Steel Magnolias #140


    Just had to come here to shout the good news! I have a new monitor..flat screen LCD...17". It is the difference between night and day. My old monitor was 13". It is like having a new pair of eyes. Actually we went out Friday to look at a scanner that had a $70 rebate and did by that but then I was looking around and saw this LCD and it had a much better price than the ones I had been looking at. It is Envision, never heard of it before but the salesman said it was made by the same people that make many other brands that I had heard about, so we got it. I was able to install it myself with no problem I feel so smart!!!! The scanner was another story. I wasn't sure if I had a USB ? or what so I enlisted the next door neighbor who is a computer wiz. He just left and it is now up and running. I have even sent a photo down to DS in N. C. WOW! Well I have been actually working at this set up for 2 1/2 hrs. now and I must start supper. The monitor and scanner will be my Valentine's and Birthday and probable Christmas gifts for the next year.
    MAGGIE We had bacon and eggs for breakfast and now I am going to make Lamb Shanks. This is a recipe that I adapted from a Greek restaurant that we used to go to. Braised then baked in the oven. Not too hard. I will skim the fat and add some tomato paste and some low fat chicken broth to make the sauce after they are baked. Since we ate late this morning we should be good with this kind of dinner.
    JEAN Does your snow mean that is what we should expect in a few days? Actually the weather man has been saying we are going to get rain. I won't complain.
    Glad you were able to get out to church this AM.

    Gloria in MA....patting herself on the back for a good job done.
    Now off to the kitchen

  • That sounds so nice Gloria. Kenny got me (us) a new computer chair and a cordless mouse for valentines day. I LOVE them. Hard to imagine being without them now. We are going to have a computer desk made in the next few months.
    Hope everyone is doing well...

  • Day #35

    Another lovely day in the neighborhood. The wind has died down and the sun is shining with a 66 degree day starting here now. This is my 35th day to be on this program and I cannot believe how the time has flown. This is going to be one year that doesn't get away from me for I am keeping my FOCUS. That is something that I just have to do ~ no if's and's or but's about it. I just have to do it. Since we are sharing our Valentine's gifts we got a DVD player and joined a rental club. Since we don't have TV reception we enjoy a good movie on occasion. OH ~ and he bought me a chocolate rose. It is on a green stem with leaves and the chocolate part is wrapped in red foil. One day I will eat it ~ but not till after the 14th ~ 4 Points. I have it laying on a shelf where I can see it. I did have it in a nice little crystal bud vase but Turn was having too much fun with it.

    GLORIA your new monitor sounds great. I think this one is 12 inches ~ corner to corner. Don't you just love having a skanner..... You go girl! I am sure your friends and family will love getting pictures from you now. Thanks for starting us out a new thread.

    CINDY Having a good chair is a must if you do any time at all at your computer and a cordless mouse..... great little gadget. When Cosboy inherites this laptop when I get a new one I think I will get him one of those. There is a way an external mouse can be used with this little machine. I think he would prefer that to this little magic square. His fingers are so huge.

    Have a great Monday all ya'all. Bye now.....
  • Good Afternoon, Flowers!
    It started out as a sunny day but the sun has disappeared and we have a dark gray sky overhead. I don't think we are supposed to be getting any rain but it sure is gloomy out.

    Gloria -- thanks for starting the new thread! We didn't get as much snow as they had predicted we would -- more wind whipping around than anything. Hopefully it will fizzle out before it reaches your neighborhood. Enjoy your new toys and we want to see some pictures! YES! YES! YES!

    Cindy -- I've never heard of nor seen a cordless mouse. I'm afraid my cats would have it on the floor and think it was something to play with.

    Maggie -- Maybe Turn could smell the chocolate and wanted a taste? Maggie likes chocolate! If I get Baby's Breath in an arrangement, I have to put it where "Mom" can't get into it or she'll drag them out to play with. Cats are such a joy!

    It is time to head to the kitchen and start something for supper. I really need to go to the grocery store tonight......maybe tomorrow after school. *sigh*

    Have a terrific Tuesday!

    Jean -- from Iowa!
  • Day #35

    JEAN you are so right - cats are a joy. The leader was asking if anyone did something this week to be proud of and the room was totally silent so I just said, "I didn't kick my cat." The whole place erupted with laughter and so I had to tell what he did and that I could never catch up with him to kick him anyway. She gave me a bravo star for that.

    Well folks I did good in front of the Iron Monster. Showed a 2.4 pound loss.

    Have a good evening everyone.
  • Day #36

    I am still a happy camper and promising myself another good week. I must drink more water though ~ been a bit lax in that department.

    Have a good day my friends.
  • Good Evening, Flowers!
    I am home alone and should be catching up on my ironing but just had to check in here first. WW was another maintain tonight -- I think I should have gone to the bathroom just before I weighed in and maybe that would have helped. This is so frustrating!

    Maggie -- A BIG Congratulations on the great loss! You are just doing so terrific at this losing game! I had to laugh at your "I didn't kick the cat" comment! I'll bet everyone there just had to chuckle at that one.

    I am off to iron! Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday! Another week is just about half over and the month is flying by fast!

    Jean -- from Iowa!

    It has been a nice sunny day and we got the laundry done and the floors mopped...... and I stayed within my points.

