3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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QueenB 09-01-2002 03:40 PM

300+ And Ready To Try Again.....#207

We are a group of people who are working together to lose our excess weight.
We are on different plans and are of different sizes.
We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We recently started a Topic of the Day.

Monday........Motivation Monday
Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
Thursday......Thankful Thursday
Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

Please feel free to jump right in with us.
And be sure to check if there is a second page. We don't want anyone to miss any posts.

QueenB 09-01-2002 03:59 PM

I don't have time for a long post because I'm in the kitchen cooking stuff to take with us at the dusk till dawn show. No way am I paying those prices in the consession stand. Lucky , don't forget to look at the last thread. There's a little present in there for you. I hope all my friends are having a relaxing restful Sunday and I will see you sometime tomorrow when we get back! :love: to all!

katrinabgood 09-01-2002 04:13 PM

Home again...home again...
Hello, my long lost friends!

Wow! I really missed you guys!!! We had a WONDERFUL vacation, I have LOTS to share, but of course not much time at the moment. I read through #s 201, 202 and 203 and realized this will take me much longer than I have time for right now. I still have some unpacking to do...laundry to be done and dinner to prepare :chef:...chili and cornbread and a salad, of course. It's a drizzly, rainy day here. We spent about two hours of it standing in the rain, :rain:watching my nephew's first football game of the season...fun! It really was, kind of...

Okay...I'll be back, just had to say hey!

see you later...

I could get VERY carried away with these new smilies!!

bobsgal 09-01-2002 05:03 PM

Well ladies, I'm happy to report a loss of 4 lbs this week. Yea! :cb:
My mini goal is to lose 6 lbs by Oct 1. I have a drs appt that day so we'll see how it goes. Hey Kat I never noticed before, but you're a jersey girl too. What part if you don't mind my asking? Tina-have fun at the drive in. It is miserable here today. Cold and rainy. It is DH's b-day so we went out to lunch and then went bowling. Talk to you soon.

LuckyLadyBug 09-01-2002 11:28 PM

WELCOME BACK, Kat... can't wait to here your stories.

CONGRATS, Steph, on the weight loss.

I was such a slug today. About all I accomplished was visiting my Dad. Maybe all that mowing caught up with me. I don't feel bad just TIRED...:tired: I am hoping to be up to my "yard working" self tomorrow.

One of my uncles has had a couple strokes this past year and Friday they took him off of life support. I guess it's just to wait now.

Well, I will be off to beddy bye...Oh....

Tina I just saw your birth date on your profile. You were born on the day my Mom died. It made me feel good to know something good happened that day. :angel:

Thanks for the picture….I have a friend in Ireland that sends me pictures of men, mostly unclothed. I DON’T think I would be allowed to post them here but trust me you would all love them.
:cb: :dance: :flame:

LuckyLadyBug 09-02-2002 09:28 AM

WOW, Baylee, it's no wonder you are sore....I know when I start projects like that I always want to get it over with as soon as possible.

I am up and feel somewhat less tired. I haven't had coffee yet so I will see what happens after that. I have tons to do to make my week a little smoother. I have a meeting in Tracy, Mn on Wednesday, an auction on Saturday I want to go to and then Sunday I leave for the Cities where I will be Monday and Tuesday. In between that I have to clean house and see my Dad a few times. Okay, I feel tired again...:tired:

j-ann 09-02-2002 09:34 AM

Greetings and Salutations Everyone,

Welcome back Kat. Hope you really had an enjoyable vacaton.

Oh Baylee, I "feel" for you. I'd never try to paint a room by meyself. I'm a procrastinator and I just know I'd get tired and just quit.:) Can you imagine how my rooms would look? :eek:

Speaking of freestanding bookcase, I have one in my room that has become a :catch-all" and I started to clean it out yesterday. Well, I got it 1/2 done, one side looks like it's in good shape so I guess, I've got to do the other 1/2 today. (Boy, is it going to be heavy work taking the trash out to the road tomorrow.) So today is Labor day right?? OK I'm going to finish the bookcase, do tons of laundry, bath the dog, vacuum and clean bathrooms. That is what we're supposed to do today right? Labor? :spin:
Almost forgot, It's Motivational Monday:

It is amazing just how good you feel after you have encouraged someone else."


thinthinker 09-02-2002 12:22 PM

Howdy, everyone! :wave: Hope you are all enjoying the last days of summer. Tomorrow it's back to work and back to school around here. :eek:

I hopped on the scale this morning and it's looking a bit better. I had a 'free' day today since it's the holiday so I won't officially WI (not Wisconsin) until next Monday. I'm hoping for a really nice loss by then. I really just watched this past week, now I need to get serious and journal so I can continue on this path of loss.

