When Should I Weigh Myself Now?

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  • Hi!

    I just got a new job and I started on Monday. The thing is, it's the early morning shift (it starts at 6 a.m.) and so I have to wake up at 4:30 a.m. to get ready for my day. I'm usually in a rush in the morning, and I don't get off work until noon. It's a part-time job, so I won't be working every day. This past week, I worked every day except for Thursday.

    My problem is that I used to weigh myself every day at around 9 a.m. I can't do that anymore because of work, so what should I do? When should I weigh myself? I don't think I can weigh myself at 4:30 a.m. and if I weigh myself at noon, it will be "off". I can't stand to skip a day. I've already skipped pretty much a whole week and it's driving me insane! I need to know!

  • Why not just weigh yourself once a week? thats what most people do, i think it helps alot to determine how much you've actaully lost
  • I don't think it matters as long as you try to weigh yourself at the same time each time. Obviously you can't do it at the old time, so why not pick a new time. Even if it's in the evening, after a few weighs you will get used to it. It will still be consistent even though it maybe be off the first couple of times or so. The loss will still be correct from week to week if you are at the same time of day.

  • I'd just weigh in at 4:30 when I got up those days. I weigh in at 5:30 if I work at 6am, or 7:30 if I work at 8am - and I don't think anything of it!
  • Quote: I'd just weigh in at 4:30 when I got up those days. I weigh in at 5:30 if I work at 6am, or 7:30 if I work at 8am - and I don't think anything of it!
    I try and keep Friday's time as close as I can because that is only day I really count. If I weigh at 4:30am I know it is going to be higher then if I weight at 9am, doesn't really matter to me... as long as it's not 5 pounds higher
  • Quote: Ditto.
    I try and keep Friday's time as close as I can because that is only day I really count. If I weigh at 4:30am I know it is going to be higher then if I weight at 9am, doesn't really matter to me... as long as it's not 5 pounds higher
    That's funny you say that, because if I weigh myself later in the day it's always higher. I work in an office with a scale, so sometimes I step on it more than once a day just out of boredom. My earliest weigh-ins are always the best.
  • I'm an obsessive weight watcher...I'm always checking what the scale says, a habit I'm trying to break. But I usually base my days weight in the mornings and, though i look, I ignore what the scale says throughout the day. Haha
  • Sometimes I get up at 5 and weigh then and other days I get up at 9 and weigh then-- I haven't noticed a difference.
  • I just weigh myself right after I wake up and go to the bathroom. It doesn't matter what time it is. Everything seems to be going steadily down.

    (i do my "real" weigh in, the one I count, Thursday mornings)
  • I began weighing everyday after I began to lose weight last time and it was the kiss of death to my diet. This is not the same thing for everyone, obviously, but I found that my attitude and demeanor was based on my weight gain or loss, even if it was .2 pounds! It was horrible, so now I am going to weigh in once a week or every other week (Haven't decided yet), but I am going to be measuring! It will be nice to see how much is melting away from the fat parts of my body so that when the scale isn't budging, I can know that there is some progress being made somewhere!

    Try weighing one day a week, same time every morning and wearing the same thing. It will be the most accurate.
  • what's the scale say, what's the scale say
    Quote: I'm an obsessive weight watcher...I'm always checking what the scale says, a habit I'm trying to break. But I usually base my days weight in the mornings and, though i look, I ignore what the scale says throughout the day. Haha
    I am that way too! Arg it can drive you to eat! thinking you've gain 2lbs that day when it's just a natural fluctuation.

    I would weigh myself 2-3 x's a day, it was NOT good.

    Then I was watching 'Ruby' , one of my few favorite tv programs and noticed she seems to weigh in 1x every 2 weeks. [well that's how it looks on the program] So I thought " I should do that too!"

    So I went 2 weeks without weighing myself. I found when I waited 2 weeks I became so anxious that I had actually not lost any lbs even tho I was exercising and dieting that I have to weigh in 1 x a week.

    This way I'm not fooled by the 2lbs a day that our weight naturally fluctuates in as we eat drink etc... as the day passes.
  • Stop obsessing about the number on the scale. If you must weigh yourself frequently, do it then every Thursday when you are off work. Once a week is more than enough.
  • Thank you for all of the replies! I don't know if weighing myself once a week will work though. My schedule is going to be such that I'm going to be working different days every week. So 4:30 in the morning it is! I'm not happy with the fact that it will be higher though

  • My weight is always the lowest in the early morning, why would yours be more? I don't understand that. At 9am after breakfast it's lower? Also, even if it is more...well... that is how much you weigh, it's your real weight at that time. IF I weigh myself at 5 or 8, whatever the scale reads is how much my body weighs at that moment. Of course if I would weigh after a huge meal, the weight of the food is a factor, but who does that?
  • I'm sorry, but I'm just having a hard time understanding what seems to be the problem and why you don't think you can weigh yourself at 4:30am. It takes maybe 7 seconds to step on the scale and get your weight. If you really absolutely can not step on the scale in the morning because you're in such a rush then maybe you should just set the alarm 5 minutes earlier. It seems like weighing in is a huge priority for you, so if it's that big of a priority then you make time to get it done.