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Cassie501107 10-01-2007 03:29 PM

I did wonderful this weekend...ate like a champ. So why am I in this thread? Because after I got my official "weigh in" this morning, I went on a shameful binge. Shameful. :(

But, moving right along!

Anabella04 10-01-2007 03:38 PM

Hi, I am new here.

I also fell off today. :( I had a goal to not eat fast food for 30 days including soda and I only made it 9 days . :( I had chick fil a today.

I am sad. I just want to be able to stick to something. Last week was my first week "trying" and I lost 2 pounds. My husband actually lost 6!! I am still breastfeeding my 8 month old baby boy though and can not cut calories as drastically as I would like to. But because of today I am afraid I will gain my weight right back, since it was probably only water weight.

sigh.......I have to find my groove again no matter what the scale says tomorrow. Maybe I will avoid it for awhile.

valpal23 10-01-2007 03:49 PM

I'm guilty of falling off last weekend and having too many fried zuchini sticks land in my mouth. Also some cheese.

But in retrospeck it was good for me. It was my first major mess up. As in I ate almost enough calories for an entire day when I already was done for the day. late night restaurant gatherings are bad. and now I know I cant be perfect but I can persevere even after sucking it up that bad!

trooworld 10-02-2007 08:25 PM

What was with this weekend? It was bad from A to Z for me. Friday night, it was out for drinks. Saturday lunch was okay but then dinner was fried chimichangas and chips and dip. Sunday was bad breakfast (scrambled eggs with cheese, hashbrowns and biscuits) followed by a "snack" of chips and dip followed by a chimichanga for lunch. Did I mention that I almost ate the whole bag of chips and container of dip myself??? The only reason I didn't polish it off was that my husband grabbed it out of my hand, took it to the kitchen and threw it in the trash. :rofl: Thank God he did that or I would hate myself worse. My stomach hurt so bad that for dinner, it was a small portion of roast turkey and 1/2 a baked potato. Yikes.

But...today is a good day, I am sticking with my plan and I will be fine. At least until next weekend. ;)

aymster 10-02-2007 09:04 PM

I'm determined to get back on the wagon even if I break a nail climbing my way back on!! LOL!

I'm pretty much back on except for the granola bar that made it's way into my mouth... it's not really on my program, but it kept me from eating my shoe... :smug:

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