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toobig 05-19-2010 08:34 PM

I do need to re focus

jendiet 05-20-2010 11:03 AM

i am eating much healthier...i got a whopper in the fridge...and I'm not touching it. I'm opting for some cottage cheese and pineapple. i am pretty hungry right now. my fruit and veggie consumption has gone way up.

I put on 2 pairs of size 12s. tight but I got in them. Now, i want to see them loose, i no longer care about weight.

blondebritbrat17 05-20-2010 03:57 PM

So I was bad. I just got some ice cream for my husband and I. It's very humid here making the warm temperatures feel worse. I'll be hiding the ice cream in the freezer in the garage to minimize temptation. I'll be walking 45 minutes later today. Have a great day!

Jendiet-congrats on the size 12s

mtiger 05-20-2010 07:43 PM

Well I've clearly been missing for a while. It is the end of the school year, tons of things to do outside, not enough time for anything. This is the time of year I can't wait for school to be done so I can focus on stuff around home.

Still sticking to my newest workout schedule. Didn't get as much running in during this week as i wanted. I'll try and make up for it this weekend. I am also going to eat 1600 calories every single day for a month and see if that does anything. I am fearing a weight gain, but we shall see. Everything I am reading lately tells me to eat more.

jendiet 05-21-2010 10:28 AM

tiger great job on the exercising, i wish i had a summer! I have to go to school this summer, my little 2 week break is up this week!

brat, thanks! Don't feel "bad" if you make a poor food choice.
Icecream is one of my biggest downfalls. I stopped eating it. Now if i feel a craving. I reach for a glass of chocolate milk. i can stop at one glass of choc. milk.

Ez, how are you doing.

blondebritbrat17 05-21-2010 11:06 AM

Mtiger- I don't miss that one bit.. being so busy at the end of the school year with work.

Jendiet- I don't feel bad! Don't worry I was just using it as a figure of speech. :-)

I walked 40 minutes yesterday.. tried to make it to 45 minutes and couldn't since my leg starting to cramp up bad. But I achieved walking 1.25 miles with a cramp in my leg pretty much the whole time. I'll be stretching before I start next time. I woke up this morning to weigh myself and I am down to 205.8. So that was a shocker but a welcome one. Have a great day!

blondebritbrat17 05-22-2010 10:55 PM

C'mon guys we're on page two! I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. We just got back from doing a bit of hunting for some items. We had some luck and scored a couple of good deals since sales seem to be abundant at our local mall like folding lawn chairs at the Sporting Goods store that were reduced half price. I am very excited about being able to sit outside on my patio in the evenings and enjoy the backyard and play with my dogs. But then some of the things we were looking for we couldn't find for my husband. We got some walking in at the mall. We would have liked to have walked more but I didn't think of that idea until we got there and I didn't have the proper shoes on and only had some flip flops on and walking more further in the mall might have been hazardous to our wallets lol. Have a good night.

EZMONEY 05-24-2010 09:33 AM


Well I am back from a great time in New York :carrot:

Everything went well for step-d's graduation for the most part....

didn't do too bad on the eating, although I didn't really care to count calories ;)

drank a little too much 2 of the 4 days....but very good on the 2 good days :)

I actually came back under from the day I left :carrot:

The morning we left I was at 188 this morning I was at 186 ....not great but I really thought I was going to gain...which would really suck since I as creeping on the upside again and not going down :mad:...

my fault...ALL my fault....

I will be posting a new bologna thread soon...

I think we need a boost!

Have a great day everyone :hug:

OH...BRAT....walk a little and warm those muscles up before you stretch

mtiger 05-24-2010 07:02 PM

Let us know when u start a new thread so we don't lose ya Gary. Glad you had a good in NY.

Got in some miles over the weekend. It is hot as blazes right now, but I need to get out there and do something. UUGG!!!

blondebritbrat17 05-24-2010 10:16 PM

I think we need a new baloney thread too. I feel a bit unfocused myself. My husband is not exactly helping with the weight loss but is complaining about his weight too ironically while we are sitting at a table in a restaurant lol. We just got back from a very delicious restaurant. Our appetizer was fried macaroni and cheese balls which were fine. I only had one and my husband gobbled the rest of them up since half of what I could taste was just plain grease and it turned me off. Hopefully I don't see a gain tomorrow morning but wouldn't be surprised due to lately. I got my haircut again today for the first time since my mother passed away and I feel a bit more put together again. Saw a sign in the mall that was advertising a boot camp and I am contemplating it.

EZMONEY-Glad you had a good time in NY.

toobig 05-25-2010 08:13 AM

227 this morning. Hope all that stuff you hear about slow weight loss being better than fast weight loss is actually true.... because I am losing reallllly slow. :(

blondebritbrat17 05-25-2010 01:21 PM

I am still at 205.8. Whew.. My husband and I went out to dinner last night and discussed a battle plan on how to make our lives better in a financial aspect and us being healthier. It was very ironic that we went out to eat then ended up discussing that. It was a very good meal. I need to learn how to cook salmon since that is becoming my fave dish. We also picked up two more lawn chairs from the same store so if we have company they have a place to sit as well since summer is coming up and people want to BBQ and hang outside and what not. We've had several occasions already where we needed to bring a lawn chair to sit in and we didn't have any. Our conversation went very well though at dinner last night and I feel a bit more grounded and focused already. I am planning on moving more boxes of my mom's stuff today and purging. So that will probably be my physical activity for today since some of them are heavy. Have a great day.

EZMONEY 05-25-2010 07:04 PM

We have a new thread TEAM....good luck....

go here ~ http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/weig...ml#post3307974

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