    JEAN always remember that a "maintain" is a gift. ~ and do go to the restroom before weigh in.... could mean a difference. I am doing better now at losing because I am paying attention. Keeping my FOCUS and not letting time slip by me. I track every thing I eat and that is everything and have done that for all the 36 days I have been at this. I have to keep telling myself so I don't forget. I cannot lose my FOCUS and be a success at this.

    Have a good nights rest ya'all.
  • Day #37

    I was attacked last night by HUNGER. I decided that Thin Within would just have to combat it so the battle plan was engaged. I took a drink of water then prepared to go to bed. I do have fruits and veggies in the house which I could have eaten but I really didn't want to eat if you know what I mean. It was 10 pm and I was able to go to sleep and wake up this day without that feeling. I just ate a toasted English Muffin and drank a can of spicey V-8 juice for breakfast.

    Have a good day down this road to thin my friends. I am concentrating on drinking lots of water today ~ with a squeeze of lemon.
  • Good Evening, Flowers!
    I heading in the direction of bed but wanted to say "good night" first.

    Maggie -- I don't remember if I posted it here or not but when David Pelzer spoke to the student body, he talked about the "F" word and how the students could go home that day and tell their parents what they had learned in school. He got their attention right away, let me tell you! Well, his "F" word is FOCUS and his main message was that they should never give up on their goals, hopes, and dreams. I know that I do much better when I focus on my WW journal! Writing it down just seems to make such a difference. Lucky you having squeaky clean clothes AND floors!

    I am off to catch the news and head for bed. Have a terrific Thursday, Flowers!

    Jean -- from Iowa where it is supposed to be 50 degrees tomorrow!

    It is a beautiful day, the sun is out and it is cold but all is well! I have decided to only look at the good things in life. Yesterday I did the best ever in staying OP. Not a single slip and I wrote it al down. That, as everyone knows, is the secret.

    We walked the Plaza yesterday morning and in Filene's saw them setting up a stage for a visit by ex-Bruin Cam Neely later in the day. Well, we had Cam, 8, after school and DH took him to see his namesake Cam Neely. Boy was he excited. He got a signed poster and they were giving away t-shirts. It was a Nautica promotion so DH had to buy some after shave to get the autographs. It was worth it to see Cam's face. Actually, our Cam was named after Cam N. While they were living in Texas, the family saw a Bruins-Dallas All Star game and 2yr old Cam met the Bruin star. When GS Cam shook hands with C.N. he said "I met you before when I was 2". C.N. said "You've grown a lot since then." DD#1 and eldest GS were able to get there as well and they all got pictures with their favorite hockey player. Of course, Cam, wanted to use the aftershave before he even left the store. Had to tell him that you just didn't pour the entire bottle over yourself at one time.

    We will have him again this afternoon but it will be a much quieter time. I hope!!!!

    MAGGIE You are doing so well. I am going to use your method of FOCUS. I will be happy with a 1# loss per week. I am not going to be greedy. Thanks for being such a great example.

    JEAN That was a great way to get the kids attention by refering to the 'F' word. Nothing like making something great sound like something forbidden!!

    Have to go food shopping this AM. Need more veggies and skim milk.

    Gloria in to get dressed and then to the market.
  • Day #38

    It is a lovely day here in the forest. The sun is out and it is already 64 but we need rain. The birds are all twiterpated so we should see lots of little baby robins in the Spring.

    JEAN I am so glad that some are teaching the kids to keep sight of their goals by focusing on them and not lose hope.

    GLORIA That is my desire also to lose 1# a week. That is my aim and my desire ~ however I am happy for anything over and above. You and your husband are so good to your "Cam." He will cherish that meeting with his namesake for ever.

    I am sending a valentine to all of you who come here and read HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO YOU
  • Happy Valentine's Day!
    We did have sunshine earlier in the day but it has clouded over . . . last night the weatherman said we would get some rain followed by snow. I hope there is no ice in between!

    Today is DH's birthday and I got flowers at school! I was going to surprise him with a new hot air popcorn popper and our wonderful Wal Mart didn't have any. Since that is the only place to shop in town, I will have to check around on our next trip into the city. I wonder if they even make them any more since microwave popcorn has become so popular.

    Gloria -- I learned something today! I never knew who Cam Neely was! It sounds like your family had a fun time once again.

    Maggie -- Bob swears that he heard a robin the other day. A few usually do come back in time to get snowed on at least once but I still think it is a little early. We need rain too!

    I'm not sure what is for supper tonight. If it is Bob's night to cook, we will eat out!

    I hope you have a fantastic Friday! I am ready for a weekend . . . no school on Monday!

    Jean -- from Iowa!
  • I received this today and wanted to share it with you:
  • weigh in
    Hi all,

    My two week weigh in showed me staying the exact same. I admit I have minimal fitness in my life, and I need to change that.

    Had a nice valentines day yesterday. I think a single red rose is so romantic and that is what I had waiting for me when I opened my eyes yesterday morning. My neice and I had a nice day together.

    Anyone else enjoying the olympics. For you americans it must be great since the medals they are winning is phenominal.

    Have a great weekend. Kenny and i are going to a church singing tonight (regular friday night thing) and maybe to a a movie.