Katrina: Good to see you back. I'm so glad you had such a nice vacation.

Tina: I bet you're sleeping in after the night at the movies.

Steph: 4#'s WooHoo for you!!! That's awesome!

LuckyLadyBug: Cool friend that sends you nude, hunky men. Too bad they're not 'in the flesh' so to speak! :lol: Sounds like you've got a busy week ahead of you. I just love auctions. Haven't been to one in years though. I tend to come home with far more than I really need. I get all caught up in the bidding and stuff.

Baylee: Sounds like with all that 'strength' visiting you, you should have had some help moving that bookcase! Don't you just hate when you've got your day planned and then you get one interruption after another? Seems to take forever to get back on track then.

J-ann: I think you have it just a little backwards. You're supposed to have a day off from labor today. Doesn't sound like that's what you're doing at all.

Well, I'm sure everyone else has some wonderful plans for their day. 2cute should be home soon. We haven't seen Michelle or Susie in awhile. There are others who are missing too. Hope it's just the 'last weekend of the summer' and everyone will be back real soon.

I think I'll go do some laundry myself. Love :love: to all.

SaraJoy 09-02-2002 01:44 PM

Hi Ladies!
Not too much to report going on up here in Canada. It's Labour Day (spelt Labor Day for you Americans) and it's nice to have my hubby home for the day. We've had a busy weekend. On Friday night, we had a few friends over, Saturday we moved my BIL and went out to a club at night and Sunday we attended my BIL's housewarming party! Now... it's LAZY Monday!

I WAS supposed to play tennis this afternoon with a friend of mine (I'm still considering it) but my little friend, TOM, is visiting in full force and I don't feel like I want to be TOO mobile! :p

Well I KNEW I would weigh myself before my official Wednesday Weigh-In! (If THAT'S my biggest temptation in the week, I'm doing pretty good!) The official word is 60 pounds lost and I am officially at the half way mark!!! It's all an easy-going, downhill ride from here, right?!:twirly:

I CELEBRATED by going on a $300 shopping spree yesterday! Do I feel guilty for spending so much $$$? Yes and no... I KNOW it's a lot BUT I definitely think all my effort is worth a little spoiling of myself! I got some really nice pants (both size 16) and a couple of matching tops... then I needed a new white bra so I could wear my new white top... then...etc!!!! :fr:

KAT!!! I'm SOOOO happy you're back!:cb: Hope you get a chance to pop in today and let us know about all the CrAzY adventures you had! :)

Baylee... You are SO ambitious to be painting your entire house! I would be too scared by the enormity of such a task! You're a better woman than I! :cp:

Thin... It'll be exciting to stay away from the scale until next Monday! Since it seems like you're doing so well, it could prove to be really exciting!!! Good luck! :)

Well ladies, seeing as how it's 1:45pm here, I should really get dressed for the day! :o :lol: We didn't get back from the housewarming party last night until 3:30am! Hello to all my other lovelies, Lucky, 2Cute, Steph, J-Ann, Tina, Malia, Mary and everybody else!

See everyone in a bit!
Sara :)

katrinabgood 09-02-2002 05:58 PM

Hello my darlings...

I'm just popping in for a sec...I have been in the throes of garage cleaning for a good part of the day...there is so much crap out there...come to think of it, there is so much crap in HERE, which prompted the garage clean out to make room for all the stuff that doesn't fit in here. :dz: I could easily get extremely overwhelmed by all that needs to be done, BUT...as per my pal, the FlyLady, "It didn't get dirty in one day, don't expect to get rid of it all in one day...baby steps are key." Gee...what ELSE could we apply those wise words to???????

I really have to get back to work...need to get dinner started and off to bed...:cry: I have to go back to work tonight!

I will leave you all with the promise of regaling you with my kayaking story...probably tomorrow...see you then!

thinthinker 09-02-2002 05:59 PM

Hi everybody! :wave: Well, obviously everyone but Sara and I have a real life today! :(

Glad to see ya, Sara! It sounds like you had a HUGELY busy weekend. Work and fun all rolled into one, that can't be too bad.

