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jhinako 03-28-2010 09:36 PM

The easter candy...is not treating me well.
I love Easter candy. God, it's my favorite candy ever and I've been so horrible. I've been buying the Cadbury orange and the caramel eggs and eating tons of them! Some where in my mind, I'm justifying eating it--thinking "well this is just one time a year." "they'll be gone soon".

Really, I'm over doing it. I bought 2 of those 4 packs of the chocolate egg things--both are gone in 2 days. This isn't the first time. I know I've gained weight--thankfully not a ton, but it's not helping my overall goal which is to get back to where I was last year!

Any one else struggling through this? 1 more week!

Hopeful8 03-28-2010 09:54 PM

You really shouldn't buy the eggs. It's almost like you're enabling yourself to eat them.

My mom-in-law always sends a package of Easter candy to our house every year. She sends a 2lb chocolate/peanut butter filled egg and a box of 50 peanut butter melt-away bunnies. This year as soon as I got the package, I didn't even bring it in the house, I walked right over to my neighbor's house and told her Happy Easter and gave her all the candy.

If it's in the store I won't bring it home and if it somehow makes it to my house I immediately give it away. It's really just all about the will power.

Glory87 03-28-2010 10:43 PM

I put all holiday candy on "no" status 5 years ago. I don't miss it and I don't miss how I feel after eating it.

angelskeep 03-28-2010 10:56 PM

I have no small children at home, thankfully, so no reason to have the candy here at all. We got some Easter goodies for our granddaughters yesterday, one chocolate bunny each, plus sidewalk chalk, stuffed animals and some bubble necklaces. Today we got them some farm animal shaped eggs fillked with candy treats that my kids can hide for them to find, but not much candy at all, mostly non-edible things, and the package will leave tomorrow. I try to stay away from that aisle in the stores. Easter is not so bad for me, but Christmas is gonna be brutal.

Don't buy any more candy. If you have children, then go to the store, get what you need for them and ask someone else to hold it for you until the night before the bunny hides things.

If you let yourself, you can find a reason way too often for it to be "just this once". You CAN do this!


3FCer344892 03-29-2010 02:39 AM

I'm bad around Halloween. *shakes head* It's so bad.

CharlieBaby 03-29-2010 07:42 AM

I try to remember that holidays are not an excuse to gorge myself. We're adults - we can have whatever food we want, whatever time of year. Easter candy isn't usually even good chocolate. I can go out any day of the year and buy really excellent chocolate if I want it. And because the stores are ridiculous about stocking the shelves way in advance of the holiday, and having big sales after, there are months, not just days, where Easter candy is available. So, it's not really just "one more week" that you need to get through. It's probably several.

You can eat whatever you want. Nobody will stop you. But nobody is forcing you to eat it, either. The Cadbury bunny is not sitting there with a gun to your head (or some other, less violent metaphor). If you really love Easter candy, maybe you can limit yourself to one a day. Or buy the mini ones (they make the cream eggs in minis) and have one of those a day. Or one every two days. Try to make it a real treat, rather than just another part of your day.

Good luck!

PeanutsMom704 03-29-2010 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Hopeful8 (Post 3222088)
It's really just all about the will power.

and the good thing is that if you just don't buy it, you don't need to use will power all the time, just for that one opportunity to not have it in your house. After that, you can think about it, but since it's not Right.There you don't have to work up the willpower to not eat it.

saef 03-29-2010 07:54 AM

It's not the Easter candy that's not treating you well. It's you who have decided not to treat yourself well.

Why are you doing this?

How are you eating, otherwise? Are you on plan, except for this one thing?

When you eat these eggs, what do you do, exactly? I mean, describe what the behavior is. Do you have one after dinner, at the table, carefully unwrapping it & savoring it? Or do you leave the package open on a counter somewhere & say you'll have just one, then keep getting up & returning to it, somewhat compulsively?

To change a behavior, you need to think about why & how it happens. Because it may not just happen around Easter. There are chocolate-centric holidays scattered all over the calendar. The retailers & candy manufacturers like it that way. The "once a year" special occasion is really not so special, after all. And I don't know how old you are, but you may have 30 years of Cadbury to look forward to. So don't get sucked into "scarcity thinking" where you think it's going to all be gone forever & you'd best grab it & gobble as much as you can while it's still around. It will be there. It's a mass-manufactured thing sold in stores all over the place.

WildThings 03-29-2010 08:24 AM

I have a huge problem with holiday candy. I don't normally buy whole bags of regular candy, but put it in the shape of an egg, or in pastel colors, and I think I need to buy it. With that being said, last year, I convinced myself that I was working on losing weight, I could not buy then. It was not the last year candy companies where going to make holiday candy. I love the Dove truffle eggs. They only have them at Easter time, but you know what, Easter comes around every year. They will be here next year, and the years after. Amazingly enough, even though I didn't buy a single Dove truffle egg, the company didn't go out of business, and the Dove truffle eggs were back on the shelves this year. Fortunately, this year, the desire to buy them has passed. I didn't die without them last year, I don't have the temtation to buy them now.

paris81 03-29-2010 09:32 AM

The easter candy is tough. You walk into practically any store and that cheap chocolatly sugary smell wafts under your nose and it's soooo hard to resist.

