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mdchick88 04-01-2010 09:54 PM

Even though I have only been really heavy for a couple of years, I can't really remember a lot of these things. I guess I took all of this for granted!! I love this thread, definitely going to remember this when I want to grab a Reese cup or something!!

I personally wonder what it's like not to feel embarrassed every time I eat in public. I don't know what it is, I am just so self conscious about my weight I don't ever want anyone to see me eating...

rockinrobin 04-01-2010 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by GonnaTurnHeads (Post 3228027)
I wonder whats so bad about "fat sex" - is skinny sex really all that much better??

I wonder what its like to sit down in a bathtub and not be wedged into the sides... I also wonder what its like to not sit down and make the tub overflow, or even more so - to have my belly covered in the water!!

I wonder what its like to walk into a store and pick anything off the rack - not just the biggest size and hope it fits or else you are out of luck!

I wonder what its like to feel agile...

I wonder what its like to not slouch and support some of your upper body weight on the belly-shelf.

I wonder what its like to have a picture taken of you and not work to conceal the double chin by finding the perfect angle...

I wonder what its like to cross your legs on an airplane...

I wonder what swim suit shopping feels like.

I wonder what it feels like to lay on your belly and not float on your belly fat.. Do you really feel your hips or ribs on the ground??

I wonder what its like to be physically picked up by a man...

What do you wonder about? Or what do you have answers to? What answers did you find as you lost weight??

This post me kinda sad too.

Now I AM thin, but it reminded me of all the years, decades, in fact that I WASN'T. What a waste. I missed out on so much joy, so much pleasure.

There is no doubt about it, being thin feels a whole lot better than not being thin. There is much more joy and happiness. Much less worries and sadness.

Everything just feels so *normal* and right and regular. No thinking, worrying or wondering or contemplating about *situations*. Like traveling on airplanes, sitting on lawn chairs, fitting into clothing, heat rash, red face, wearing out the inside of your jeans from that horrible chub rub. No more worrying about being the largest in the room, or the worst dressed.

Your self confidence soars. I find it easier to speak my mind now. I've become a better mother, daughter, wife, sister, friend and stranger. I am more giving of myself. I am less inhibited. I've gained my own self respect.

Oh and I finally let my DH pick me up - pretty darn cool.

I have more pictures of me now in the past 3 years then I do TOTAL from the previous 20 years. Waaaay more. Me, who used to duck from the camera is not a camera hog!

The bones are fantastic. The discovery of them is AWESOME - the ribs, the collar bones, the shoulders, the little wrist bones, the spine, the hip - all totally awesome, although sometimes it's a bit painful. Regardless, I feel strong and sexy and feminine.

It's wonderful to fit between small spaces. Wonderful to be nicknamed slim and tiny by your spouse. Wonderful to have people tell you how fabulous you look. Wonderful to have my daughters tell me, "OMG, my mother's a MILF".

Wonderful to go shopping - anywhere and everywhere. Shop. Shop. Shop. Come home with oodles and oodles of clothing. The bad part is, well, is that EVERYTHING looks good and it's hard to decide which gorgeous thing to leave behind in the store, because it would be INSANE to buy alll those clothes. I DO need to work on that a little bit better.

Being light, energetic, able to move easily and comfortably. Not being embarrassed and self conscious. It's all just wonderful.

Being slim doesn't solve and take care of all life's problems.
Everything is EASIER and SIMPLER and more ENJOYABLE without have the burden of the extra weight and all the uncomfortableness that it brings about. I highly recommend it. :)

Cali Doll 04-01-2010 09:55 PM

I've been picked up a lot lately. It usually scares me! ...but it's so amazingly thrilling!!!!

I often yelp and then jump and then I squee in joy. Best. Feeling. Ever.

Pick me up more, please! :-)

Going into stores and being able to pick up anything feels amazing, too.

I've always been a picture wh0re (even at over 200 lbs)...nothing new there. LOL!

lovinww 04-02-2010 01:28 AM

I think the reason this post made some of sad is because alot of us have had the same questions. I think this is a great post!!!

I wonder whats so bad about "fat sex" - is skinny sex really all that much better?? me and my husband were both overweight he is at goal and I am under 200 now so sex is WAY better even though it was good before it is easier and just a whole bunch better lol

I wonder what its like to sit down in a bathtub and not be wedged into the sides... I also wonder what its like to not sit down and make the tub overflow, or even more so - to have my belly covered in the water!! this is a good one I sure know how you feel and you will look and feel so amazing in your tub soon !! It feels nice to relax in a tub and not squeeze my big bottom in lol

I wonder what its like to walk into a store and pick anything off the rack - not just the biggest size and hope it fits or else you are out of luck!
this part is amazing for me, I shop at old navy now and buy a size large top or dress it used to be an xxl was way tight!!

I wonder what its like to feel agile...well I am still overweight but doing things are so much easier now but I cant wait to be at goal and be more agile if that even makes since

I wonder what its like to not slouch and support some of your upper body weight on the belly-shelf.it feels good to be lighter up top even though I miss my boobies :} my posture is so much better

I wonder what its like to have a picture taken of you and not work to conceal the double chin by finding the perfect angle...still have to work at that lol

I wonder what its like to cross your legs on an airplane...crossing my legs at all seems so amazing I never used to cross them they were to fat

I wonder what swim suit shopping feels like.I still dont like swim suit shopping

I wonder what it feels like to lay on your belly and not float on your belly fat.. Do you really feel your hips or ribs on the ground??hmmm have never thought of it that way I guess my hips touch the mattress now :}

I wonder what its like to be physically picked up by a man...ohhhh I cant wait!!!!!

all of your questions will be answered soon... you will answer them for yourself when you get to the weight you want.. I am here for you and I am sure so many other people support you as well!! BIG HUGS!!