I just got in from grocery shopping. Geez, you'd think the store would be empty. Well, not here, girlfriends! The place was packed. I didn't realize there were so many people that didn't have their grilling stuff ready ahead of time. :eek: I wimped out and stopped for Arby's Roast Beef sandwiches on the way home. At 5 Arby Melts for $5, I couldn't go wrong.

I had read/heard a very long time ago about this woman who used those decorative marbles in a vase to visualize her weightloss. She said for every pound she lost, she would put in a marble. So today I went and bought 'river rock' to do the same thing with. I have a real pretty crystal bowl and I picked out a couple of bags with the prettiest stones in them and now I have started my own visual aid. So far, 39 rocks!!!! Send good vibes :goodvibes: that the bowl fills up very quickly.

Gonna run. I'm fastforwarding through the last three episodes of my soap opera while I do paperwork from our dinner out last night. You all have a good one.

Grannie39074 09-02-2002 08:47 PM

I bought my cabinets today they ae just 48 inches but thats more counter top space I also bought a wall cabinet. I got butcher block counter top. It looks nice for a grand total of $175.00. I sold my old microwave hutch for $40.00.
Not much else going on. Work tomorrow.

LuckyLadyBug 09-02-2002 09:01 PM

j-ann, you inspired me and I got to cleaning after ready your post today. Thanks....:goodvibes:

It was terribly windy here today. After all the cleaning I took a shower and a nap....I have the sniffels so I think that may be why I have been so tired. Off to get Nyquil on my lunch hour tomorrow.

Way to go Sara.....

Thin, good idea with the river stone...I love them anyway. I have some scattered around in different things around the house.

Well, it's off to the couch...I tend to really baby myself if I think a cold is coming on...I want to keep it under control and nip it in the bud!!!!

prism 09-02-2002 09:11 PM

Hi everyone,

Happy Labor Day!

I woke up and walked with Mikey. Stopped at a craft store. I've been organizing my crafts. I love watching scrapbooking on DIY. I plan to make a copy of my mom's wedding and baby albums. One of these days, it'll be given to the oldest I guess. One of the many things I want to do.

I'm on to French. It's not as easy as German, believe it or not. Maybe it's because many letters are silent. Who knows, but it's slow going. I've alotted two weeks. Here goes nothing.

I've been watching my intake today. Just had papaya and nonfat yogurt for lunch. We'll have barbeque tonight and I'm going to eat shish kabobs. Healthier than bbq hot dogs. Right?

Enjoy the rest of your holiday.


SaraJoy 09-03-2002 12:47 AM

Bedtime Quickie!
Hi-ya Ladies!

Well, a couple of hours ago I sat down to post and thought..."I'd better get my butt outta this chair and go for a little jog so I have something worthy of posting"... so I went jogging again! Good for me!:D I'd like to make it something I do every second night or so, so that it will have a positive impact on my weight loss.

You know what's funny?

The other night, after I'd come home from jogging for the first time in a LONG time, I collasped on the leather loveseat in my husband's home office.

He looks at me and says "Hi Sweetie. How was your jog?"

I, still gasping for air, say "Great! I managed to jog lightly for 20 minutes without stopping!!!"

He (who had fried calamari, a large rack of ribs, mashed potatoes, garlic bread, salad, and an ice tea for dinner and hasn't moved from his computer seat since then and needs to be dieting) says "You know, you should jog for at least half an hour to burn the ultimate amount of calories."

I, glaring at him in disbelief, say "That's SOOO great to know. Thanks a bunch."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

My husband is super supportive when it comes to my diet but, at that moment, I could have strangled him!

ANYWAYS, I'm off to bed but I just need to say again....

BAYLEE!!! You put me to shame! It sounds like you're working SO hard!

Lucky... Add getting lots of vitamin C to that list Baylee made for you! Hope you're feeling better very soon... summer colds suck!

