3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Alana in Canada 06-04-2009 12:33 AM

What other changes have you made to support your weightloss?
Other than exercise, I mean.

I'm thinking about the other bits of our lives that need changing if we are to support this way of life. I resolved, this week, for example, to have all my dishes done before bed (we don't have a dishwasher.) That way, I'd be able to get up and actually chop veggies for my omelette on a clear surface for breakfast--or have a clean pot for my oatmeal instead of skipping it because it's "too hard."

So, I'm curious--what have you done--or what do you plan to do?

mandalinn82 06-04-2009 12:53 AM

Keeping the kitchen clean is a BIG one. Meal planning is another - weekly planning of our menus and a big grocery shop to ensure I can cook whatever is on that menu. It's a huge help to have it all planned out and ready to go, and it means that when I'm tempted to go out to eat, I am usually faced with something going bad if I do, which makes me reconsider.

Keeping equipment around that I can always exercise on is one thing. My elliptical recently broke (injuring me in the process). I have a step, though, on standby, and an exercise ball so I can do ab work without putting pressure on the shoulder that got injured. Having a variety ensures I ALWAYS have something to work out on, regardless of weather, injury, etc. I also have workouts in a variety of lengths so I can fit in whatever I have time to do. My next exercise purchase is going to be an Incline Trainer, which will give me a treadmill for running and an incline for high-calorie-burning walking, ensuring not only that I can mix my workouts up, but that I can walk if my knees are bad (they are both arthritic).

Also, laundry. I SWEAT when I work out (not a little, either!). I wash laundry WAY more frequently now, due to the gym clothes (which, unlike a t-shirt you sat in the couch on, cannot be worn again!)

utgirl09 06-04-2009 12:53 AM

I have found exercise has boosted my self-esteem and confidence level. I have started spending more time on my appearance than I have in the past. I used to spend 5 minutes on my hair and make-up, but how I take the time to make it look better. It may be a little vain, but my whole life I have been putting other peoples needs before my own, and its time for me to focus on myself. Exercise is the best thing to support my weight loss efforts because it has made me a happier person overall, and I want it to stay that way.

cb1 06-04-2009 02:14 AM

I have been going to the grocery store more often. I know what I am going to eat the next day, so most of my calories are planned out (although there is room for a spontaneous snack or two.)

I have 2 small children so a big one for me has been lately - GET THEM TO BED ON TIME - so I can have ME time - which usually consists of doing the 30 day shred for exercise, a quick shower and then a hot soaking bath with lavender bath salts or bubble bath! Then maybe a pedicure/manicure before I head to bed (i do my nails every couple days now). It makes me feel relaxed and like a lady instead of a frazzled, frumpy mom. Because frazzled, frumpy mom tends to run to high calorie, late night snacks so we don't want her around! LOL But yeah just relaxing in ways other than food is a BIG one to help me stay on plan and honestly, I never made the time for myself, I was always so busy taking care of kids, house, hubby.

borntobefine 06-04-2009 02:26 AM

#1 - Eat breakfast. I read many places that skipping this makes you 4 times more likely to gain fat.
#2 - exercise even if it is only 5 minutes here and there several times a day # 3 - stop skipping meals. I do not feel hungry often and I have a really bad habit of forgetting to eat.
I plan to work hard to remedy these problems.

Alana in Canada 06-04-2009 03:29 AM

Getting to bed on time---somehow I see that as a goal to work on in the furure, lol! But I love the idea of evening bubble baths--once I fit back into the tub, of course!

Oh and laundry--oh yes. Blech.

MBN 06-04-2009 06:07 AM

I always, without exception, take my lunch to work. I don't even LOOK at what's in the cafeteria. It's a big trap for me. This way I know exactly what I'm getting.

Since I work out in the early morning, I get everything ready the night before - pack work clothes and lunch, lay out workout clothes, prep the coffe pot, etc. That way, all I have to do is get up and go.

I do a lot more planning around food now. I always keep my low cal food and snacks available. I research menus before I go out to eat and pre-select my entree. I write down what I eat, to keep me mindful and to track my calorie intake. It all helps me stay on track.