I'm thinking of buying some for my students, and then I can have one--instead of a whole bag.

randomcards 03-29-2010 09:41 AM

I'd be judgemental;) if I hadn't done the same thing so many times myself...

The last 3 straight Halloween's I've one through multiple bags of mini-candy bars my wife bought for events in a matter of days, she always complains about having to go buy more. I used all the same arguments.

1. It's just once a year.
2. Well they'll be around tempting me until somebody eats them so might as well go for it (how lol is that)

I've had nights were I've easily gone through 20-30 mini-candy bars and felt disgusted with myself.

No more excuses...I am tempted by it so I don't buy it. And I always have better choices around for when the temptation is around for various reasons.

3 weeks ago we had a half-gallon of ice cream in the freezer leftover from a party. I didn't touch a single bite of it, I can tell you that the psychological victory of knowing it was up there for weeks without me succumbing was actually a greater victory than the wasted calories!

rachinma 03-29-2010 10:04 AM

I love Cadbury creme eggs. I'm going to have one this year. One.

QuilterInVA 03-29-2010 10:31 AM

When you buy things and eat them that don't support your weight loss goal, you have made a decision that the candy is more important than losing weight and being healthy. Only you are responsible for what goes into your mouth. You could have bought just one egg for a planned treat. The first bite and the last all taste the same. I have one Reese's peanut butter egg I am saving for Easter.

MindiV 03-29-2010 10:34 AM

I love love LOVE Cadbury Cream eggs. My husband bought a four-pack for me a couple of weeks ago, and I scheduled one a day into my calorie budget for four days. I'm not one of those people disgusted by the sugar at ALL, even though I don't eat a lot of it anymore. They were good. And I finished them, and it took care of my craving for a year.

rachinma 03-29-2010 10:36 AM

Mindi - I also don't think sugar is the devil. :)

fray 03-29-2010 11:03 AM

I've been eating Easter candy, but I don't feel bad about it. I bought a bag of the Hershey's extra creamy chocolate eggs because lately I've been wanting to have something chocolatey and I can't really find anything else to suffice. I have maybe 3 of them a day and figure them into my calories. It's a nice small treat that I can have after lunch or dinner and feel like I'm having real chocolate.

saef 03-29-2010 11:45 AM

From other posts here, maybe you can see this is why I was asking you about the specific behavior & about **how** you are eating your eggs.


I have maybe 3 of them a day and figure them into my calories. It's a nice small treat that I can have after lunch or dinner and feel like I'm having real chocolate.
And this:


My husband bought a four-pack for me a couple of weeks ago, and I scheduled one a day into my calorie budget for four days.
These are all pretty sane ways of handling "once a year" treats, where you plan for them & eat them mindfully and savor them.

And then there is buying lots of candy, and saying you'll have one, and then reneging on your promise to yourself, and going back for more, & then more, & then "might as well finish it NOW" & then buying more the next day. That's far less controlled. It can make you feel unhappy, in a way those who planned it out aren't.

So I am asking you about how, exactly, you consumed your eggs & what the behavior was. Because it's a behavior. You can make decisions about & modify behaviors. If that's what you want.

The way others posting on this thread enjoyed their eggs certainly is one option. The other option is not having any at all. Depending on how important they are.

glenlorie 03-29-2010 11:52 AM

Oh my goodness I know what you mean!!! I have 4 kids, ages 6 and under, and we have a ton of candy around here, just sitting in the bags because i'm afraid to start pulling it out and putting everything together for fear that a few of those dreaded hershey eggs or a bunny might enter my mouth!! I'm planning on getting my husband to sit with me and put it all together, he can keep me honest, he usually just says "are you sure you want to eat that?" It gives me enough pause to realize, hmmm....no I really don't NEED to eat that lol! Be strong girlie, one week and this holiday is almost over and done, but the next one is always around the corner. Try giving yourself enough pause to really think about it, I have even gone so far as sticking a polaroid on the cabinet or fridge of myself, just to give me that pause of "Hmm... I'm trying to lose weight, not gain it!" Hope this helps some! Don't give up, keep reaching for your goals sweetpea!!

eclipse 03-29-2010 12:01 PM

Thankfully, I don't like Cadbury Eggs! However, other candy prevalant this time of year really does tempt me. This year, I've had dh do all the shopping for the candy to go into the kids' baskets and in the plastic eggs we use for our egg hunt. I'm just not dealing with any of the candy until Easter Eve when we put it all together. It's really hard. I ate way too much of this stuff back at Christmas (though I still lost two lbs between T'giving and New Years, when I usually gain 10-15) and it didn't make me feel good. Because I ate so much candy, I didn't get to really enjoy a lot of the actual Christmas foods that I worked so hard to make for my family. I was too stuffed, too sugar addled, and the sugar really ruined my tastebuds for the savory food I'd made for dinner.

