3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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thinthinker 02-09-2002 11:12 PM

300+ And Ready to Try Again..#131

We are a group of people who are working together to lose our excess weight.
We are on different plans and are of different sizes.
We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We recently started a Topic of the Day.

Monday........Motivation Monday
Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
Thursday......Thankful Thursday
Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

Please feel free to jump right in with us.
And be sure to check if there is a second page. We don't want anyone to miss any posts

thinthinker 02-09-2002 11:33 PM

Hi everyone! :wave: Just thought I would stop by and say howdy. I worked really hard yesterday and consequently had tons of paperwork to get done.

My computer has been playing games with me. I loved the head bashing the computer gif, it looks just like me last night when I was trying to do online forms! :( I have a cable modem and I guess the service provider went out of business or something and my cable company bought up all of us users and is trying to get everything switched around. It made life online last night and this morning miserable. But this evening it seems to be a better connection so maybe it's on the mend! *fingers crossed*

I'm glad everyone is doing so well. I did great today. Just fruits and veggies all day. Took my own popcorn to the show this afternoon with a bottle of water. Made a nice stir fry of veggies and shrimp for dinner tonight. Used cooking spray (no oil) and just the veggies and shrimp, no rice or pasta. Trying to keep it light to make up for the week.

I have a water bottle that holds about 24 ounces and I cut fresh lemons into 1/6ths. I squirt 1 of the lemon wedges in the bottle, fill with water and ice and 2 packets of Equal and I am now drinking real live water!! Woohoo.

For those of you that have known me for awhile, I start doing 'bra jobs' again this next week. This one is a little different. Playtex is putting out a new line of plus size bras and panties that hang. They are showing lace and flowers. Looks like they're all underwires though, so if you've got 'girls' like mine that don't like to be poked, these won't be the things for us. But for those of you who give up comfort for pretty, go for it. I'm putting them in at Meijer, Walmart, K-Mart and Target so hopefully they will come to a store near you too.

Well, girls, I apologize for not doing individual responses tonight, but I'm beat. So you all take care and get your recipes ready for tomorrow. See ya lighter! :D Here's a quote for all of us. Hope you like it.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results." - Rita Mae Brown

katrinabgood 02-09-2002 11:59 PM

Just me again!

I forgot to tell you how AWESOME the creamsicle dessert is! Thank you again, Thinthinker! This is SO good! Yes, I"m eating as i type! Ok, I put the bowl down...wow that's really a nice dessert! I also made Grannie's chicken recipe tonight...but I'm paying the price for all that garlic...I think I will cut it down to 4 cloves next time...I changed it slightly by adding a splash of soy sauce to the garlic/sugar mixture to thin it out a bit. We had it with baked potatoes and spinach and a lovely homemade oatmeal bread. Well, homemade in the bread machine! This is the best recipe I have ever tried in my machine...if anyone wants the recipe, let me know.

Tomorrow I'm off to Mom and Dad's for their grand finale party...they're moving at the end of the month after being there for 40 years...it's going to be sad, well, bittersweet, I guess. Lot's of family and friends...unfortunately my sister and her family won't be there...she refuses to go any place that my older brother will be at. Makes family gatherings a bit tense. I feel bad for my parents...he's not the most upstanding person around (far from it) but he's their son and I guess they love him. I wish they'd show me the same unconditional love...but there is definitely a difference in how the brothers are treated and how the sisters are treated in my family. (3bros/2 sisters) And THAT's a whole 'nother story for the analyst's couch!

OK, I'm really done for the day now...gotta get some sleep like a normal person when I can! I hope to see a few more posts tomorrow!

Be good...

2cute2Bfat 02-10-2002 03:03 AM

Well I see that Thin beat me to starting the new thread. :lol:

It is late... as usual for me. I just want to stop in and set myself on the right path again. I have been AWOL for this past week. Partly that was due to the new baby. But mainly it was because of my state of mind. I have been in the slumps... bad. I truly believe that i have hormone or chemical embalance or something. Some times it just whacks me upside the head.
But I am back. :p

Went out tonight to celebrate my birthday with daughters home from college. They came home to see the baby and decided to celebrate today since they can't come back on Tuesday.
We were going to go to Red Lobster for their "ALL you can eat shrimp" but the wait was over an hour... we ended up at chinese. Hubby said he would take me tomorrow since Sunday is the last day for it.
Then Tuesday is my b-day and Thursday is Valentines day....plus this weekend he is taking me on a secret trip. :cool: This a WEEK of celebrations. :D
It is not good for a person trying to watch what she eats though. :^:

I will try to get in a post a recipe. I got a cookbook for my birthday from my daughter.... LOL. She is hoping it will help me on my plan. She is an angel. :angel: Got lots of good stuff.

