I messed up today :(

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  • My husband and I treated ourselves to Red Robin for dinner, I knew they had Boca patties and I could create my own sandwich. So we went. After ordering, the waiter came back and offered us a basket of french fries (fries basket's are refillable here) because we didn't order any appetizers. So I said "No" but my hubby said "YES"!! So here comes the waiter with a small basket of fries and I'm just sitting there wanting to strangle Brian (my hubby) and what do I do? I CAVED!

    I was doing so well today and he had to say YES to the fry question! I ended up eating the french fries because my stomach was screaming at me and Brian was sitting there happy as a clam eating them....I'm so ashamed...

    Because of that ordeal, I'm 260 calories over budget. T_T

    But I don't want to give up because of one incident. Tomorrow is a fresh day and I can continue with the healthy habits.
  • Eat, digest, move on. Don't beat yourself up. You lost the battle, but you will win the war.
  • I take it that your husband didn't hold you down and force french fries in between your clenched teeth? So, be sure you don't make it "his fault." You are in charge of what you eat!

    I've found that other people I'm out to dinner with often make choices that I don't like, but we all have to learn to deal with that. So, you had more fries than you had intended. It's too bad, but today is a new day. Next time you'll know not to touch the fries! Just go on with your plan--you'll see--the longer you stay with it, the better results and the easier it will get to follow it.

  • I find in those situations that taking the first fry (or bite of bread) really is my downfall. I just have to abstain.

    And while I agree with jay that hubby did not force you, it does make things easier if the fries aren't at the table. Maybe you could talk to him and find out what he was thinking (if he was thinking...). It's likely he didn't "need" the fries either! My hubby and I often agree to say no when they come with the free bread so neither of us are tempted.

    you might have messed up, but you can learn from the experience!
  • Yep, dust yourself off, and move on...one bad day does not spoil you healthy eating. Hugs
  • Keep moving forward. Unfortunately, it is a fact of life that we have to learn how to eat OUR plan no matter what the others around us are doing. It is probably one of the most difficult things about adopting new habits and making them into a lifestyle.

    You can do it!
  • Meh it happens, next time tell him put the fries at the OTHER end of the table. It takes every fiber of my being to ignore them lol.

    OR if I really want some I put a portion on my plate and that's it! I get no more than that portion- so I slowly savor it
  • One day of 260 calories over budget is ok. Consider them some splurge calories and keep plugging along. Don't beat yourself up. You're going to have ups & downs but overall, you're doing great! You've lost 54 lbs! Keep up the good work xoxo
  • 260 calories is nothing! Just say that you're trying out calorie cycling this week!

    But all the other posters are correct -- it's HARD, but we can't expect everyone in the whole world to give things up just so that WE won't be tempted. My hubby is usually really supportive, but if he wants to chow down on chips and queso or order a dozen hot wings, it's up to ME to not eat them if I don't want to.

    But really, 260 is nothing! You'll probably see an even BIGGER loss this week because you mixed up your body a little!
  • First of all...breathe . You're only human. Most of us slip up on occasion. Considering the situation, it could have been a lot worse but it was 260 extra calories. That can be made up today by reducing calories or doing some extra exercises . You'll be fine. Just don't give up
  • Minya...

    One thing I have learned here at 3FC is that EVERYONE makes mistakes. (Even skinny maintainers who have lost bunches of weight.) The difference in them and the difference in the old me was that one basket of French Fries would have meant the END of my "diet". It would have meant giving up...thinking of myself as a failure, and thinking I deserved to be fat because I didn't resist...THE END.

    WONDERFUL NEWS... It does not mean any of those things. It means I have to keep going and try harder to keep myself out of the situations I'm prone to I screw up in. It's not over, it's not the end, it's a BUMP in the road....(One you hit on purpose, but never the less a bump).

    Take back the control NOW. You have done fabulous in your journey so far, don't give up. PLEASE. You are a winner....now WIN!
  • Eating an extra 260 calories will lead to you losing 0.074 lb less than you would have this week. Yup, less than a tenth of a pound. (A pound is worth approximately 3,500 calories.) I'm betting your scale doesn't even measure increments small enough for you to notice that.
  • Lol, I guess I freaked out, but when I hopped on the scale this moring, it barely moved, so I'm happy that yesterday didn't affect me much.
  • I'm glad to see the scale didn't move much. Today's a new day to keep plodding along. I must say last time I went to Red Robin I would have been thrilled to end that day 260 over lol.....darn those fries
  • I don't think it is a mistake. I think you could afford 260 cs. And it was a special occasion. Do you eat out often? I would have ate the fries too. Better that than obsessing over every fry I see for the next week until I lose it and end up at Mcdonald's with a supersizer.