Sara :)

QueenB 09-03-2002 02:58 AM

How I've missed you guys.........
My goodness............you guys have been busy since I started this thread! :dancer: You know, I was just thinking as I was reading all the posts how thankful I am for all you guys. I'm gonna get sentimental on you for just a minute, so bear with me. :^: It seems like all of us are so different, with so many different things going on in our lives........yet we are all the same. We are all flowers in God's beautiful field. Some of us are roses, some are daisys, some are lilacs, some are sunflowers.........all wonderful, beautiful and unique, yet we are all part of this magical bouquet. I am so thankful that each and every one of you come here every day to share your life with me. It may not seem like a big deal to some, but I cherish each and every one of you. :love: I can talk to you guys about things that I don't discuss with everybody else, because you understand. You have been there and know how I feel. It is so wonderful to have you in my life. You are all angels to me. :angel: Ok, I am done. I just had these feelings in my heart and I had to let them out. Thanks for listening. (you always do)

We had an awesome time at the drive in. The weather was just perfect! The first movie didn't start till dusk of course and by this time, it was still a little warm, but not too bad. In case your wondering, we don't sit all piled up in the car. Like just about everybody else, we have those fold up chairs (the ones that come w/a bag) and we sit those in front of the car. We always sit on the front row because there is a playground in front under the screen and the boys run around like wild indians about the whole time we're there, so it's actually me and dh that watch the movies. We spread out several quilts and pillows in case the boys got tired and we had made up several hotdogs & hamburgers that kept warm in a hot bag. We also brought along potato chips and miniature candy bars (ff pringles & vanilla yogurt raisins for me) and plenty of diet coke and water. By the time the first movie was over, all the heat was out of the air and it was nice and cool. It wasn't cold or hot..........it was just perfect. A nice breeze was blowing and we didn't even get eat up by mosquitoes! It was WONDERFUL! I wish you could have all come with me. :dance:

SaraJoy: That story you told about your hubby was hilarious. The way you told it just cracked me up! Isn't that just like a man though? Sounds like you've been really busy, but having fun too. I love to go on shopping sprees. Don't feel bad about the money you spent girl...........you enjoy yourself. 60 pounds gone........YOU DESERVE IT!!!

Baylee: Sounds like you have been really busy too my friend! Wow, painting the living room by yourself. I have never really been very good at that. Thankfully, dh handles most of the painting around our house. He always says that I put it on too thick. He usually stands over me while I'm painting saying, "Wax on.....wax off" in this really irritating tone. No, wait a minute. That's a scene from "The Karate Kid!" :lol: No, actually, he really does that just to irritate me. See what I mean..........MEN! What would we do without them?

Malia: Good to see you again my friend. I have always wanted to get into scrapbooking. It is such a neat project. I have to agree with what Baylee said too....I have great admiration for you. I do well to speak English, let alone trying to learn another language. :dizzy: Good for you. Sounds like you had a much better, healthier dinner today than I did..........what is it about the holidays? You just got to cheat.....well, just a little. :o

Lucky: So sorry your not feeling well. I hate colds in the summer too. (passing Lucky some kleenex, orange juice, chicken soup and orange juice) And trust me, when I was looking for some "inspiration" for you......I came across several nice prospects with not much clothing on. (I believe one of them was actually hiding his "attributes" with a rope .......
and nothing else! :o I was afraid to post any of those though. I tried to keep it clean. (AND BEFORE ANYONE GETS A BAD IDEA ABOUT ME------I was not looking at "bad sites" I just did a search under "pictures of sexy men"........shame on you for thinking the worst! :lol: Also, thank you for saying what you did about my birth date. That really touched my heart. I'm sorry you lost your Mom though..............(((((hugs))))) to you.

Mary: Sounds like you really did get a good deal on your cabinets and counter top. I've priced some new cabinets and they would cost me a lot more than that. Sounds like your a bargain hunter! Have a great day at work tomorrow!

Thin: That is an absolutely awesome idea about filling a bowl with the rocks/marbles to help visualize your weight loss. I hope you don't think I'm a copy cat, but guess who's heading to the store tomorrow? I'm sending warm thoughts and good vibes your way that yours will fill up quickly. (I would have used the good vibes smilie, but I think I'm close to my limit) That's what I get for being too excited at the beginning of my post! I need to learn to spread them out. lol

Kat: My friend! My friend! My friend is back! How much I have missed you and your humor! It seems like I have been waiting for days and days for you to come back. (well, actually I have I guess) (((hugs))) to you and you better believe I want to hear about that kayaking! Welcome home!

