have so that you can try to estimate your calorie intake for the meal without internet access.

I know there's a chance I didn't lose this week that's for sure lol. I'm just hoping I didn't gain. We will see Tuesday. After that I'm switching to Sunday weigh-ins.

My husband and I have been staying with my parents for now until I get a job and we can get an apartment and it's really starting to get annoying lol. It's so nice of them to let us stay, but after a few months of this my mom is kind of driving me crazy. I try not to let it show, but sometimes it's hard.

PlaygroundLove 08-01-2010 10:16 PM

Boo, I'm sorry it's been hard having your family around all the time. I can imagine that would be kind of stressful...just remember that it's temporary!

I'm in a weird, impatient mood. I hung out with a few people I hadn't seen in a while today, and none of them seemed to notice any difference in my appearance. It's driving me crazy that I've lost 20 pounds and somehow barely look any different. I just wish there was some way I could wake up tomorrow thin enough for people to notice! Ugh. I think I just need to focus on getting into the 180s...part of my impatience is that it seems like the 190s have lasted forever!

Also: look, I finally got a signature! :broc:

JJ Canada 08-02-2010 07:38 AM

OOOH,mudslide are 19 pts??? I had three of them over the weekend, no wonder I was up a bit!! Yikes, those drinks can ruin a diet really quick.

COURTNEY..you have to tell yourself this if you screw up " I can't believe I used to eat like this all the time..." then get back on track. I know, I have the same worries and failures and goals that you do. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!

DANI..How do you know when you get a signature? Do they e-mail you or what?

I think you are both doing great and we are NOT going to quit!! That scale is going to go down:carrot::carrot::carrot:

JJ Canada 08-02-2010 08:20 AM

I just counted my days and Courtney, we should be getting our ticker tomorrow. Nothing like seeing the ticker moving to keep us motivated!! I was up a bit after the weekend...getting a little discouraged but ...gotta keep going. we can do it!!!

Sunshinenmysoul 08-02-2010 02:10 PM

Thanks! Yeah I'm going to weigh in tomorrow. I did horrible over the weekend. In my mind anyway. I would do bad and eat out like... I had Chinese food lawd help me. So I felt so guilty I didn't eat again for the rest of the day! I drank 2 nights this weekend, but I had cranberry and vodkas. It was fun, but now I'm nervous about what the scale is going to say. I just have to suck it up and weigh in!

I started a clean slate today for this week. I wrote down my goals for the week and what I hope to accomplish and I'm getting back on track. No more falling of the wagon and then staying off until I surpass my starting weight. That won't happen again. I'm a new woman! LOL.

I'm really excited to get my ticker!! It's going to be awesome to see my progress like that.

I know what you mean about people not noticing, but they will trust me. 20 lbs. is a lot to lose though and it's only a matter of time before someone notices. I know it's nice to have people notice, but you have to keep telling yourself that you're doing this for you and what really matters is when you can see a difference and you start becoming happy with yourself!!

Sunshinenmysoul 08-02-2010 06:37 PM

I have a signature!!!!

PlaygroundLove 08-02-2010 08:26 PM

Awww, cute! I tried to add one :dance: for every 10 lost too, but it made my signature too long since I already have two tickers...haha.

JJ- I was shocked by how many points are in a mudslide too! What do they put in them, lard?? Too bad that's my favorite cocktail...I'll let you know if I find any lower cal swaps!

Courtney- I'm super proud of you for getting back on the horse! I bet your weigh-in tomorrow won't be nearly as bad as you think it will be.

As for me, I'm...all doom and gloom at the moment. I'm obliged to go to this conference for work, but I REALLY, REAAAALLLYYYY don't want to go. I'm stuck with people I very much dislike, I'll have no control over what I'm served (the meals are catered and, to conserve costs, there's only one option), I won't have regular access to a gym, and I won't get to see a scale for 10 days. Oh, right, and I'll be working 17 hour days...literally. I don't know how I'm going to get through this, and I'm terrified about what it'll mean for my weight loss. Ughhhh.

Also for some reason the temptation to weigh in daily has returned in full force! It hasn't been this hard since we first switched to weekly, haha. I think the fact that I *won't* have access to a scale in a few days is making me obsess over my scale now. Maybe I'll weigh in tomorrow for a little peace of mind...

Ugh, sorry, I'm all over the place. Hopefully both of you are having better days than I am!

Sunshinenmysoul 08-02-2010 10:48 PM

Well, I'm doing better. I worked out at the gym and burned around 400 cals. How many do you normally burn in a trip to the gym??

Are you sharing a room with anyone at the hotel you'll be staying at because you can always do pushups/situps/etc. if you're comfortable!! OR if you have a laptop you can bring it and pop in a workout vid at the end of the night...but I just remembered you are going to be doing 17 hour days so I don't know if you'll be up for that.

Also, whatever they serve you just eat 1/2 of it. Then however many calories is in it you know you'll only be eating half of that and it won't be so bad. Then you can pack your own low calorie snacks and have that too.

I totally had that crazy weigh-in fever happening to me too last week! I was like omg omg omg I need to weigh! I'm so curious! Then I got my TOM and was like eww I don't want to weigh at all lol.

I love those little dancing fluff balls lol. Too cute. I just have the one ticker since I'm doing more than one challenge right now. The Labor Day and Halloween one. So I figured that'd be way too complicated!

JJ Canada 08-03-2010 07:27 AM

Hi there girls. I am just way to bummed about how my diet is goig. I think I have to cut out all alcoholic beverages because it seems the nights I have a glass of wine I'm up(in weight) the next morning . It's getting very discouraging. I'm eating less but yet I'm not losing like I did the last time. UUGH. You both seem so motivated to work out and keep going...I'm feeling like I'm ready to give up. Why track everything that goes into my mouth by points if there's nothing happening anyways?! I think I'm maybe just having a bad day...

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