Staying on plan while sick

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  • Hellsangel - I was a "good girl" when I was younger and became a "bad girl" after I got tired of being a good girl. Now, I'm actually more like a good girl who looks like a bad girl. I think the piercings, tattoos, and the hair (which is actually growing out at the moment) throws everybody off. I get guys coming up to me and saying, "I bet you're a FREAK!" and, "Are you a BAD girl?" quite a bit It's really ridiculous, but "I wonder what else you have pierced " is just as bad. BTW, is that your eye in the avatar? If so, it's beautiful. If not, ignore the compliment

    The weight loss, ironically, has increased my blood sugar fluctuations. However, it has drastically decreased my insulin requirements, partially due to the fact there is "less" of me and mostly due to the fact that I'm incredibly active. But I struggle with lows a lot more now (sometimes, it hits me out of nowhere, and that didn't happen as much while overweight). I was actually thin before I was fat... and for awhile, I hardly took care of my diabetes at all. (Keeping my blood sugars high was an easy way to stay skinny ) When I did, I started fiercely packing on the weight (along with a gazillion other reasons, though -- y'know, like, "OOOH! I LOVE FOOD!")
    Is your friend overweight?

    Gymlee - 3 pounds lost! That is one thing to be happy about -- always good to look on the bright side, eh? 100 calorie packs are EEEEEEVIL. I could never buy a box of them because I'd probably end up eating the entire box in one sitting
    Oh... wait... they have cookie dough 100 calorie packs? WHERE would THOSE happen to be? *looks around *
  • I don't know what kind of plan you're on, but I always keep a supply of chicken noodle soup, 7up, and saltine crackers handy for when I get sick. Makes me feel better, just like when I was little, and its certainly not calorie heavy. Hope you feel better soon!
  • That's way too funny seeing as how guys especially always say that to me, and I don't even have an outward appearance that might give that vibe. Blonde hair, blue eyes and I dress on the preppier side most of the time (though I do have a weird attraction to the gothic stuff but it definitely doesn't show by looking at me) The funny thing is that they are right..I'm one of those undercover "freaks" you could say lol As far as um sexually goes I've had very few partners so it's not as if I should be giving off a "loose" vibe so to speak. I've always wondered what it is about me..that made guys say that..any time I ever asked I got the responses of saying that "oh no it's not a bad thing at all! you just look like you have somethin in you, that side to you"

    And no that's not my eye, but thanks anyways!! I just like eyes for how expressive they the the soul, ya know Yeah my friend was heavier. She was always thinner growing up and then I think it was after she had her second child she kind of ballooned. She got fired from our job last may and has since lost a nice chunk of weight. She thinks it was from the stress at work..I wondered if it had to do with the fact that she no longer had much money to eat and was making choices regarding *ahem* a lot of pot and staying out at all hours of the night. Who knows.
  • Oh...and they ask you what else you have pierced..they don't ask me that..but they should that's just me right'd never expect it by just looking at me. I have my tongue pierced but that's the only thing they can see (besides my ears which I never wear earrings anymore, no idea why) My belly button one would never hold, when I was thinner. It kept migrating out..i was really sad I had wanted that one lol. Oh well I tried twice and how have a nice little white scar to show for those battles
  • NightengaleShane No No 100 cal packs of cookie dough just regular kind haha I was going to bake cookies for christmas so I had the container of the ready made cookie dough and all you have to do is spoon it out and plop it on the cookie sheet because I'm too lazy to make it from scratch. But it didn't stay with me for too long because my body decided it wasn't something I should have in my body at that time and then next thing you know I guess I don't have to worry about the those calories now huh? haha I definitely try to look on the bright side of things even if emotionally I'm not there. Try to be optimistic
  • Oh gymlee, the involuntary bulemia kicked in! The sane person in me had the reaction of, "aww, throwing up sucks, I hope you feel better!" but the ex eating disordered person said, "OH, WELL, you won't have to worry about those calories! Well... not... two thirds of 'em. Good for you. I wish I threw up more when I ate junk food." Sad, I know. Plus, if I throw something up, I don't have the desire to eat it for a long time. *Sending chicken soup and ginger ale your way *

    Hellsangel - Wow, I am about the same as you - a bit of a freak (ok yeah they are right! haha) BUT I have not had that many sexual partners. People always think I've had more. I guess I give off the borderline slut vibe

    Two kids will make most people balloon up. Heck, ONE kid can do that for some. One of my neighbors weighed 110 pounds pre-child and now weighs 180. She carries "skinny" pictures of herself everywhere she goes, just like I did at my HW. I initially wanted her to be my weight loss buddy, but since she kept flaking out on me, I decided I was going to just go at it alone. 50 pounds later for me and she still hasn't lost an ounce poor girl.