J-Ann: You sound like me, my friend. I have a "catch all" in my living room........and it is a book case too. Seems like everything, one way or the other gets stuck there. I cleaned part of mine off the other day and found a pack of cards, some keys (have no idea what they're for) a couple of toothpicks, some monopoly money, a battery and a biscuit. No, that last word was not a typo---I did say a biscuit. (one of those refrigerator kinds) Apparently, (and I'm guessing) one of the boys decided that they didn't want it and just layed it neatly.......WHAT AM I SAYING? They hid it behind a knick knack. Ah, kids will be kids though. It is amazing though...what you will find when you start cleaning.

Steph: Congrats on the 4# loss! That is awesome girl! Do you realize that you just lost 16 sticks of butter? I always like to think of weight loss in those terms. Sometimes people say, "Well, I only lost 2 pounds this week." But if you think of it as 8 sticks of butter.......WOW! I hope you and your dh had a nice day out on his birthday.

Well my friends, now that I have typed a book, I will take my numb butt out of this chair and head to bed. It's back to ol' work tomorrow night, so I'm staying up late to keep in the "groove." Hello to everybody else............where are you at? I miss you all. Come back and post. Take care everyone and I'll see you tomorrow!

j-ann 09-03-2002 07:08 AM


I need "behave yourself" vibes ladies. I can't put 2 good days together .... again. :yikes:

I got the bookcase done.Can't believe there's so much room! You don't want to know how much dust was on the top. :eek: I swear it was alive. It wasn't, but I wanted to shower in the middle of the project. Now if I can just force myself to pick up stuff once in awhile, rather than just stashing it on a shelf, it'll look good for a long time.

It's supposed to rain this afternoon and be very warm. A good day to be at work. Maybe I can get some rest here.



thinthinker 09-03-2002 09:36 AM

Hello everybody! :wave: Glad to see you all woke up about 9:00 last night!! I was missing you all real bad!!!

Mary: WOW! Pretty good deal on the cabinets. And selling the other one so quickly is great besides. Don't you wish things always worked out that way? :)

LuckyLadyBug: Sounds like it's Vitamin C and Echinecea time too. Hope you feel better!

Malia: Scrapbooking is probably the one craft I haven't decided I need to buy all the stuff for and leave sit in my basement! :eek: I have so much craft crap it's unbelieveable! I should get something out and WORK on it, than at least the pile of stuff would dwindle a little, eh?

Baylee: Honey, you have more ambition than I've had in a very long time. And I can't believe you are sooooo independent that you couldn't ask for help! Well, ok, ya I can. My mother is that way too. I was even going and taking her garbage for her, but now she seems to think she can do it again. I can't win. She doesn't want to 'bother' anyone. * I'm not allowed to do any painting here except for 'sponge' painting. DH always does the walls and ceilings. He says I make too much of a mess. And he's right! :eek:

Sara: WOW! Jogging again! Good for you! Maybe when your hubby made those comments you should have gently mentioned that a half hour jog would do him good too. That that would give you some 'quality' time together if he were to jog with you. :lol: I think you let him off the hook too easily! :D

Tina: I won't think you a copy cat at all. I need the visual aid, myself. I do like the 'sticks of butter' thing, but they melt when you leave them piled on the shelf too long as a visual aid! :)

J-ann: Ok, girl. Get it together. Here's your 'behave yourself' vibes :goodvibes: Isn't it hard to get with it? Geez, the longer you dink around with your program, the harder it gets to get back with it! Why is it that we like our old habits better than new ones??

Well, girls, I'm off to work. Just like everybody else, it's the beginning of a new week and off to work I go. I'm selling pansies this morning. Doesn't that sound like fun? They've got these new pansies out called Isicle Pansies. They are bred for a colder climate and if you plant them this fall they will bloom until the snow flies and then they are guaranteed to come up again in the spring too. They come in some beautiful colors (according to the website). My job is to go to Home Depot and find the shipment and then stand for 2 hours and hand out coupons while I water and dead-head them. Sound like fun??? I think I'll probably be spending more than I make today. These pansies look beautiful. I want some! :p

I'll see you all later. Love :love: to all.

SaraJoy 09-03-2002 12:40 PM

Hi Ladies!
Whew! I've had a busy morning and I'm in for a busier afternoon and evening. Tuesday is my biggest piano lesson day PLUS I have 3 new students for the first time today as it's the beginning of September. I have about 4 hours until my next 4 students arrive but I have LOTS of cleaning to do before then. I didn't have to worry about it this morning as on Tuesday mornings I make house calls to my homeschooling students.

