3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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2cute2Bfat 05-15-2002 12:36 PM

Eeeekkkkkk !!!!!!
I am going nuts here. :dizzy:
I just love food !!!!! I love all food. :rolleyes:

Okay.. I have not cheated today.
I just can't stop thinking about FOOD. :mad:

I know a large reason why is because I am going on a cabin/fishing trip this weekend with my family. I am having to plan all the meals ...and it is getting me thinking about food.
SOMEBODY HELLLPPPPP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Okay... I can do this. I CAN DO THIS !!!!
I can cook and prepare their favorites and still eat on program.
It just takes a little planning. AND A LOT of courage. LOL
Sugar free jello will become my new best friend. LOL
I will be gone from Friday morning until Tues I think.

MichelleK 05-15-2002 04:07 PM

2Cute I will be thinking of you this weekend...I will be away from Friday afternoon until sunday morning for a wedding in harrisburg. I too have been thinking of food food and more food! I am trying to be creative when it comes to food for the little guy! Cereal bars for breakfast, snacks, juice, and how will I make sure he has milk! I guess there will be a store nearby!

But now there will be meals out plus the food at the wedding...which I probably won't get too much of since I will be chasing Andrew around I am sure!

OK Gotta run again....


QueenB 05-15-2002 05:59 PM

Don't anyone pass out or nothing......
:eek: But yes, it's me! I'm baaaaaaaack! :eek: Girls, I have finally learned the meaning of the word "tired." And I feel really bad because I should never be "too tired" to come in here and talk to my friends.....but I have been. We had two complete morons just walk out the door on us at work. Well, you think that would really not be a big deal......but let me tell you how big it was. These were the only two people on the switchboard at the time..............and when they both left.............that means.....no calls answered. And that is a pretty bad thing when you are an answering service. Apparently they got mad because they couldn't get the same weekend off together and decided that they would leave my boss holding the bag. And we are always so short handed anyways, losing two seasoned operators really hurt us! You can't just bring in any warm body off the street and expect them to learn all the different accts we have at a moments notice, sooooooo I have been pulling double shifts. 7a-11p. Since last Wednesday when they walked out. I am so tired I am about to die. But, I am here.

Food has been terrible. It has taken all the energy I have to keep myself up and going at work, let alone taking time to plan and weigh and measure. And I know that that's not an excuse, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it! :lol: Well, let me back up: Food has not been all terrible. Some days I am so strong and some days, I have consumed an entire bag of sour cream and onion potato chips. Today.......thank heavens, is a good day. Don't worry. I'm not leaving WW. No way......no shape.....no how. I just have to re-gather up my strength. That's all.

I apologize for not stopping in to tell you what was going on, but I talked with Michelle and I assumed she would tell you. The only reason I was even on the computer is because I had to look up some directions for a friend and Michelle caught me on IM. Thanks Michelle. I sure have missed you guys. I've really needed you the last couple of days. I know there are a few new people, and some of the old timers have come back and Baylee has reappeared. Hello to the newbies and no, I am not always this spastic.........so glad to see you to all the old timers and Baylee...glad your back girl. I missed you.

I don't even have a hope of trying to respond to everyone. As it is, I just managed to skim over the last two threads I have not been a part of. I hope all you of you had a wonderful Mother's Day and I love you ALL very much! :love:
Things are slowing down now, so I will be back to my regular cheery self in a couple of days and will be posting regularly. And remember, just because I wasn't here posting......didn't mean I wasn't thinking of you. Thanks for listening to the babble. No telling how many typos I've made, but I'm too tired to even check. Taking a nap now and I will see you guys later. :yawn:

katrinabgood 05-15-2002 07:04 PM

My my my...I have missed a whole thread, practically...

No time for posting so here's a quickie just to let you know I'm still here...Glad you're back Tina and Baylee...thanks for the recipes, Michelle...Keep telling yourself you don't cheat, 2cute...hope dinner with hubby was nice, Thin...congrats on the 1# off, Mary...good luck with training, Malia...hope the weather holds out for you, Lucky...keep up the good work, Susie....

I don't think anyone else was on this thread, if so, sorry I missed you, come back and post...

