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EZMONEY 10-17-2008 09:01 PM

Guaranteed 5 Pound Turkey Cushion!
The 5 Pound Weight Loss Pill has been :mag: re-called. Seems it was losing it's effectiveness, so it is time to move our :running: feet and look for another EZ way out of this mess we have gotten ourselves into.

With :happ3: THANKSGIVING coming up here in the United States of America soon I figure :chin: it is a good idea on getting ready for that :turkey: TURKEY CUSHION!

You know, that extra 5 pounds you need to lose before the holiday season to make life just a little more comfortable at those full on food spreads :hungry:

Unfortunately :( we were not able to get the re-call taken care of for the CANADIAN THANKSGIVING this past week. If you were one of the ones that wasn't prepared you may need to join in too for future holiday temptations! :hohoho::newyear::val1::easter2::goldpot::haphal:

:welcome3: to the TEAM :welcome:

I guarantee a 5 pound loss if you stay with us! We have been successful as a TEAM each time the GUARANTEE raises it's ugly :yikes: head.

If you join today that pumpkin pie is gonna go down just a little bit sweeter this year :yes:

EZMONEY 10-17-2008 09:06 PM

I started these 5 Pound Guarantees when I weighed in at 178 after getting down to 169-171 and holding. I am doing pretty well right now at 171-173. This is not a bad weight for me but it doesn't allow much/none TURKEY CUSHION :turkey:

I started working on my 5 POUND GUARANTEE today by ~

#1 ~ Walking my dogs for 3.5 miles this morning

#2 ~ I gave a pint of :dracula: blood

#3 ~ Ate a sensible Chinese dinner of won-ton soup, rice and shrimp chop suey

MarStevens 10-17-2008 09:13 PM

Can I join even though I'm new here? How does this work, what do we do??

basic info if I can join please would be helpful!

EZMONEY 10-17-2008 09:18 PM

You just joined MarStevens :carrot:

All you have to do is check in with your results/struggles/successes from time to time...you can check out our last one by to the last 5 Pound Guarantee thread we had going here...


weegreenlassie 10-18-2008 02:33 AM

;) I LOVE this! I read the last 5-lb miracle pill thread, and was very inspired!

SPEAKING of Pumpkin Pie (WHO can resist???) I learned this week that Pumpkin is really HIGH in Alpha as well as Beta Carotene! (good stuff for the body!!) And I ate this AMAZING pumpkin pie that not only tastes (as I say, and feel free to quote me!) Like it grew on a tree--but it's ONLY (approx) 2100 calories for the WHOLE PIE!!! (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) Not saying you should just sit and eat a whole pie, though... lol

1 Keebler Graham Cracker Crust
1/2 Cup Sugar
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Ground Ginger
1/4 tsp Ground Cloves
2 Large Eggs (Omega-3)
1 - 15oz can Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin (NOT PUMPKIN PIE PUMPKIN!)
1 - 12 oz can evaporated nonfat or 2% milk

Mix dry ingredients in a small bowl. Beat eggs in a large bowl. Add Pumkin and Sugar/Spice mix (dry). Gradually add Evaporated milk. Pour into Pie Crust, and bake at 350 for ~40 minutes. (middle should still be slightly wiggly) Serve room temp & store rest in fridge!

Yummmmmmmmmm :)

P.S. Joinin' the guarantee... lol :)

mtiger 10-18-2008 09:54 AM

Hey Gary. I found the Turkey Trot today. :thanks2: i am here for my 5 pound guaranteed weight loss. I need to meet my :witch: goal of getting under 200. Then I'm ready for another 5 pounds before :turkey: So here goes.

Gary- I'm impressed. Home from work and already putting in some miles with the doggies. Gotta get that coffee, huh?

Mar- Welcome and come chat often

Weegreen- Irish dancing? And pumpkin pie. Welcome.

blondebritbrat17 10-18-2008 09:55 AM

Count me in again too. You recalled that 5 pound weight loss pill thread just as I was going to report my first 5 pound loss! Oh well.. I know I can do it now even in times of great stress and I have noticed I feel tons better already by eating cleaner. I am ready for turkey day and Christmas already! Bring it on.

weegreenlassie 10-18-2008 03:06 PM

Hi Mtiger ;) Yep! Irish Dancing :) I love it! And you'd think with the copious amounts that I dance I wouldn't have a weight problem... :p but we're trying to fix this ;)

And not just pumpkin pie... the BEST pumpkin pie ;) lol (I feel like such a pie pusher right now..)

sh3l5 10-18-2008 03:13 PM

Id love to be part of this 5lb challenge!....
we dont have thanks giving in the UK....
come to think of it we only celebrate bonfire night, halloween and family birthdays between now and christmas....
im still up for it tho!....
im aiming for a lighter than life shelz by 21st November....
i wana knock people for 6!....

tinamae 10-18-2008 05:07 PM

Sign me up!

This is just what I was looking for. I am excited. I needed a mini goal and now I know I can do it.

jahjah1223 10-18-2008 07:20 PM

Count me in! But since im losing weight slowly (which is fine with me since im near my goal) ill plan on just losing 3 of the 5 :-D

EZMONEY 10-18-2008 08:30 PM

I may need this CUSHION more than I think after today! :( :yes:

I have been doing a pretty darn good job on not :hungry: over-eating. I also have had my eye :mag: on a new deli that opened up by us. It is right next to a coffee shop where Angie and I walk the dogs every Saturday and have coffee.

My daughter came by to visit me today while Angie was off to yoga teacher training. My sister was using my house for a garage sale and low and behold if lunch didn't :s: sneak up on us. I didn't have enough food to feed everyone lunch stuff...with nieces and spouse there were 14...so off to the new deli we go :running:....but by car so no calories :flame: burned.

Long story...shorter...I had a KNUCKLE SANDWICH....Pastrami, cheddar, mozzarella, parmesan, lettuce, tomato, mushrooms, olives, mayo, butter, o&v on sourdough...it was yummy :drool:

Looked up the calories on their website....697....:(....as if I didn't know....not stupid or in denial here :no:

just a little bit :crazy: to take that in for lunch...but man oh man was it good!

KAT ~I think that recipe for pumpkin pie is going to be a keeper in our household! Thanks!

MINDY ~I really enjoying walking my dogs....it makes me get out there for 3 miles almost every single day I am home. I especially love the days when Angie and I walk them together...no phones...TV's...computers...dogs barking at the neighbors (they behave well when we walk them) 199 is just around the corner! You know my word is good!

BRAT ~ I may have re-called the pill but your success carries over to each thread! :) Prayers for your family in these difficult times!

sh3l5 ~Welcome! Those familiar with my guarantee can assure we...we celebrate ANYTHING!!! in order to get those 5 pound losses!

tinamae ~You can do it! And doing it here with our TEAM will make it that much more fun and easier!

jahjah ~ NO! NO! Plan on losing all 5! we don't set time limits here...we just create new threads!!


CyndiM 10-19-2008 07:45 AM

I'd like to jump in too. I'm having a heck of a time with the last few and would really like a cushion over the holidays (and not the kind I used to have either!!).
I also need something to get re-energized and this could be it!

So today I'm going to get out for a walk even if I don't get everything on my To Do list done and pop a yoga video in tonight. I'm also not going to start snacking on the darned nuts again!!

Thanks Gary :)

EZMONEY 10-19-2008 08:34 AM

Good to see you here Cyndi

mtiger 10-19-2008 10:55 AM

Okay, so I did a 4.25 mile jog/walk yesterday. Beautiful fall day here in Mich. I was down to 202 even today, down .6. So I think I will do the same thing today. Another gorgeous day!

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