Baylee... Calamari is squid. It's usually breaded and fried in ring shapes but can be left in... squid-form too! It's absolutely delicious and that's why I stayed completely away from it the other day when my husband had a whole greasy plate of it as an APPETIZER! :lol: Good luck at WW tonight!

You know, as my hubby was sitting at the restaurant table eating WAY too much food and was I eating my chicken vinegrette salad, he started to feel really bad for getting so many "bad" foods in front of me. I told him it was okay as he didn't NORMALLY do that. He still looked terrible! Then I began to think... I'm GLAD he feels bad. He's at least 80 pounds overweight and really needs to start thinking about losing weight too! We've been together 5 years (married for almost 2) and I want him to be around to enjoy our grandchildren together!

Thin... While it's a good idea, my hubby could never keep up with me on a jog. I KNOW this! He does, however, have a gym membership that he SWORE to me would not go to waste and since getting it about 5 months ago, he's gone about 6 times! Btw, it seems like it might be nice to sell pansies for a morning. Hope you had fun!

J-Ann.... {{{{{BEHAVE YOURSELF!}}}}} :lol:

Tina... Your post was very touching! :) I feel the same way about all the ladies on this thread PLUS I feel you guys are one of the most important things that helped (and is helping) me lose weight! Ahhh.... group hug, group hug... :grouphug:

Chores, chores, chores! I WILL pop back a bit later this afternoon before my students come so post, post, post!

Sara :)

katrinabgood 09-03-2002 02:51 PM

hello there, my poppits!

I must have been overcome with a generous spirit this morning, or perhaps they just caught me while I was still asleep...I agreed to go into work @ 7p tonight instead of 11. What the heck was I thinking? Now I have to go back to bed and it's such a nice day, there's so much I could be doing outside...weeding, for a start. Those pansies sound nice, Thin. I'm ready to rip out all the dying, old summer stuff and make room for mums.

Before I head back to zzzz land...I'll tell you a little story. There we were in Maine...feeling adventurous, and surrounded by water, we decided that KAYAKING would be a fun thing to try. how hard could it be? So we signed up for a 6 hour session that included instruction and then time on your own to practice these new skills. Bright and early we showed up to be literally sized up and fitted for wet suits...uh oh...here comes trouble. I'm feeling some trepidation at this whole process. Here are these young kayaking studs assessing body size and passing out the suits accordingly. Ready to bolt, I saw another woman that would be in our group with a bigger A$$ than mine and I felt a little better! YES! I KNOW that's mean!! :shrug:

Trying to squeeze my ample proportions into an XXL wet suit was a sight to behold, I'm sure. No modesty here, we're all in the little shack together pulling these atrocities on. It was cute, I'm sure, watching me tuck my skirty bathing suit inside and then trying to zzzzzzip. (oh, the reason I know that my suit was an XXL, is because my son had to remark, in wonderment, at full volume I might add, at the size. "Whoa, Mom...xxl? Wow." :eek: Thanks, hon.

Once the suits were on, the life vests go over that. Not the big bulky orange things...these compact, tight, zip up numbers that had me so constricted I thought I would swoon. :faint: After THAT, goes the skirt...well, the apron, that you pull over the opening in the kayak to keep your lower half dry. I am spent and we are nowhere NEAR the water!

Once we got going though, it was fun. We were taught al the basic strokes and proper positioning for executing these strokes. My biggest fear was tipping...which my son did about 8 times...some I KNOW were on purpose. DH tipped once when we were out in deep water and we're pretty sure he broke a rib trying to get back in! Instead of bringing him to the shore and getting in that way, the instructor is trying to show him how to straddle the kayak and hoist his body back in...something snapped and hit against the buckle on his life vest and really hurt him. He hung in til lunch break and then passed on the afternoon session. He is still in pain, a week later...the stench of BenGay in bed at night could kill ya! :dizzy:

Let me tell you girls, this has GOT to be one of the most serious calorie burners known to man!! It is work, but it's fun. Towards the end, I was starting to lag behind. I wasn't struggling, mind you, I was just meandering. I was enjoying the scenery and the sun and the fact that I was actually doing it! I guess I wasn't keeping up well enough for "Ward," who offered me a tow. :o Horrified, mortified and just plain ol' embarrassed, I politely declined, saying I'm fine, thanks. I guess old Ward didn't believe me and hooked a tow rope to my kayak. I'll be damned if he was going to have to actually PULL me, so I had to work that much harder at keeping that line slack!! It didn't help when I/we pulled up along side my daughter, who asked "What's wrong? Are you OK?" I was a little snippy with her because I was pissed off at Ward...had to apologize later for whatever I said....It was worse though when we pulled up next to my son..."HEY MOM! HOW COME YOU'RE BEING TOWED??????" ...cringe...Thanks, Ward.

