3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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proudmommy09 12-13-2009 02:37 PM

what is wrong with me
Im my 27yrs Ive been on just about every diet, every diet pill you name it and I cant find anything that I stick with. Ive lost as much as 70pounds a few years back only to gain it all back plus 30 more. Now here I am the biggest ive ever been and the most unhappiest too, I have a husband, two beautiful daughters, house, dog, suv you name it. So what is my problem why cant I get this weight under control why I am I not winning this battle?

hometowngirl 12-13-2009 02:48 PM

I am so with you! I lost about 25 pounds last year only to end up gaining it all back. I can't control my sweet cravings. We're not too far off from each other weight or height wise. Maybe we will both find the strength to kick this weight in the butt! I'm rooting for you!

dragonwoman64 12-13-2009 03:12 PM

having gained and lost, and gained and lost, too many times, I can say that each time I told myself this was a lifestyle change I was making and not a diet. And each time I'd lose a certain amount, and go back to my old way of thoughtless overeating and gain it all back plus some.

for me, it took changing my way of thinking, my habits, tackling my emotional and stress eating. for each person it's so individual, though there does seem to be lots of common ground as well.

you've put the ultimate goal out there, now you just need to draw up the steps to take you there, pick some short term goals, get a plan, take it one day at a time.

CollegeGirl 12-13-2009 03:20 PM

I think just about everyone on here can relate to you! Weighltoss is hard, one of the hardest things I have tried to do in my life. It takes a huge commitment.. time, patience, and huge amounts of planning.
You are in the right place though, 3FC has meant so much to me in my weight loss efforts. I find that I get accountability support and sympathy all from one place!
There is nothing wrong with you, this is just a struggle that many of us have had to go through. Please stick around make a plan and stick to it, and if you fall off the wagon we will all be here to help you pick yourself up and get back on!
Good Luck

Smiller264 12-13-2009 06:07 PM

Nothing is wrong with you. :) You just want to make yourself even better than you are now. I think dieting is a struggle for a lot of people. It sounds like perhaps you've tried too much and are getting overwhelmed. Try going back to a simple plan. Good luck!

peaches09 12-13-2009 06:40 PM

Your kids are adorable!! What a beautiful family.

This is a journey, and you've taken the first step. There is so much encouragement and good advice here for you, too.

There are two ways to look at having lost weight and regained it. One is to look at it as a failure. But the other way - and I think this is the best way - is to acknowledge that if you lost weight once, you can do it again. And, that you can address the issue of maintenance - which is a very important SKILL and one that can be learned - and you can keep the weight off.

I know you can do this! And it will be such a great gift to yourself, and your family.

sbinkerd1 12-13-2009 07:33 PM

This is a lifetime committment to a lifestyle change. you can do it. You just need to have faith in yourself and find the lifestyle that works for you.

ANewCreation 12-13-2009 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by dragonwoman64 (Post 3045770)
having gained and lost, and gained and lost, too many times, I can say that each time I told myself this was a lifestyle change I was making and not a diet. And each time I'd lose a certain amount, and go back to my old way of thoughtless overeating and gain it all back plus some.

for me, it took changing my way of thinking, my habits, tackling my emotional and stress eating. for each person it's so individual, though there does seem to be lots of common ground as well.

you've put the ultimate goal out there, now you just need to draw up the steps to take you there, pick some short term goals, get a plan, take it one day at a time.

I could not have put it better...that was me to a T!

Mickeypnd 12-13-2009 09:45 PM

I think almost everyone on this board, and most people, can understand where you're coming from. It is a lifestyle change, it's hard.

I mean i am still stuggling, looking for what i need to that works for me. I just want to give you a hug cuz I understands!

bargoo 12-13-2009 09:48 PM

Welcome and good luck ! Many of us have been where you are. You have taken the first step by coming here. Do you have a diet and exercise program in mind ?

Shorty28 12-16-2009 11:22 AM

I have just begun my journey and I decided to tackle my weight loss one step at a time. I just began calorie counting this week and WOW that has opened my eyes big time to the junk that I was putting into my mouth. Every on here struggles with weight. So try to make this a lifestyle change for your whole family and don't look at it as a diet.

Best of luck to you.

Lori Bell 12-16-2009 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by proudmommy09 (Post 3045732)
So what is my problem why cant I get this weight under control why I am I not winning this battle?

Your not winning the battle, because you haven't convinced yourself that you can win the war. Losing it, as you have found out, is only part of the battle. The real victory is keeping it off until the day we part from life....and we won't even be around to celebrate that monumental feat. The Battle NEVER ends. Never, ever, never, ever.

You also probably need to come to grips that you might be a carbohydrate addict...and that some foods you WILL have to give up to win the war. Lots of Yo-yo dieters disagree with me, but being the queen yo-yo, I have found that I simply cannot have my cake and eat it too. Every single time in the past when I thought I deserved to eat like a "normal person" and started adding in daily sweet treats, I have gained the weight back pronto. I am not a normal person, I have a funky metabolic reaction to sugar/carbs, and you might too.

I love the new flowery terms for weight-loss. The word "diet" is almost a dirty word these days. So we use pretty words like "journey" and "lifestyle change" but it all means the same old thing. HARD WORK and dedication, commitment and perseverance. A rose is still a rose by any other name.

You can do it, but it's a lot more work than most overweight people are willing to do. They just don't want it badly enought to actually do it...for life. I hope I have finally figured out what it takes, but I might give up someday and have to start all over...:smug: (Good Lord, I hope NOT!)

Onederchic 12-16-2009 04:26 PM

I totally agree with Lori and just look at her story..what a success and inspiration.

You can do this..for yourself, your health, your kids :hug:

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