Do you tell others about your success?

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  • Just curious, do most of you tell the people in your lives about your journey and your progress?

    I tell me fiance everytime I lose a pound and though he says he doesn't get sick of it, I kind of think that I would lol.

    Other than him, I only tell my friends/coworkers when they ask about it.

    What about you guys?
  • I only discuss my weight with my husband and my best friend. I never liked discussing my weight - I was reluctant to with my friend but he's been very very supportive (my husband is suppportive but he's a reforming binge eater to so couldn't give me the support I needed when i first started as he had ot deal with his own food issues).

    I never really liked to discuss my weight with anyone - now a lot of people are asking how I lost weight so may have to get more used to that!
  • I tell my husband and my mom. My husband is like your fiance. He doesn't get sick of it (I tell him if I go up, maintain or go down). However, he has become more sympathetic lately. Earlier, if I told him I lost a lb from the day before he'd be like "cool, but I don't think that's REAL weight." (real weight meaning fat, he thought this was most likely water, which is probably true but it annoyed me to no end). Now, he's like "oh you ate too many chips? Here, have a healthy choice steamer, that's not too many calories and it's better than starving!" He's so sweet. Now that he sees me shrinking physically, he's more supportive of my losses.
  • I tell my husband, my mom, my in-laws, and one of my brothers. All with varying degrees of honesty - only my husband knows the exact numbers. The other people just know I've lost X in Y time.
  • Generally, I only tell people close to me. Namely, family. My sister knows I'm trying again. While she's always been in better shape then me, she did put on some weight after both of her kids that she's still working to lose so we get a little support off of each other.

    DH knows. He was so sweet when I first mentioned it when we first got together. He wanted be sure I wasn't doing it for him because he loves me no matter what I weigh. But he knows now that I'm doing it to get healthy and he loves that. He's an active outdoor guy and, honestly, so am I. But it's hard to enjoy somethings when you weigh so much and you get out of breath so quickly.

    I used to tell my mother when I still lived at home. But whenever I would, she'd start trying to lose, too, and then make a big deal when I lost faster than she did. Despite the fact that I ate healthier, drank more water, exercised longer, and was just plan younger. So now, I don't tell her. I'm just going to leave it up to her to mention it when I see them next and I've lost some weight. If she asks, I'll answer. Otherwise, no.

    The same thing applies to a friend of mine I see on a daily basis. She says she wants to lose weight, too, but when I tell her about how well I may or may not be doing, she always manages to make be feel guilty because I'm succeeding and she isn't. Despite the fact that I'm trying much harder.

    So, in general... If they're supportive, I talk to them about it. If they're not, they can stay in the dark.
  • Only if they ask.
  • yes, I talk about it. If I do, it keeps me in track, and hopefully others so they won't offer me sweets.
  • I don't talk about it all that much, with anybody other than my husband and my mother. I get interrogated a lot, though, since we live in a smallish town, and people I see regularly have definitely noticed. To be honest, it makes me kind of uncomfortable when they ask for too much detail. It's nice to get the "you're looking so well, you've lost so much weight!" comments that I can simply respond to politely, but some people can be a bit rude about it, and become positively intrusive with their questions, especially when they want to know how I did it, since all I can say is "I count calories and exercise," and they all seem so disappointed with that answer.
  • DH is also losing weight at the moment and we compare weigh-ins every morning. Once in a while it will come up with another relative or my closest friend and I mention it sometimes to the folks at Curves.
  • I tell hubby and ONE friend!
  • I have a buddy at work who will sometimes ask, because he's lost about 100 pounds over the past year. So we compare notes on what we're eating, exercise, etc. But other than that, I really don't discuss it other than here. My mom and best friend keep cautioning me not to lose too much (even though I'm still 15-20 pounds above a healthy BMI and there is PLENTY of fat jigglin' around under my clothes). So I quit talking to them about it. I have a sister who is supportive, but she's struggling with weight and I don't want to make her feel bad by talking about how much I've lost. So I pretty much keep it to myself unless someone asks or unless I'm talking about it at 3FC.
  • I tell my husband everything Other than that I don't really say much about it.
  • I tell DH about everything on a daily basis. I tell my parents and my in-laws too because they are all so supportive and always telling me how great I look. I don't tell my friends about it other than maybe mentioning a workout or run here and there because most of my friends struggle with their weight much more than I do and I know they don't want to hear about the 8lbs I want to lose.
  • I did sometimes. For example, when I reached "normal" BMI. Actually, that's the only time I can think of that I brought the topic up. Mostly, I just answered when asked questions.
  • I tell my husband - every little pound! Up and down. I have a couple of friends at work who I'll tell that I've lost X amount, but never what I'm starting at. That's just far too embarrassing.

    I'll probably tell my in-laws, when I see them...and if it's going well. I won't mention it to my mom at all, as she'll just p*** me off with some supposedly well intentioned comment, and make me feel like I'll never be able to stick to it. She still lives in England so it's not like I have to see her while I'm losing.

    And, of course, you guys!