Well friends.... I am out of here. See you all tomorrow.

Grannie39074 02-10-2002 08:22 AM

Morning all. Well Dh is getting ready to leave for the airport. :(

Prism: I don't have anything planned for my birthday it is just another day. My ladies circle meets Thurs. night we are having a steak supper for our husbands.

Hope everyone is doing ok. I wore a pair of my new size 20 pants yesterday they looked good. I also bought a girdle it helps hold in some of the overhang:lol:

Katrina was the chicken good I haven't tried it yet. We love garlic.

Well I better go kiss DH before he leaves.

katrinabgood 02-10-2002 10:02 AM

Good Morning All!

I've just finished my breakfast...toast w/peanut butter & banana, coffee and I'm contemplating my exercise for the day.
I have really got to spend much less time at this computer, for starters! :lol:
I have not yet tried my new "Yoga for Weight Loss" so I may use that as a warm up for the walk that I really want (and need) to take. Make that I WILL use that for my warm up!

I was reading a bit about Overeaters Anonymous last night and I'm thinking about going to a meeting this week. Maybe the 12 steps are what I need. As I had said once before, that but for the love of my dh, I would be in need of AA, so this could be right up my alley. I had attended a few OA meetings many years ago. but was frightened off by an over eager sponsor wanna be. She really wanted to latch onto me and save me I guess...I just wasn't ready for that much togetherness...I'm the kind of person that needs to wade in slowly, get a feeling on my own for what's happening and just don't want to be pushed into anything, My immediate response when pushed is to stop dead in my tracks or just scuttle away (Cancer the Crab, that's me!)

I'm just feeling kind of desperate... so many attempts to get back on track are usually obliterated before the day is over. Why do I do this to myself? I'm off to ponder these and other issues while I sweat...

See you later

LuckyLadyBug 02-10-2002 11:25 AM

Kat I would love your oatmeal bread recipe. I know where you are coming from – I buy all the books & tapes, make a schedule for exercise and it never last more than 1 or 2 days. This time I have been taking it slow and easy and you know what - it is working. If I miss exercising I don’t beat myself up and eat I just say, “Oh well, I will tomorrow”. I am determined to make exercise a part of my daily life but have finally realized I have to ease up on myself in order to make this happen. I try to look at my thin friends and how they live their lives. They may miss days or weeks of exercise but then jump back in. AND they haven’t binged or bereted themselves because of their exercise break. Let me know what you discovered while pondering & sweating today.

Thin Way to go on the water. I actually crave water now. Who would have thought. :rolleyes:

Malia Sounds like the Chinese celebration was fun. Since I moved from the big city (Minneapolis) I don’t get to participate in different cultural events. I live in rural Minnesota now and everyone one is Lutheran & Norwegian/Swedish. I do get to have lutifisk, however. :lol::T

I did ˝ an hour of my belly dancing tape. Believe it or not, it’s my arms that get tired!! But I also NEED to work on my arms so that is okay.

Akasha_2002 02-10-2002 11:39 AM

Merry Meet everyone :wave: I am new to this thread so I hope ya'll dont mind a newbie joining your group. Let me introduce myself....

I live in the mountians of NC, and have struggled all my life with my weight. I joined WW last June and have managed to get 50lbs off, but I still have so much to lose. I have set up mini goals for myself hoping that would make the journey somewhat easier.

My weakness's are, I have a real hard time eating right, Veggies especially. And trying to fit exercise into my busy life. I am a CNA at a Nursing home, so I get lots of walking in at work, but I'd like to start doing some extra things with weights here at home, but I just cant seem to get into the habit.

I just turned 28 years old, and I'd like to be around 250 before my 29th birthday, so that is my early goal. I'd like to make it under 299 before summer, I have about 15lbs to go to reach that.