    Pot... funny, you think she would just get wicked cases of the munchies and end up falling in love with the dollar menu and/or Taco Bell's FOURTHMEAL shiz. I dunno about you, but pot makes me want to eat EVERYTHING and then some. I don't smoke it, though, because it makes me paranoid and hinders my bodybuilding/fitness progress for reasons mentioned above I don't drink much for the same reason - alcohol stimulates my appetite like nobody's business and I'm sure not reaching for the veggies!
  • yeah I must give off the same vibe, I'm just friendly with everyone. They realize pretty quick that they don't have a shot at finding out just how freaky Yeah she used to love funyons (however you spell it lol) and peach faygo. but I'm I don't think she eats much anymore even with the pot smoking. I never got into it. I had a brief few months back when I was 17 where I tried it off and on, and it just NEVER did anything for me other than give me cotton mouth and a headache. Don't remember any munchies... Good thing..I don't need any help in that area I only drink socially..rarely get entirely drunk. Usually I'm the one driving the drunks around if that's the case. What you mean you don't get INSANE cravings for carrots when you drink? Good thing cause if you were into the hallucinating drugs for some'd have to catch the carrot hahah
  • I am friendly with everyone, too, just 'cause I'm flirtacious by nature (though I don't flirt at all with people I don't find attractive) and I was taught to treat everyone with kindness and respect. Unfortunately, for some men, the mere fact that I'm TALKING to them means I suddenly want to jump 'em

    I, too, am frequently the designated driver (and I often end up driving other people's cars and stuffing one of my bikes in the back -- yeah, I'm that chick who rides the bike EVERYWHERE, even to other towns!) and the one laughing at all the drunks around me. People say the most ridiculous and hilarious things when they are drunk and uninhibited. I'm pretty frank as it is, but when I'm drunk I sometimes just say things that make no sense... like one time, I got drunk with friends, then we went to Taco Bell. I ordered a spicy chicken taco and enjoyed the living heck outta that thing. I was like, "MMM! OOOH! YEEEEEAH! THIS chicken taco is AMAZING! YEEEAH! OH YEAH! MMMMMMMMHHHH!!" I sounded like I was... well... having someone else enjoy a different sort of taco in which I provided my friends STILL won't let me live that one down. Another time (recently), I was discussing my break-up. I said, "The can of worms was opened and I just took 'em out. Here's the can and here's the worms!! HAHAHAHAH!! CAN AND WORMS!!! DUDE, that's HILARIOUS, HERE'S THE CAN AND HERE'S THE WORMS!!" That... was just embarrassing.
  • Quote: I don't know what kind of plan you're on, but I always keep a supply of chicken noodle soup, 7up, and saltine crackers handy for when I get sick. Makes me feel better, just like when I was little, and its certainly not calorie heavy. Hope you feel better soon!
    Yup, my parents always fed me the same things! They are great "feel better" foods, though I've found they work best while having a stomach bug.

    As for what plan I'm on... errrm.. I just generally restrict my calories and maks a point not to eat more than I'm burning

    I feel somewhat better today and hope to be 100% better by Monday (work) and definitely Tuesday because I am flying up to DC then.
  • Yep I'm the same way..guys seem to have it much easier with being all over confident, thinking that a simple hello is equal to "let me in your pants" LOL. They're just

    I'm laughin at your description of you when you're drunk LOL> I'm the total random "i love you" drunk. Everyone is my friend when I'm drunk I'm gonna have to tease you about tacos and cans of worms now hahaha
  • I *like* the can and the worms I can't explain it, but it was ... some kind ... of clever.
  • Hehe, Julie, I'm glad you like the can and the worms!

    I, too, am sort of a random "I LOVE YOU" drunk. I like everyone when I am drunk and give hugs to strangers. I'm the extra appreciative FUN drunk, too, when I'm not making a complete fool out of myself. And I say some incredibly obscene, sexual things that might even make Trina blush You know the saying "don't go there"? I tend to GO THERE and THEN SOME when intoxicated... and then I'll act like an idiot.

    Ah, good times. I don't miss other things about being drunk, though, like the "BLEH! I feel like CRAP!" that always comes over me a few hours after (and sometimes the next day), the uninhibited appetite, and the overall amount of calories in the alcoholic drinks themselves. I like knowing I am one of the few people walking around this town without a beer gut
  • [QUOTE=NightengaleShane;2505710]Oh gymlee, the involuntary bulemia kicked in! The sane person in me had the reaction of, "aww, throwing up sucks, I hope you feel better!" but the ex eating disordered person said, "OH, WELL, you won't have to worry about those calories! Well... not... two thirds of 'em. Good for you. I wish I threw up more when I ate junk food." Sad, I know. Plus, if I throw something up, I don't have the desire to eat it for a long time. *Sending chicken soup and ginger ale your way * [QUOTE]

    Aww thanks! You're too sweet!!! But yea I had my boughts with disordered eating myself and I had the same reaction you did. Oh well we all have/had our issues.

    As for all the talk of drunkeness, I'm a lot like you. It was funny to read because I was like "Is she talking about me?" haha It is interesting to see what this thread has turned into.

    Ps.- I wrote another thread about lacking motivation to exercise due to fear and I was wondering if you ladies wouldn't mind taking a look at it and commenting with your thoughts because I'm looking for all kinds of perspectives on this subject but I'm too lazy to repost it all here haha Thanks!!!