All in all, it really was fun and quite exhilarating! Despite my embarrassment at the huge wet suit and the "tow job" I was proud of the fact that I actually did it and didn't follow my first thought of, "No way, I'm too fat." I figured that I will not let this weight be an excuse for missing out on anything. I've spent a lot of time waiting to be "thin enough" to do whatever. No more. Life is to be lived.

By the way...I probably gained about 4 lbs while I was away...undid all the good I had done the week before. No problem. Right back on track and back into exercising mode I will go. Can't wait til school starts. (Thursday)
:cb: :dancer: :dance:

Gotta run, I guess I'd better get my butt back into bed...7:00 will be here before I know it!...see you in the am...


lemons 09-03-2002 08:28 PM

Hi all,
New here and thought I would post here. You all seem like a friendly bunch!

I have been seriously dieting since June 22 and have been very good about my eating. My exercising is another thing… I am a foster mom and right now I am between kids so I have a lot of time to fine ways to get in trouble. I hope I fit in with your group.


LuckyLadyBug 09-03-2002 08:40 PM

I was going to post quick before I go out to wash the cars (manually) and take a walk but you all wrote so much I had to do my chores first.

Baylee, how was WW????? I am exactly like you when it comes to asking for help!!! I don't do it.
My brother and 3 of my nephews live across the road from me but I won't ask them for help and believe me on a farm there is a lot of help needed. Example: My rear view mirror fell off on one of those hot days in July. I bought the glue, got the mirror ready but couldn't get the mirror from the little doo hicky that goes on the window. So, I finally called my brother who comes over and needs a hammer to separate them. He said "why did you call me for help when you had the whole thing under control". I was fuming inside...as I told him...I hate it that I don't have the strength to do some of the things I want to. He just smiled. I don't think he really understands how frustrating it is!!!!:fr:

Sara, I find men are all like your
hubby...but then they do have some good qualities or WHY would we keep them around...:lol:

Kat, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU I bet that was fun - once in the water. There is something we can all work towards...meeting together and KAYAKING !!!! We will get Ward as an instructor, and dunk him in the river!!!! The Kat can tow Ward back to shore.....:smug:

Well, I don't feel like a cold really anymore...but I am taking Nyquil and heading to bed early. Tomorrow I have to ride for 2 hours with my boss and I am nervous. I think she will pump me about some co-workers and I don't appreciate it or think it is my place to tattle. Say a little prayer for me.

LuckyLadyBug 09-03-2002 08:49 PM

Welcome:lemon: post away...as you can tell we love to "gab"..
Oh, and support each other....

thinthinker 09-03-2002 09:04 PM

'Evening, everybody! :wave: I'm back from both my 'flower lady' job and dinner out. The pansies are just too cute! If you want to check them out they are at www.iciclepansies.com. You plant them now and they will flower until the snow flies and then they go dormant for the winter and then they bloom again in the Spring. You don't have to dead-head them, cut them back or anything.

I sold at least a 6 pack to everyone I spoke with but one guy. He was precious. He proceeded to tell me how he thought pansies were 'old folks flowers' because his mother and grannie had pansies in the yard when he was growing up. Well, with this comment, I took one of the flowers in my hand (one that has a little 'face' if you know what I mean) and I said to him "oh, how can you not like pansies with their cute little faces?" Of course I said this in one of those voices that you reserve only for talking to babies. He just looked at me like I was from another planet! :rolleyes: But I was asking a for real question. I mean how can anyone pass up the pansies with the cute little faces? I couldn't. I spent most of the profits from the job on the dang little buggers. So my garden will have all kinds of 'cute little faces' this Fall and next Spring.

Oh well, enough of that.