Thats really all about myself and my plan. I hope to get to know each of you alot better.

qsilver 02-10-2002 01:45 PM

Hey everyone :)

I've been off for a few days again. I'd like to say it was for some great reason, but in truth, I've just been depressed and barely able to get myself off the couch. It was so bad one day, I didn't even go in to work. I've fought with my husband, my best friend and had trouble with my children. In other words, I'm not my normal self right now.

I thought I was doing so much better this year, but as what should have been my little boy's third birthday rolls around, I'm becoming more and more of a basketcase. I can't even make myself go up to his grave site right now, because a stupid gopher dug up or covered up all the flowers we have planted, and the thought of starting it all over again is too much to bear.

On the good side, I've been forcing myself to get out for that walk each day. I missed one day, but that was because of everything else going on, not the depression. The walking is beginning to help a lot. I'm walking with much less of a limp already. Also, my attitude is much more sunny after than before. Endorphins are a good thing!

The other hard to face thing about being down is my weight climbs fast and hard. I am so glad to have been keeping up my journal, because I know it isn't my eating that is making the scale soar. Seriously, the scale shows me up seven pounds right now. If I hadn't been journaling my food and exercise, I'd be tempted to think it is a real gain and not a temporary side effect.

Time to run. I found a great recipe to share here, but I've managed to lose it! Will be back to type it out if I can find it again. This house is such a disaster...


LoseForLife 02-10-2002 07:31 PM

Hi all...

Sorry, but I'm going to have to bow out of the group at the moment - I've so little time on my hands, and I'm finding it hard to keep up, with your posts and replies. So for the moment, I won't stay, but I promise to still send the wedding photos when I get them - which will hopefully be next week. :)

So take it easy, thanks for all your support and good luck to you all!

Lynne :wave:

valerie5980 02-10-2002 11:54 PM

Hi everyone, sorry it's been a while since I posted. I was going to start this diet 2 weeks ago, but alot has happened and I just couldn't get it together. I guess I've been very stressed and upset lately. I still am, I've had an aweful weekend and I feel really down and depressed. I miss my ex-boyfriend, were still friends and I talked to him on the phone today. I guess I feel like I'm always going to be alone and lonely. Valentines day really sucks when everyone around you has someone exept for you. On top of this, my landlord/friend who I share a house with, moved his new girlfriend and her 15 mo. old baby into the house yesterday. Talk about stress, now I have a stranger and a crying baby living in the same house. I think she is just using my friend, and he is too infatuated to see it. Anyway, I feel so upset at everything lately, I just feel like getting out of the house and away from everyone. I am going to start my diet tomorrow. I figure I can take my dog and walk around a local lake that has a sidewalk around it after work. I am also thinking of joining a local WW meeting tomorrow night. It's alot of money per month for me, but maybe it will help. Any advice or comments about WW meetings? Well, this post is long enough! Thanks for letting me vent!

2cute2Bfat 02-11-2002 12:54 AM

Super Sunday
Good evening all. I have had a busy day and didn't know if I would make it here tonight or not. Slept late then on the go. Had to go see my new grandbaby. She is soooo sweet. :love:
We went to Red Lobster and it was oh sooooo good. Then stopped at a few places before coming home and playing cards with my daughter. They both drive back to school early in the morning.

I had hoped to start my swimming again tomorrow. It has been three weeks since I got burned. My burns are really healing s l o w l y now. Grrrrr I figured they would be healed my now.. at least to the eye. I am using Neosporin and Pure Vit E oil... but my chin and arm still aren't healed. My chin is good enough to wear makeup and cover it pretty well. But my arm is still an open wound. I wish I still had that medicine I got in the hospital.

Well friends.... I did eat too much for dinner.. but the rest of my day was good. Tomorrow will be even better. ;)
Here is my recipe for today.

Cheese spread

One large package of creme cheese (room temp)
One jar of dried beef - finely chopped
Two sprigs of finely chopped green onions
Mix together

That is it... simple isn't it. But it is sooo good.
Can be put on crackers or celery
Or onto flour tortillas or thin deli meat slices and then rolled up.
Cut into bite size pieces.
Of course you can use FF creme cheese.