What do you wonder about? Or what do you have answers to? What answers did you find as you lost weightI found out men hold the door for me now, they used to close it in my face... kind of makes me sick but that is what I have noticed

Dippy Chip 04-02-2010 03:16 AM

This post didn't just make me feel kinda sad, it made me feel really sad, because I'll NEVER experience some of these things...and probably judging by everyone else's answers they're the really important ones! However, I just have to count my blessings, and be thankful for what I can and will experience! :):):)

I wonder whats so bad about "fat sex" - is skinny sex really all that much better?? This is one of the one's I'll never know. Due to my husband's severe health issues we haven't had sex since I was 28 (I'm now 44) so I guess I'll always be wondering about this one.

I wonder what its like to sit down in a bathtub and not be wedged into the sides... I also wonder what its like to not sit down and make the tub overflow, or even more so - to have my belly covered in the water!! Yes, I wonder about this one too! I always envy the women in the movies when they lie up to the neck in loads of bubbles - my tub would overflow before I'd run enough water to cover my boobs and belly. :D

I wonder what its like to walk into a store and pick anything off the rack - not just the biggest size and hope it fits or else you are out of luck! Yes, I wonder about this, and I'm looking forward to the experience!

I wonder what its like to feel agile... I'm REALLY looking forward to this one!

I wonder what its like to not slouch and support some of your upper body weight on the belly-shelf. I don't really do this so this one's not applicable to me.

I wonder what its like to have a picture taken of you and not work to conceal the double chin by finding the perfect angle... I've never consciously worked the angle, but I hate myself in just about every photo I've ever had taken. I'm plain so I'll never look beautiful, but it will be nice to see photographic evidence that the double chins and muffin top have disappeared! :p

I wonder what its like to cross your legs on an airplane... Just crossing my legs - period - will be amazing! I can do it for short periods of time now, but it would be nice to be able to do the pretzel manoeuvre!

I wonder what swim suit shopping feels like. This isn't a big goal for me...I tend to do city holidays (my beloved Rome) rather than beach ones.

I wonder what it feels like to lay on your belly and not float on your belly fat.. Do you really feel your hips or ribs on the ground?? This will be an odd one to experience!

I wonder what its like to be physically picked up by a man... This is another one that I'll never experience. My husband is forbidden by his surgeons from lifting a full kettle of water, so he sure as **** is never going to be able to pick me up. And I guess I could get another guy to pick me up, but it just wouldn't be the same :(. It's your sweetheart that you always dream will be the one who picks you up and carries you to the bedroom...

Some of you ladies don't know how lucky you are! :)

Robsia 04-02-2010 04:19 AM

I wonder whats so bad about "fat sex" - is skinny sex really all that much better??

Personally, I always enjoyed sex, so it isn;t better in that regard, but I feel more comfortable with myself and I find myself sexy, where I never used to. I enjoy watching us in a mirror when we make love, I never used to do that either but I find it a real turn on I can get my legs in different places also.

I wonder what its like to sit down in a bathtub and not be wedged into the sides... I also wonder what its like to not sit down and make the tub overflow, or even more so - to have my belly covered in the water!!

I shower so I don't really know - I think I haven't had a bath in about 3 years.

I wonder what its like to walk into a store and pick anything off the rack - not just the biggest size and hope it fits or else you are out of luck!

That does feel good - I must confess, being able to pick the smallest size on the rail, or even better, knowing that some shops don't even stock your size! Which is annoying in a way, especially if they have nice stuff, but it still feels good.

I wonder what its like to feel agile...

That is one of the best things - being able to run 6 miles is an amazing feeling.

I wonder what its like to have a picture taken of you and not work to conceal the double chin by finding the perfect angle...

I used to put my arm across my belly in pictures, as if it would somehow hide it. I love not being fraid of having my picture taken.

I wonder what its like to cross your legs on an airplane...

lol - still can't do that easily, but that's because there is precious little room

I wonder what swim suit shopping feels like.

I still dislike bikini shopping - have to find one that hides my stretch marks and overhang!

I wonder what it feels like to lay on your belly and not float on your belly fat.. Do you really feel your hips or ribs on the ground??

I just tried it and yes you do - it's quite uncomfortable actually - they dig in. I can feeling my pulse beating in my belly also.

I wonder what its like to be physically picked up by a man...

Hate it - I feel very out of control.

What do you wonder about? Or what do you have answers to? What answers did you find as you lost weight??

I think I basically just wondered about how I would look - I assumed I would magically get the kind of toned, brown body with a six pack that you see on Hollywood actresses. Instead I have a white flabby body which, yes I can put into size 4 jeans but it still has stretch marks and an overhang where my belly skin is too big for me. I can work on the toning but the only cure for the belly is a tummy tuck. So I am still not in love with my new body as much as I expected to be, but it's a lot better than it used to be.

jenwoobiekins 04-02-2010 09:54 AM

Funny when I got out of the car this morning and had to pull the bra down, the pants up, re-adjust the shirt so it's down in the front and basically re-adjust myself before I could walk into my job, I wondered if skinny people ever had to adjust their clothes as much as I do?

SlimBy2011 04-02-2010 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by mdchick88 (Post 3228886)
Even though I have only been really heavy for a couple of years, I can't really remember a lot of these things. I guess I took all of this for granted!! I love this thread, definitely going to remember this when I want to grab a Reese cup or something!!

I personally wonder what it's like not to feel embarrassed every time I eat in public. I don't know what it is, I am just so self conscious about my weight I don't ever want anyone to see me eating...

I feel the same way. I'd love to just walk in a store, buy some cookies and not feel like this...

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