career change stress

  • I am going from being a Realtor with lots of daily freedom, very little money and a cell phone strapped to my side 24/7.

    I have just taken a government job that I worked at getting for 7 months. I am very happy because this is a steady, really good paying, pension, benefits job.

    Now comes the stress, a 9-5 job! I haven't had one of those in years. I am going into an office environment where I know that I will be the biggest woman (we always compare don't we). I want to start this off right, eating right, fitting in exercise every morning if possible. I jumped the gun by signing up for a golf tournament this thursday before I even start my new job on Aug 4th. I figure it might be a good way to start right.

    Any suggestions to keep stress under control in a new work environment?
  • I started a new job a year ago and didnt do it right at all. I think what you said above is perfect . . . start it off right.

    My mistake was that I started staying back later and later and later and felt "bad" bcos I was new and coming up to speed to say that I had to leave to go work out . . . eat . . . sit on my couch! Whatever I wanted to do really! I also started to say yes to lunches with my boss and not sticking to food that is good for me.

    So, I would just do a bit of planning as well as setting some boundaries for yourself like:

    - making sure your lunch is prepped the night before (if you intend to bring it from home)
    - having some snacks at work in case you do get stuck late-ish
    - schedule in your workouts and stick to it
    - get in plenty of water . . . it can be easy to forget when you get busy
    - have a break at lunch time and go for a walk or get away from your desk to give you some perspective

    I think putting yourself on the top of your daily to do list no matter how corny that sounds will hold you in good stead

    Great post sweety & good luck with the new job . . . and for reminding me that i know what I need to do for myself too
  • Good luck and congratulations!

    I would encourage you to think about how you are going to handle office 'treats' because they are probably almost inevitable. You could decide that you are only going to eat ones you bring, you are only going to have some every x times per y, you could decide you'll only have them when they are homemade, you could decide you'll skip them as a rule.

    I also encourage you to figure out some snacks that you enjoy, fit in your plan and store easily at work.

    There will be stress and exercise is often the best antidote for that so start thinking about how you'll get that in. If you have trouble getting it done in the morning, maybe see if you can find a buddy you will be less likely to let down (says the woman who needs to do the same).

  • Thanks,
    I think the biggest thing for me will be to plan my lunches. I am a terrible planner, so it will be a challenge. I don't know how long I get for lunch, but I am hoping to fit in some walking during that time. The first week will probably be sketchy, but I will do my best to make myself a priority.
  • Congrats and good luck!!

    You CAN do this!! We got your back