Time to go. I will try to catch up with everyone tomorrow.
I do want to welcome Akasha and tell Lynne we will miss her.
More details tomorrow. :wave:

LuckyLadyBug 02-11-2002 08:14 AM

"Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and regular refills." – Peter Davies

I seem to be losing my motivation so I like this quote. Well, maybe not like it as much as need it. ;)

Happy Monday to all.

Akasha_2002 02-11-2002 10:38 AM

Hey ladies! Hope everyone had a great weekend. :) I did alright, I could have done much better, but I'm still hangin in there, and plan too this week. Nothing really exciting going on. Just taking this one day at a time. Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. Happy Monday!

katrinabgood 02-11-2002 10:40 AM


What's happening, crew?

We had a great time at Mom and Dad's bash yesterday...As Mom has been cleaning out and packing, she put together folders of old photos, notes, etc for each of us 5 "kids"...so we sat around the table (even the "outcast" brother and my sister who thankfully came) and compared our pics, and kibbitzed like kids do: "Mom, you gave her THAT picture?? I want that one!" :lol: It really was a good day. There were four generations, all together, plus old friends and family that we haven't seen since the last wake! I know my parents are thrilled about us all being together! :)

I'm feeling real good about what I ate (or didn't eat!) Usually, I'll starve myself all day so that I can eat whatever at the party, but then that backfires and I end up eating too much because I'm RAVENOUS! This time around, I ate a light lunch beforehand, so that I was really able to limit myself without feeling deprived...I had three meatballs and two sausage links and a lot of salad...completely skipped the breads and pastas (baked ziti, lasagna--usually my downfall) so I had one piece of cake with out feeling guilty about it...I even passed up the cookies and brownies that I usually "graze" over! :s:

Andria...I hope that you are feeling better...I can't begin to know what you are feeling or have gone through. It sounds like you are holding your own by continuing to walk and by journaling. Please know that you are in my prayers.

Good to see you back, 2cute! Don't you LOVE Red Lobster? We have a gift certificate from Xmas just waiting to be used! Thanks for reminding me!

Hi val...come here ANYTIME to vent, that's what we all do! I am a member of WW. I thought about doing the online thing, but I think I really need the motivation of weighing in to a person other than myself, and the meetings are usually inspirational, especially if you have a good leader!

Welcome Akasha! I work in a hospital (unit secretary) so I know how much walking you do as a CNA! Not only walking but lifting, pulling, pushing, bending, stretching...a whole work out in a days work...UNFORTUNATELY...I have read that no matter how physical our jobs are, it should not be counted as our daily exercise because our bodies are used to that..:?: How unfair is that?? :lol: Anyway, good luck in your efforts and keep coming back to visit us!

Lucky...I did my Yoga tape yesterday, it was great...relaxing and invigorating at the same time! How is the belly dancing coming? Here is the bread recipe...I don't even need to look it up, I have made it so many times in the past week! I found this on allrecipes.com:
"Honey of an Oatmeal Bread"
Makes a 1 lb loaf

1 cup water
1 Tbsp oil
1/4 cup honey
1 tsp salt
2/3 cup oatmeal
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 1/3 bread flour ---(original recipe called for 2 1/3 c. bread flour, I modified it to include ww flour)
1 tsp yeast

Add ingredients to bread machine in the order recommended by manufacturer (this is the order for MY machine!) Set on Basic/1 lb/light crust (3 hr, 13 min)

I'm not sure of points per slice, but it's full of fiber and delicious! :T

Ok, I'd better end this before I get bumped off for exceeding post length!! :rolleyes:

Hi to everyone else! Have a great day! :wave:

Grannie39074 02-11-2002 12:32 PM

Good day to all of you.
Katrina thanks for the recipe I'll have to try it. DH will only eat ww bread.

I haven't done much today. I still feel bad. DH called and let me know he had made it to Toronto last night. I'll be glad when he comes home.

Well I better go and do something.

qsilver 02-11-2002 01:27 PM

Hey everyone :)

My disposition is much more sunny today. So is my outlook :) I get to walk a mile a day this week, and I think I'll break it up into two separate walks the first couple of days. That half mile is still making me breathe hard. It is amazing to me how much muscle you lose in 12 weeks mostly off your feet.

My tip of the day would be to remember to take exercise in baby steps, just like we do everything else in our programs. If you try to start out running, chances are you will be sore and hurting the second or third day and not want to go back. If walking around the block is too hard at first, try walking to the end of your street. If that is too far, try from your house to the next house or your mailbox or just out the door.