I'll be back later, I hope...I am really getting tired of this night shift crap...I need a normal life back...

hugs to all, see you later

thinthinker 05-15-2002 08:51 PM

Hi everyone! :wave: It's been another day! Gosh, I bet you all kinew that somehow! :rolleyes: Honey, son and I went out to dinner (it's one of those weeks) I have counted today and I'm within my limits, so I don't feel so bad. The scale was not looking kindly at me this morning.

My Aunt (in WI, Wisconsin, not weigh in) is dying. She fell last week and then this week had a massive stroke. They are calling hospice in in the morning so I'm sure it's just a matter of time. She is my mom's sister and all my mom has left is her sister and her brother (who is in a nursing home). So of course she feels as if she should be there for any funeral. I have jobs all scheduled and the youngest son's birthday is next Tuesday so this should be fun trying to re-schedule everything. Gosh, I'm sorry. That probably sounds terrible, it wasn't meant to. My Aunt is a nun and she had been a school teacher all her life until she retired. She is 87, so she has had a long happy life.

My phone line is out so anyone that calls is just getting a busy signal. That's FUN! :spin: No phone, no fax. Hey, at least I have my computer. :D

I just don't have time again tonight to respond to everyone. I love you all, but I've just got too much going on. I hope to talk to you again soon.

LuckyLadyBug 05-15-2002 09:30 PM

Sorry about your Aunt, Thin... but you don't want to re-schedule for her funeral and she is a Nun!!!! I would be more worried she is a Nun - I mean, her "husband" will be there!!! You don't want to create THAT bad karma!!!!!

(Didn't mean to offend anyone, if I did. )

yellowpagemaker 05-15-2002 10:28 PM

HI Everyone,

I'm sorry I've been AWOL for a while.....I am trying to figure out several issues in my life...and I'm finding out I'm not doing very well doing it on my own.....

I'm so far behind on everyone's posts...I wonder if I'll ever catch up. ha ha

So far I'm really trying to stay on track with my eating....haven't really looked for a Weight Watchers group yet.....but I have been doing fair with my eating. Not the best...but fair.

Well girls, I just wanted to let you know I haven't fell off the face of the earth....I'll check in more often. But for now, my son needs to finish his homework...One more week of school and he's out for the summer!!!

Love You All

2cute2Bfat 05-16-2002 12:20 AM

Theresa... it seems like it has been forever since you were here.
Glad to see you back.
I have tried to do this on my own... with no success.
It is best to just accept we need each other and post and share.

Thin... I am sooo ssorry about your aunt. Is there any way your mom can go without you? Her sister may last longer than you think too. At least your son is old enough to understand... but I know how hard it is to reschedule all of your jobs. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you.

Kat... how long do you have to stay on this new shift?
We miss your long posts and your great humor. Hang in there.

Tina... you poor thing !!!! Double shifts... 7am -11pm. :eek:
We sure miss you but totally understand why you are too tired to post. Aren't they going to hiire new help?? I should apply for that job... I am a great PR person. :smug:

Michelle... we are both going to be gone this weekend. I will think of you whenever I am tempted... and you can think of me. ;)

Malia... you are going to be MIA too. :^:
I sure hope the rest of us keep this site going.
We need to be here for newcomers as well as ourselves.
Liife just doesn't always cooperate. Good luck traning the new girl.

Baylee... I think housework is not exercise for most people...
but when you are as immobile as I am... trust me... it wears me out. LOL. I think exercise has to be above and beyond what you normally do. Your body adjusts.

Mary... 203... you are sooooooo close to 199 !!!!!

Lucky... yes I have dieted myself up to this weight.
those dreaded.... " This is my last time to eat this" saga puts the pounds on fast.

susie.... babysteps .. baby steps.... they will get you to that 50lbs

Okay... I am out of here AGAIN.
Ladies... those of you in town need to keep this site HOT !!!!!

SusieH 05-16-2002 07:56 AM

Day 3 OP
Just have a quick second to post, but I did it....I stayed OP yesterday and banked 5 points plus 1.5 exercise points. The meeting I had yesterday went well. I took my snacks and water, but didn't need it, thankfully they didn't have any temptations there.

Hi to all, sorry this is so short.

LuckyLadyBug 05-16-2002 08:01 AM

Good Morning Chicks.