CharlieBaby 03-29-2010 12:31 PM

As an aside - and this is just a thought - we (dh and I) decided that we're not going all out with the Easter candy for our little guy. He's 2 and a half, and we want to try to instill healthy eating habits as early as possible. He doesn't need a tonne of candy, no child does, so we're doing a small "egg hunt" using jellybeans, and giving him one Monster Truck chocolate, which we'll ration accordingly. His grandparents asked about gifts for Easter, and we suggested non food items, so he's getting a handmade John Deere blanket from them.

I know Easter is full of plenty of opportunities for candy and sugar and chocolate, and everything in moderation is a great rule of thumb, if you can limit yourself to that moderation, and not be tempted to gorge. We're hoping to teach our little guy that treats are great, in small quantities. They should be enjoyed, and they should BE a treat, not a huge pile of candy that will cause sugar imbalances. In my opinion. :)

sprklemajik 03-29-2010 12:48 PM

I only have one little thing to add, the problem I find with saying "Oh, it's a holiday I can afford to splurge on a little candy." There are so many holidays with candy/desserts.
Valentines candy
Christmas candies, cookies, cakes
Easter candy
Halloween candy
4th of July brownies or cookies
Thanksgiving pumpkin pie

That's 6 months of derailing myself (or gaining :() if I don't work that candy/dessert into my plan and in moderation.

So consider the other posters when they suggest eating one per day and working it into your allotment, and if you can't manage something like that-then do what the rest do and don't buy it at all.

Going4Gold 03-29-2010 01:22 PM

Easter candy is my absolute favorite, but I'm not eating it this year. I can't just have a little, I'll just want to eat more. I think the sugar makes your body crave more.

LizR 03-29-2010 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by CharlieBaby (Post 3222462)
IEaster candy isn't usually even good chocolate.

CharlieBaby - I think all chocolate is good chocolate! ;)

Seriously, the issue for me is that I don't really want the candy. I want to over eat the candy. So if I have one egg it makes me less happy than if I don't have any. I think if you feel the way I do the only solution is to not start. On the other hand if you love the taste of the candy then just buying one and enjoying it is a good solution.

PeanutsMom704 03-29-2010 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by LizR (Post 3223134)
CharlieBaby - I think all chocolate is good chocolate! ;)

Seriously, the issue for me is that I don't really want the candy. I want to over eat the candy. So if I have one egg it makes me less happy than if I don't have any. I think if you feel the way I do the only solution is to not start. On the other hand if you love the taste of the candy then just buying one and enjoying it is a good solution.

yes, I think I am like that with chocolate too. Some things, I can have a small portion and move on. But no matter how many times I tell myself that I'm only going to eat a couple of pieces of chocolate, and save the rest to have over many days, the next thing I know, I'm looking at the bottom of an empty bag.

I haven't ruled out having chocolate entirely but if I indulge, I buy one single serving so the rest isn't around to lead me astray. And mostly, I don't buy any at all, but knowing that I have "permission" if I absolutely am craving some makes it easier to skip all the "gee, I could eat some chocolate" moments because those could happen every day!

bunnythesAINT 03-29-2010 03:12 PM

Yes, somewhat. Luckily there has been no Easter candy around so I can't say I went through that specifically but holidays are hard, I feel you on that one. Easter candy tastes sooo good (all of that chocolate) but I keep telling myself that I can have chocolate any old time and that I shouldn't over do it for Easter, or any holiday. I hope things get better for you because holidays are all really hard, that's for sure.

shenfan90 03-29-2010 03:16 PM

I don't eat candy anymore..or, rarely do I. One thing that has helped me is to research what "garbage" they put into these candies. Many of these things have hydrogenated oils (trans fats). I have researched into trans fats and how bad they are. Next time you buy that cadbury egg or any food look at the nutritional info and look for the words "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated". My rule is - if it has those words, put it back.

parkedout 03-29-2010 03:27 PM

Cadbury Creme Eggs are one of my alltime favorite things. Knowing this, I am buying "The One" on Saturday. I have been building up two weeks of excitement over it! Its going to be AWESOME. I can't wait.

Having said that, I wouldn't want to cheapen my joy for them by buying several and gorging myself... whats the fun in that? Its a special treat that rolls around once a year. So on the night before Easter, I am making a special trip out and buying myself one.

Like someone else said, as long as bags of it don't make its way to my house, I am completely fine not buying it for myself. And luckily our Easter bunny is buying fruit and Pokemon cards(which are my son's preference)... :)

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