DH is ready to go for a walk with me. I'd better get out the door while he is still in the mood. :)


thinthinker 02-11-2002 01:49 PM

Part 1
Hello, everyone! :wave: And a good day it is! I went to WI this morning and I am down another pound and a half! WooHoo!! I'm doing the happy dance again! :) :D :) :D :) :D :) I hope you don't mind me getting so excited but this is 3 weeks of losses in a row and by golly, I think I may have got it!!! :spin:

thinthinker 02-11-2002 01:51 PM

Part 2
Sorry, this board does not like my happy dance! :(

I drank more water this weekend than I have in eons! Peed more too, the truth be known! :o But I just rationalized that for every trip I made to the bathroom I was losing another ounce. So I didn't mind too much!

Sorry I missed Soup and Salad Sunday. I'll have to see what I can come up with by the time I get to the bottom of the post! :lol:

Katrina: Glad you liked the Dreamscicle. Now you have to try it with raspberries or strawberries. Yum Yum! :T

2cute: Sounds like you had a nice celebration with your family. That Red Lobster all you can eat shrimp sounds like a good special. Glad you had fun! * The cheese spread sounds wonderful, and yes, I will use the FF variety cream cheese! :rolleyes:

Mary: Hope you're doing ok with honey out of town.]

Katrina: I am so glad that your whole family showed up for the party. That is wonderful. Sometimes we have to put those sour feelings on hold and just do it! I'm glad it turned out well. Maybe your brother and sister will start to mend, who knows. * I have found that I used to starve before going out too so that I could have whatever I wanted. Then when I would get there, I would really just 'pig-out'. It is so much more responsible to have something before you go and to be better when you are away. Besides, I think people watch us when we're out and shake their little fingers :nono: or roll their eyes :rolleyes: when they see our plates. I would rather go to a party not really hungry and be good while I'm there. Can you tell I'm a 'closet eater'???? :lol:

LuckyLadyBug: You sound like you're having alot of fun with the belly dancing. Keep up the good work.

Akasha: Glad you came to visit us over here! Welcome! We're kind of a fun group and we're always glad to have newcomers!

Andria: Gosh I'm sorry you're having such a hard time of it lately. I guess I missed something, I didn't know you had lost a child. I'm so sorry! [[[[hugs]]]] That must be terrible! * I'm glad you are back to walking and the knee is healing better. Getting out of doors and walking will help some. Just being alone with your thoughts and nature can work wonders!

Lynne: We will really miss you. Check in when you can and just say 'hi'. We'll look forward to the pictures.

Valerie: Good to see you! It's a shame about your living situation. Maybe that will sort itself out, all in good time. * Walking around a lake, how beautiful that must be. And I bet the dog will love it. * As for WW, to cut down on costs they offer multi-week prepaid programs. So you can pay one price and get coupons for 8, 12, or 16 week programs. That will save you a little bit. And don't forget, you're worth it!!!

Ok girls, here's what I found for your Soup and Salad Sunday recipe on Monday. With Valentine's Day right around the corner (and 2 birthday girls) here's something special for dessert.

Frozen Snickers

1/2 gallon low fat vanilla ice cream, softened
2 cups FF Cool Whip
6 oz. (1 cup) Grape Nuts cereal
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 pkg. FF sugar free chocolate pudding (dry)

1. Blend softened ice cream with Cool Whip. Set aside.
2. Combine Grape Nuts, peanut butter and dry chocolate pudding mix.
3. Add both mixtures together. Spoon into cupcake liners and freeze.

16 servings = 5 WW points each
24 servings = 3.5 WW points each (sorry, don't have nutrition info)

Hope you all have a great day. We'll talk soon.

"To have a reason to get up in the morning, it is necessary to possess a guiding principle. A belief of some kind. A bumper sticker if you will." - Judith Guest

katrinabgood 02-11-2002 02:12 PM

OMG, that sounds awesome!:eek: :spin: :eek: Gotta add those ingredients to my shopping list!

2cute2Bfat 02-11-2002 03:33 PM

This was suppose to be short..... LOL
Good morning Good morning Good Morning !! Ooppss it is afternoon. :^: LOL

I wish I had time to post to everyone... but again I am short on time.
It was either come post something short or not at all.. so here I am with a short hello.