I only hauled 2 loads of dirt last night but I did transplant ferns from the south side of the house to the north side. I went to see Dad last night so I didn't get home until 7:45PM. I have big plans for this weekend so I hope it warms up some. It's only 36 this morning but if I don't plant soon nothing will have time to grow before winter comes once again.

Tina, I don't know how you can pull that long shift. I have to sleep - just no choice. Try to do at least one small, easy good thing for yourself each shift. When I worked a lot of overtime I would "steal" a few minutes to just calm myself and do some deep breathing. It really seemed to help.

katrinabgood 05-16-2002 09:27 AM

Hey kids...

OK...I've got some time this morning, but I SWEAR I am going to the gym, come **** or high water...so I can't make this too long! I guess I'm back UP again...I really do cycle into some low days...where everything just goes to pot...(no, not the plant...I have natural "munchies" as it is!) Diet, housework, self esteem...all go down the tubes after being so good...it's almost like I'm punishing myself...I don't know, maybe I need Prozac or something...:dizzy:

Anyway, today I feel great! It's a beautiful day, no rain in the forecast...we've sure had a lot lately...the other night at my son's ballgame, (which they did NOT call on account of rain)...there was the most beautiful sight...a HUGE rainbow, arcing over the field...I never saw one so big...you could see the whole thing (except for the pot o' gold at the end!) Truly one of God's gifts! :angel:

So, I'm back to counting points again...I was tempted to join the on-line Weight Watchers, but it wouldn't take my credit card...(no reason why not, it's paid off) :?: I took that as a sign that that's NOT what I need to be doing...I'll just count my points again on my own...maybe find a new meeting...I don't know...I can't keep throwing my money at more and more things...there comes a time when I simply have to do what I need to do and keep on doing it! Not three days on, two days off...:nono:

I do know one thing is for sure...I may not be losing, but I'm not gaining!! I KNOW that coming here everyday and being accountable helps...so if you don't mind, I'm going to post my food here (journalling, if you will) here goes for today...

1 light English muffin 1 pt
3 egg whites 1 pt
3/4 oz cheese 2
butter spray 0
orange 1
black coffee 0
5 points

2 Fat free Ball park franks 2 pts
2 rolls 4
sauerkraut/relish/mustard 0
carrots/pepper strips 0.5
apple 1
7.5 points
**I skipped the milk...had water instead and added carrot sticks and pepper strips to my lunch

Salmon 4 oz 5
broccoli 0
brown rice 1/2 cup 2
mixed salad 0
dressing 2
9 points

Total= 21.5 points,
which leaves me 5-10 points to play with, if need be...not counting the points I will shave off with the step class I plan on attending in approximately 30 minutes!

OK...I feel back in control...thanks for "listening," It's so good to have friends who understand what a struggle this is.

I'm sure I'll be back frequently...you guys keep me in line...Thanks!

see you later...

thinthinker 05-16-2002 09:36 AM

Hi everyone! :wave: Good morning. It's going to be another one of those days. Star Wars starts today and I have to work at a theatre most of the day. No time to sit and watch the movie though. :( Then off to visit my little 'charge' at the nursing home. My foster sister may end up in court again as early as Monday, so now I'm not sure that I'll be able to be with her (if something happens with my Aunt). YIKES! Did I mention I was very busy????

LuckyLadyBug: No offense taken here! :) We used to have twin beds in one of the bedrooms at my mom's house when I was still at home and just dating my DH. One weekend my Aunt was in town (and was going to bed in one of the twin beds) and My then BF, now DH was there really late and we teased him that he could sleep in the other bed. His response was, "sure, as long as I don't get in the habit!" :lol: Ok, for those of you who aren't Catholic, that probably doesn't make any sense, but it was funny at the time.

Theresa: Sometimes the easiest way to figure out 'issues' is to talk about them. Ya know, we're all good friends here, but it is still anonymous so if you need to get it out, what better place to do it???

2cute: Hope you have a wonderful trip. You deserve a nice get away. You and your DH have been through alot lately. Time for some real R & R.

Susie: You're back on a roll! That's wonderful. Good job handling that meeting.

Baylee: Not that kind of deep breathing???? Gosh, whatever could you mean??? :o

Katrina: Hope you de-stress a little soon. I can't imagine working the night shift. Not for me.

