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staciec878 08-29-2007 12:53 PM

Anyone willing to give up chips??
I love them. I love them all. From cheesy, spicy, crunchy, salty. Everykind of them and now I eat the snack size bags of them. And its just not enough, I want to keep going. I was wonedering if theres anyone else willing to give up chips with me. IT doesnt have to be forever!! Just for some period of time.

Blueyedblond 08-29-2007 01:08 PM

I will!!! I only have them occasionally - and i like the spicy hot cheetos w/lime. I usually have less than 1 serving when i do have them. But I will completely give them up!

NightengaleShane 08-29-2007 01:51 PM


I made a bad food choice today and bought Munchies, but I uhh...only ate half the bag, which is quite an accomplishment for me and my extreme overeating ways - I used to eat the ENTIRE bag - I did this even while thin!

Sure, let's give up chips together. How long do you plan to do this? Are pretzels allowed? What about Baked Lays and saltines?

staciec878 08-29-2007 02:01 PM

Thank you guys for joining. No baked lays. :D They do the same things all the other kind do. I wanna stop all the crackers, pretzels. If Im munching on something there was to be a better option. For some reason in my vending machine at work theres an option of some chex mix and some doritoes, I think the chex mix is better for you. But c'mon how can any of these be good. A chopped up bannana seems like it would be WAY BETTER!!!
Lets go till September 30. Then we can tweek things and go further. :carrot::carrot::carrot::carrot::carrot::carrot::c arrot::carrot::carrot::carrot:

ih8diets 08-29-2007 02:13 PM

i went off them ages agooooo! but i dont really like them that much, id rather eat a big bar of chocolate! mmm or some cheesecake... ive really changed my eating, i dont crave that food any more. i can walk right past it and just think to myself "its not gonna make me happier" and i just leave it and have some fruit

iwmonn 08-29-2007 02:29 PM

Oh Boy!! Chips are probably my most major trigger food. I can easily live without chocolate, cake, pie, ice cream.... but give me a chip- be it sweet or be it salty or whatever- I can't stop. when I go shopping, I keep a fairly healthy basket, but can't pass up the Lays by the checkstand to eat on the way home. I can and will give them up until Sept 30! If no objections, I'm going to make my rule that Kashi TLC 7-grain crackers, and Real Foods Corn Thins (any flavor) are ok. I use both as part of my actual meal plan as they are a good substitute for the high cal/ high carb breads. Or, would you consider this bending the rules to far?

Good Luck All!! I'll be checking in again soon.


Glory87 08-29-2007 02:32 PM

I gave up chips three years ago, I don't miss them at all!

Don't even go to the vending machine at work - bring healthy snacks from home.

staciec878 08-29-2007 02:43 PM

iwmonn- Welcome!!! IMO Crackers and Chips have 2 totally different tastes. I relate crackers to soup when im sick. I relate chips to going to the gas station and getting a snack. There totally different to me. So I could give them up since I dont really eat them. But Im a huge fan of kashi. And I wouldnt see anything wrong with that.

Thinking back, when I was in high school. Everyday after school we would go to wendys. I would buy there cheese sauce in a container they use for there chilies. And then I would get Cheetos Hot Fries (LOOOVVVEEE THESE) And just dip away. Im not talking about the little snack size, im talking about the $1.29 bags to myself plus all that cheese. No Wonder!!!

FlabbyHarry 08-29-2007 02:46 PM

i dont really have to give them up because in england (we call them crisps) there is walkers baked 'chips' that are only 98cals a pack and are low in saturated fat so i can have a bag of them once a day and not feel guilty :)

modkittn 08-29-2007 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by ih8diets (Post 1833484)
i went off them ages agooooo! but i dont really like them that much, id rather eat a big bar of chocolate! mmm or some cheesecake... ive really changed my eating, i dont crave that food any more. i can walk right past it and just think to myself "its not gonna make me happier" and i just leave it and have some fruit

I'm the same way :)

endlessly 08-29-2007 03:08 PM

I have given them up but man ohhh man would I not sell my soul for some fat free pringles.

But once I start back down that road.. ya know I will not be able to stop.

Pringles and flaming hot cheetos OWN me...so I cannot even have one.
*le sigh*

iwmonn 08-29-2007 03:09 PM

thanks for the welcome Stacie :) glad my Kashi crackers are acceptable for this challenge. the corn thins are similar to rice cakes, but they don't taste like styrofoam lol. I use them with a piece of lf cheese and tomato instead of a sandwich. They are yummy.

I am the manager/puchaser for an organic/natural foods store so I also have access to the LF baked chips, soy chips, rice chips- all the 'healthy versions" .....whatever. - however one bite will trigger a 2 week long binge that starts with a healthy little chip, and ends with huge bags of Lays thin potato chips. Then on to whatever my little brain thinks my body needs(wants). ACKKKKK.... Someday I'll have some control over this, but for now I need abstinence.

lumifan4ever 08-29-2007 03:13 PM

I suppose I could give up chips until September 30th. I don't really eat them that much anymore because they are sooo addictive. I try not to eat cake anymore because it is also very addictive to me. But yeah...i'll jump on board. And i don't eat much bread or crackers. But I'd better give them up as long as i can before the holidays start approaching!!!

rockinrobin 08-29-2007 03:25 PM

I got to the point where I was willing to give up anything and everything in order to get myself fit and trim. And for me that meant lots of things - ice cream, bread, rice, pasta, cookies and cake and so on and so on. Yes, I loved them and got pleasure from eating them, but I abused them and I finally realized that those things couldn't be in my life if I wanted to indeed be that healthy, trim and HAPPY person that I so badly wanted.

And to tell you the truth, I don't miss them. Not one bit. I am loving my new life so much, that I hardly ever give them a second thought.

I absolutely love what I'm eating now, very much so in fact, but it's all really healthy, full of nutrients and low cal. So, though I did need to give some stuff up initially, I have had a bit of the stuff in moderation since hitting maintenance, I never feel deprived because I have found alternatives to the junk I was feeding myself before. It's all about tradeoffs. You give up one thing, you get something BETTER in return. :)

pinupdreams 08-29-2007 03:53 PM

i love chips! i love lays and anything spicy or that i can add hot sauce to! they are so delicious ahh!! but even though yea sometimes i over do it but im pretty good at staying away mostly.. yes mostly!

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