Sara: WOW! You had another busy day. Do you teach group lessons? With four coming at once you must have several pianos or are very creative! :eek:

Katrina: Honey, you are hysterical!!! I bet it was all quite the hoot! Don't you just love men! YIKES! :yikes: between your son and his comments and your instructor! I'm sure you'd have liked to really hurt them! I'm so glad you're back to entertain us with your stories! :D

Lemons: Glad you made it by. Welcome, welcome. I hope you will enjoy it here. We are definitely an eclectic bunch! Congrats once again on your 58 pounds gone. That is absolutely wonderful!!! :) Exercising is definitely my big downfall as well. I hope when the weather cools a bit I will have more ambition in that direction. * How nice that you're a foster parent. My folks were when I was young (because I'm an only child, I suppose) and I have two foster sisters that I still keep in contact with.

Baylee: You didn't mention your visit to WW. We're all waiting here ready to hear all about it. Share, please! :)

LuckyLadyBug: I'm glad you're not feeling like the cold is coming on anymore. Maybe it was just a bad day for allergies. We've really been bothered by them this year and normally, I'm not bothered at all. Must be a strange year for them. :spin:

I'm gonna run. There's a special on the history channel of never before seen stuff from 9/11. I'm sure we'll be innundated with 9/11 specials for the next week, but that's ok by me. I think we need to remember that we are vulnerable and that many lost their lives in this tragedy. God Bless the USA!

You all have a great night. I'll talk to you later.

SaraJoy 09-03-2002 10:22 PM

Hi Ladies...
I was facing that dilemma again--should I or shouldn't I post if I haven't gone jogging yet? Then I realized that I was exhausted and my body definitely does not want to jog tonight... so I'm not going!:no:

Thin... Tee hee. I don't teach group lessons. I meant that my next four students *in a row* wouldn't be coming for a while! I definitely do NOT have 4 pianos! The pansies sound really cute, btw. :flow1:

KAT... Your kayaking adventure story was worth the wait! :lol: Good for you for getting out there and doing it! In my humble opinion, you should have made an attempt to hit "Ward" on the head with your paddle! :lol:

Lemons... WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME! :wave: Congratulations on being OP since June 22! It's really getting started that's the hardest part! If you're looking for support for the long haul, these ladies are the best! My advice? Post often... everyday! It helps keep me on track!

Lucky... Glad you're feeling a bit better! I too should be getting to bed early tonight... I'm pooped!

Baylee... Hope you got a chance to get to that WW meeting. Let us know! :)

See everyone in a bit,
Sara :)

j-ann 09-03-2002 10:51 PM

HI Ladies,

I really want to go to sleep but I have to try to catch up here, at least a little bit.

Welcome Lemons, WOW are you ever doing well with your weight loss. Bet you're proud huh? I would be!

KAT, OMG I laughed and laughed. If I read in the news that a Kayaking Instructor in Maine drowned in his kayak while being towed at high speed by a BBW in another kayak, I'll know you've gotten your revenge! GOOD FOR YOU for stepping right up there and don' it!!!

BAYLEE, Come on. Tell us how your first meeting went?

THIN, I saw your pansies on TV tonight. Got to get some. They are so adorable and DO have CUTE faces. We've actually had some annual pansies winter over (last winter). They flowered right through December and were smiling again by March. They were regular pansies but the winter was unusually mild and they were in the window box, protected by the house.

LUCKY, don't push too hard til you're sure you've killed that cold or, you know, it'll come back to gt you again.

Okay I'm not caught up but that'll ahve to do for now. BTW if you can get Eddy's Frozen Fruit Bars where you live try the tangerine ones. Lime has been my favorite for a couple of years but the tangerine ones ar out of this world. YUMMY!

I got a call last night from my Saturday morning, aquajogging instructor. She's trying to get enough of us together so she can teach a class in "Women On Weights" after we get out of the pool. It's an intro. to using "weight room" at the Y. I said yes. I know I need to work on exercise and I know lifting, even itty, bitty, teenie, tiny weights will really improve my muscle tone and endurance. So what the hey. It's a good way to start. If she gets enough interest we'll start a week from Sat. If nothing else it will get me into the Y. in between swim days. I can go right after work. It's only 5 minute from the office. :strong: :lol: :strong: :yikes:

Am definately off to bed now. Catch you tomorrow. Keep sending those behave youself vibes. I think they're working! :angel:

thinthinker 09-03-2002 11:22 PM

[size=]HERE WE GO AGAIN! [/size]

[size=]STOP! DO NOT POST HERE! :D [/size]

Go to "300+ And Ready To Try Again....#208"

See ya there!

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