Tina: Glad you came back. Double shifts, my Lord, girl. You need to get some sleep......or a RAISE!!!! :D

Michelle: Have a great trip. I just know you'll do well with your food. You've been doing so well. Just remember, it's not about the food, it's about the celebration! And if you do get a little carried away......or even if you don't......dance every dance and you'll work it all off.

Malia: Sounds like you're going to be one busy, busy girl. Take time for a breath once in awhile. Maybe even a sit in your 'secret garden' with a nice tea.

Mary: I sent that info on Glucosamine/Chondroitin to your e-mail address. If anyone else needs it, let me know. It's very long, but good info.

Well girls, gotta be at the theatre in 15 minutes and it's a 20 minute drive, so I better run. :^:

katrinabgood 05-16-2002 02:59 PM

What a difference a day makes!
I am so jazzed! Not only did I take my pudgy little self to the gym for a step class this morning, I then took myself to Curves for a half hour workout there....where I discovered that............tah dah...I lost 2# since last Thursday!! :D :) :lol: Talk about motivation to keep going on! I feel great...haven't even slept yet...still on an endorphin high...after I'm done here, I plan on vacuuming, greeting the kids when they come on from school and then...CRASHING! So I am not even going to make the dinner that I planned on, instead, I may just make a protein shake before work...

I'M FEELING IN CONTROL....and I like it! Now to keep it up!

Greetings to all...

Malia, yesterday, dh and I were flipping around the channels, he saw SpongeBob on and said, "Here's your show..." I told him, delightedly, that this is the one where SB asks everyone how to tie his shoes, including the captain, who replies...."Aargh...I'm only a painting of a head!" I get a kick out of that line every time I see it! DH just looked at me and said, "you know the scary thing is that you KNOW that!" :lol:

2cute...have a wonderful, relaxing weekend, but for God's sake...BE CAREFUL!

Tina...Good grief, woman...how are you surviving? Those are some long-*** hours!! I was happy to see your post though, I knew something was keeping you away! Get your rest, whenever you can!

Thin...good luck with the Obi Wan Kenobe crowd today...I'm sure my boys (dh & dd) will be up for opening night...not me, thanks! I used to have an aunt who was a nun, too!...I always thought it was weird that we had to call her "Sister." ...no one in the family could use her real name! One time I saw a wisp of hair coming out from under her head piece and I was amazed...thought for sure that she was bald under there! I must say though...one of my all time favorite movies is "Sister Act! "

Baylee...so glad you're back! I hope your throat is feeling better. Go ahead, ask yourself how you are feeling...it's YOUR house! :lol: You would think I'm nuts with all the talking I do to myself, or to the dog...or just singing at the top of my lungs...all alone! :o

Lucky...sounds like you're getting there, garden-wise...getting your "prep work" done for when the warm weather comes and you can just plant to your heart's content! ...um...it IS coming, isn't it?

Michelle...have a wonderful weekend and fun at the wedding! I know that you will do well. Your little "handful" shoud keep you hopping! My daughter was a flower girl in a friend's wedding about 8 years ago, (she was 8, son was 3) he disrupted the entire wedding calling his "Sissy..." but I have the cutest photo of her with her "ssshhhh" finger to her lips and him gazing up at her...AWWWW! (kids! You gotta love 'em!!) :love:

Theresa...glad to see you back also. Don't ever feel bad about "catching up." Just jump in when and where you can...catch up when and IF you can! Your son gets out of school early, compared to us...my kids go until about June 19...I wish they'd give them a few less snow days back and let them out earlier...do your kids go back to school in August?

Mary...you are SOOOOO close to that magic number...I'll admit it...I'm TOTALLY jealous!

Susie...you sound like you are really motivated! Great job with bringing stuff to your meeting! A good scout is always prepared! You are my inspiration with all those points that you are banking PLUS exercise points...Keep it up!

I think I'm done...I'm totally decompressed and ready for a nap! So much for the vacuum!

Have a perfectly peachy day, everyone...love to all :wave:

2cute2Bfat 05-16-2002 06:14 PM

Time flys when you are having fun...
Well ladies, it is time to start a new thread.

Oldtimers know the ritual... but for lurkers or newcomers.... we start a new ongoing thread after about 28-30 posts. You can find us at 300+ ....#170.
See you all there. :wave:

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