Mary.. i actually am looking forward to when I CAN wear a girdle to hold all this flab in. LOL. Who would have thought? :lol:

Kat.. I am a former OAer myself. It HELPED me sooo much. If you go just remember to put principles before personalities. There are good and not as good sponsors. It is true what they say... "you can leave the program but the program never leaves you". LOL
You did so great at your family gathering.. I am glad it worked out so well for everyone.

Akasha... Welcome again. 50lbs gone is GREAT!!!! Congratulations.
WW is a great program and mini goals is the best way to approach success.

Andria..Bless your heart. {{{ HUGS }}} Somehow I missed that you had lost a child too. I am sooooo sorry. That would be a hard one to overcome. But you can. Journaling is one step in that direction. Keep taking it one day at a time. {{{ HUGS }}} I am glad you sre doing better today. I am glad you are taking the Positive Action for yourself. :love:

Lynne.. if you are like me... we will be seeing you again soon.
I HAVE to make time for this group. It is my lifesaver in an ocean of busyness, obligations, shame, guilt, hopelessness... life in short. Don't forget the pictures!!!!

Valerie... Today is the DAY for your recovery!!! One day at a time.
I know how frustrating your new situation in your housing can get. Take it one day at a time untill you can make a change.

Lucky lady.. What the heck is "lutifisk"?
You said so many good things. "Slow and easy".... "motivation is food for the brain".
This weight issue is as much in the MIND as it is in the body.
If you don't keep your thinking straight you will turn to the food.
BUT if you don't keep your food straight.. you will get stinkin thinkin.
BOTH are important.

Thin.... Congratualtions!!!!! Three weeks in a row!!!! Way to go girl !!!! I saved all these smilies just for you !!! :D ;) :smug: :) :cool: :spin:
I would add one more for the recipe... but your 3 weeks in a row deserve them more. LOL

Well... so much for this being short. :lol: I really have to get busy before hubby gets home.
It is not just for him.. it makes ME feel better to be productive too.
This picture is of Thin doing her HAPPY DANCE. LOL

prism 02-11-2002 07:47 PM

Hello everyone,

Andria, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Walking does wonders. Writing too.

Katrina, I'm happy you had a wonderful day yesterday. I know about the brother/sister thing. I always vowed if I had kids I would never pit them against each other like my parents did. But I could never put that to the test as I don't have kids. With my dad gone, I thought we would be closer. But we tolerate each other that's about it.

Thin, I love playtex bras. Especially the 18hr #4395. Hopefully, kmart will continue to supply my size. Walmart sells the smaller sizes. I also bought cooking spray. I really need to take a good look at cooking. Frying 6 out of 7 days is not good healthwise.

Sunday was a busy day on this thread. Too bad I was sleeping the day away. Guess what I got? A cold. Argh. On the positive side, I am drinking alot of water and maybe I'll break my plateau. I'm home sick today and tomorrow. I hope to put time to good use by completing my "plan". I got some inspiration from Discovery Health's Body Challenge: http://health.discovery.com/converge...nts/grove.html

My body type is similar to Fran Grove. A doctor commented that her body type (tall and muscular) will make it easy for her to lose weight. Taking that into account, I'm going to start lifting light weights on the days in between richard. I'll use kathy smith's march to fitness. In between each song, I'll do one body area. The last time I lost weight, I lifted weights and lost inches. The scale was slow to show any improvement though.

Did alot of gabbing for someone who's sick, don't tell my work.

LuckyLadyBug 02-11-2002 10:00 PM

Will post more tomorrow...but had to say:

I have been thinking and searching in books, folders, boxes etc. trying to find my Snickers Recipe and wa la!!!!

Thin Thin Thin I want to kiss you!

You have made me so happy....THANK YOU

From me to you!