I do some kind of vigorous exercise virtually every single day. I'm hooked on endorphins now.

Pita09 06-04-2009 07:42 AM

I plan my weekly menu and shop for everything to have on hand so that I know what I'm making.

I search all over the web for the healthy, low-calorie recipes that will taste yummy. I've even gotten good at taking regular recipes and tweaking them so that they fit into my plan. Having really good food keeps me from feeling deprived and heading for the nearest restaurant to indulge in things that only end up making me feel guilty.

I just recently bought a small thermos to carry my fat free half-n-half in when I go to Starbucks, which is almost every day. At first I didn't want to look silly carrying in my own cream, but that passed when I realized how silly I look walking around around with all this extra weight hanging on me. I'm now saving 20 calories and 3 grams of fat per fluid ounce. That is a huge savings for me considering how much of the stuff I drink.

I plan my cardio around one of my favorite TV shows, which is the best way to keep me huffing and puffing for a full hour.

I keep track of my calories using Fitday.

I will soon join a weight loss support group so that I have the weekly accountability of weighing in. I know this works for me.

DCHound 06-04-2009 10:12 AM

The biggest was I quit smoking. No wait, the biggest was I made my peace with depression and finally fought my way out of it. I was depressed for more than 20 years, now I'm not.

-ending depression
-quitting smoking
-eating breakfast EVERY DAY
-walking to/from public transit EVERY DAY (1.5 miles each way)
-making/taking my lunch to work EVERY DAY
-never ever EVER cheating or having a diet soda
-having kind, positive thoughts about myself rather than mean, negative ones. Basically trying to treat myself as kindly as I'd treat a friend or even a stranger.

Many more, but these are some of the big ones.

sidhe 06-04-2009 10:15 AM

I have a big ol' list!

*Get to bed on time so I can be up in the morning to go to the gym.
*I set my alarm for a few minutes before I actually need to get up, so that if I really "need" to I have time to hit snooze one time! :lol:
*ALWAYS have a pile of gym clothes ready to put on in the morning, and a packed gym bag in the car.
*usually my bike is on the bike rack on back of the car. I had a loaner car while mine was in the shop for four days last week and I was bereft without my bike!
*Plan and pack my lunch the night before, so all I have to do is put the frozen block (I use a Fit'n'Fresh box) in the middle and go.
*I have a "Christmas list" pad of paper with a magnetic back on my fridge. When I use something up I add it to the list, and I ALWAYS grocery shop with a list.
*Come in here and browse around while I drink my tea in the morning! :lol: It reminds me what I'm working for, and gives me the focus and energy to "do it" for the day. :)

chickiegirl 06-04-2009 10:20 AM

Plan, plan, plan.

I usually end up at the grocery store more than once a week but my meals are planned a day or two in advance and I make sure I have lunch staples.

I have a job where I can be called into work at the last minute and I used to use this as an excuse to be stressed and eat whatever I wanted later when I got home.

Now, the last time I was asked to go in on the same day, I packed up a lunch, snack and dinner (it was a bit of a late shift) and I was good. I had all the food I needed in the house, which would've been fairly unlikely before.

sws19 06-04-2009 10:26 AM

smoking less. drinking less. eating out less. socializing less. while the last one isn't good in and of itself, it definitely helps with one, two, and three.
and i've been spending more time on my appearance as well, though lately i've given up makeup except when i go out for the night.

Mrs Snark 06-04-2009 01:14 PM

Planning for success is definitely key for me. For instance, I lay out all my workout clothes and gear the night before and I put it all on the moment I wake up in the morning. I definitely spend a decent amount of time planning ahead for everything, from meals to how to make it thru social fuctions without over-eating.

Alana in Canada 06-04-2009 01:22 PM

Fantastic information. Thank you.

I was looking at the living room/family room yesterday and thinking I need to be more diligent about keeping it clean and tidy--that way it'll be more pleasant for me to put down my exercise mat and get to it.

cincimom11 06-04-2009 01:23 PM

-Going the grocery more (several times each week)
-Exercising daily
-Choosing healthy or low-calorie treats

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