QueenB 02-12-2002 12:23 AM

I've missed you guys!
Hey guys! :wave: I've missed you all so much the last couple of days! I'm so sorry I've been AWOL. I've been doing some spring cleaning and I went for about 48 hours with only about 4-5 hours of sleep and then just crashed. :yawn: This has been my first week back at WW too, so of course that's been a little stressful, but great. I have stayed within my points this whole week and I'm really happy about that. I told myself so that I didn't overwhelm myself that I would start an exercise program in a couple of weeks so I wouldn't burn out, but my MIL gave me an awesome walking workout video and it is the best. Unfortunately, I am not very coordinated :o , so in the past when I have tried an exercise program, (ex...Richard Simmons) I just can't keep up and end up just walking around in my living room like I'm an idiot. :dizzy: But this one is Walking with Leslie Sansome and the steps are very easy and I walked a whole mile right in my living room! It was great! I go to WI tomorrow and I am very nervous so say a prayer for me.
I'd like to reply to everyone, but DH keeps telling me to stop that "clicking" so he can go to bed. I do want to say hello and welcome to the "newbies" because I'm still kind of a newbie myself. And TT-thanks again for all the great recipes. I bought the ingredients for the orange dream thing (or whatever you call it) and will probably make it tomorrow. Hope everyone is well and I will definitely post tomorrow after WI. Wish me luck! Love to all!

thinthinker 02-12-2002 12:26 AM

Hi all! :wave: I just had to stop in and be the first one to wish 2cute a Happy Birthday! :D

2cute: Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear 2cute! ] Happy Birthday to you! And many more...... Hope you have a wonderful day!!! * Thanks for all the smilies!! It feels good to be on top of things for a change.

Katrina: Enjoy!!!

Malia: Ahhhh, the #4395, my favorite!!!! Just wish they would make it in some pretty fabrics!

LuckyLadyBug: Glad to be of service! Smoochie, smoochie!

Tina: Hi! You were posting when I was so I missed you. * Hope you enjoy the Dreamscicle! My family really loves it. * I'm glad the walking tape is working out for you!

Gonna run. Just wanted to get my Happy Birthday in. Talk to you later on.

QueenB 02-12-2002 12:32 AM

I know I just posted, but when it sent me back, TT had just posted and I saw that today was 2cutes birthday and I just had to come back and say Happy Birthday to you 2cute! I hope you have a wonderful day. Your the best!

2cute2Bfat 02-12-2002 02:05 AM

What a Great Way To Start My Day... Thanks !!
Well you know me... if it is after midnight... I will come. :lol:
This is my 4th attempt to post. It won't take it... and then I get knocked off line. I am so glad I copied this.

What great birthday greetings I found. :D
Thank you sooo much!!! :D
I really needed that... I appreciate it so much. {{{ HUGS }}}

I don't know what I will be doing today for my big day... only know that it will NOT include overeatting. I have already got to celebrate Saturday with my daughters so I don't know if I will do anything today. But I will tell you this.... if I am home... I WILL be here..... whether my house is clean or not. :p

Wednesday I am spending at my son's house to help take care of the kids. Her mother is there Monday and Tuesday. Since she had a c-section she can not pick up the 18month old.

My food was pretty good today. I really need to improve on my water and VEGGIES. I did not eat any veggies except green onions. :rolleyes: When I am succcessful it is when I force myself to eat my veggies. Just not eatting sugar or junk food is not enough. It is not just what you don't eat.... it is also what you DO EAT. I need to eat more veggies.

I am out of here.... my dishwasher just turned off so I need to go work in the kitchen. I know I need to get it clean... I say that EVERYDAY. :^: When will I learn. ?????? ( My living room is spotless...LOL)

Grannie39074 02-12-2002 07:07 AM


Hope all of you are well. I still have the croup.:lol:

Dh will be home tonight.
I'll heck in later. I feel dizzy.

2cute2Bfat 02-12-2002 07:20 AM

Good morning ladies.
I have been up ALL NIGHT working in my kitchen. :rolleyes:
I have sooo much paper work.
But I am getting it organized. I have a folder for my utility bills and one for my medical bills, and one for my insurance and college stuff... I have several now organizing some of that mess.
It really isn't all that bad. It is only on one counter... but i never seem to get that one counter done... until now. Well... it isn't done yet....:^: I am just so tired I have to get to bed for awhile. I guess I will sleep my birthday away. :(
Mary... thanks for the birthday wish.

Anyway... just snuck in to see if anyone had posted and realized that one more post will take us to another page so I am going to start a new thread and then head for bed.

Do not reply here... instead go to our ongoing new thread... #132.
I will see everyone there. :wave:

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