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TobeyToe 12-21-2001 09:32 AM

Gooooooooood Morning!

Can you tell that I am in just the best mood this morning? It is the last day before my vacation, our guest leaves today, and I have a small Christmas party to go today. Does life get any better than that? You can just feel the excitement in the air today. I feel like I am 9 years old again today. If there was snow on the ground, I think I would run outside, flop to the ground and make snow angels all day. If we have time tonight, I think it would be a great night to watch Its A Wonderful Life.

Jen: Yesterday you sounded exactly like I do today. Hip hip hurrah!!! Sounds like you had a great day. Did you go see Lord of the Rings? Did you like it? The boys decided to stay home last night and didn’t make it. I might go with dh on the weekend. I haven’t decided if it is something that I really want to see. Congratulations on getting the PT job that you wanted. :)

Skeeter: Oh your story of the doctor’s office made me laugh. It reminded me of the Sienfeld episode where all the waitresses at the coffee shop were all large breasted. It was a cool day there. Moving at a good clip will always warm you up. One of the big recommendations that I got for winter running was that you should be cold when you first leave the house. If you are already warm and snug, you are going to boil once you get going! Its great that you are also increasing your mileage. I’m sure the boys had a blast – especially with the cooler temps.

Hey wait – I’m done my post already? Where is everyone???? Well my vacation officially starts at the end of today and I will try to make a point of still checking almost every day.



Dolphin 12-21-2001 11:40 AM

Good morning gals. I'm trying to figure out what to do this morning. No school, no work, I'm lost! :dizzy: I guess it's not so bad! Work last night wasn't terrible, but it still exhausted me. About 6 pm I lost all of my energy. I've gotten grades for 2 of my classes already, both are B+. Considering the amount of effort I put in, not as much as I feel I should have, I'm pretty happy. The other class I'm just waiting for my final exam grade. I think she's going to email those out later today.

Tobey- Wow! You've got a great vacation ahead of you. Enjoy! I've been told by dear bf that I am going to go see Lord of the Rings this afternoon. It's screwing up my whole plan for today. Instead of running, I'm going to do some strength training and toning. I'll run again tomorrow. It seems to work out best on the days that I work, and since that is 4 days a week, that's a pretty good schedule! Have fun at your party today!

Skeeter- I'm glad you like your new doctor. I know those tests sound like a lot with the $250 deductible, but with smoking and weight problems, it could be more expensive in terms other than money, if you don't find out. Ok, sorry, that darn nurse popped out again. That going out to eat all the time can be dangerous when you are trying to stick to a plan. I have to decide where I want to go tonight. Hmmm. My biggest problem right now is cookies, all the ones I baked to give out and all the ones that are being brought in to work.

Next week I'm planning on getting myself into another little challenge of my own, with exercise and the meal plan. After xmas of course. Anyone ready?


PeekabooICU 12-21-2001 01:58 PM

Hi everyone.

I can't even remember if I was on the puter at all last night. I don't think I was but I just can't be sure. I've slept since then. :lol:

I'm home for lunch and have to go back real soon but wanted to pop in and say hey to you all. Its Friday!!!! I'm so glad. I work on Monday but I'm off Xmas and Wednesday. I'm making my own boxing day holiday just like the Canadians. Only I don't plan to box anything up, I'm just going to take it easy.

Jen, hopefully we are ok with the sewer problems for now. I actually was able to take a shower without standing in a foot & a half of water plus I was able to flush the toilet afterwards. When it starts acting up we start noticing it when we wash clothes. The water will back up in the drain pipe and run all over the floor unless we are right there to hurry and shut the machine off, then we have to turn it on to drain some more then shut off and so on. Then I guess when the sewer line cant hold anymore, the water backs up into the tub and our toilet starts making these glug glug noises. And you can't flush the toilet till the water level goes down. Its a pain the butt, I'll tell you. I'm going to hate to pay out the money to put a bypass line in but if it will solve the problem, it will be well worth it. What the did the other night was just a temporary fix.

Tobey, oh my gosh, I can feel your good mood in your post. I'll feel like that at 4:00 when I walk away from the office. I hope dh isn't wanting to do anything tonight cause I'm coming home and putting on my jammies and I might even start some baking. Depends on how lazy I feel.

Marlana, Oh, I'm so sorry, I said that dang s*e*w*e*r word. OOPs. Hopefully I didn't jinx you. Dh would love to cut the trees down in the front yard but we sure couldn't come up with $3000 to do it. Plus we'd loose all our shade in the summer. I'm glad your bp is doing better. Wow, I bet that was scary when it dropped as low as you said it did that one time. I agree with whoever it was said you should lie down and call 911 if that happens again.

Skeeter, I'm glad you like your new Dr. Thats the hard part, finding someone you like and feeling like you can trust them. I like my MD but there are things I do not tell my MD that I tell my gynie. I wish my gynie could be my primary Dr. At one time our insurance allowed that but now they don't. I will check my email after work to get that recipe.

Sally, I wish I could go part time myself. Maybe if I were to win the lottery but thats not likely to happen in my lifetime. I say if you can afford to do it, then go for it.

Well, I'm going to get off here and get my fanny back to work. Wish I could come up with an excuse to not go back at all but I've got something I've got to finish up. Take care everyone.

Skeeter2 12-21-2001 06:44 PM

Hey everyone. :wave:

Today was the first day of winter on the calendar and literally here in Florida. It was 32 degrees this morning by my thermometer. We are always a few degrees lower than what is reported on TV which caused us to loose some of our plants the first year we lived here. Luckily my husband took all of our plants in yesterday. My tomatoes are history and so are a lot of the more tender plants around the house. I also picked all the good size green tomatoes and fried them last night.

Tobey~Hurray, you are now enjoying vacation. :) We went to a different flea market today and had a great time. Hardly anyone was there but unfortunately, that included some of the vendors. We still had a good time and found lots of cool stuff. I found a dog pouch for carrying a tired dog with straps that crisscross across my back and relieves my arms. It is just the answer for me when my dog gets tired after about 1 1/2 miles. The pouch hands in front where the dog gets to watch the scenery. I also came really close to buying a baby cockatiel that decided he liked me. That crazy bird just didn't want to leave me. I stopped to buy some food for my parrot and finally noticed this little guy trying his best to get to me. It was really cute but I really get irritated at the noises that full grown cockatiels make.

Jen~WTG with the good grades. Now you can really enjoy that break from school with a great feeling of satisfaction. :D I know that I shouldn't complain about the money for the medical bills because a lot of people that I know don't have insurance at all or lousy insurance. I just got used to not paying anything in the last two years because I have been so healthy. Hopefully, all these tests will show me that I am going to stay that way. Do you have any idea what is involved in the bone density test? I have been taking hormones since I had a hysterectomy 14 years ago so I am hoping for good news on that one. I am thankful that my cholesterol is low anyhow. Now if I can get this blood pressure down, I will be happy.

JoJo~I chose both of my doctors, GYN and Primary Care Physician out of the phone book and got lucky. They are also both women and both shorter than me. The yucky doctor that I had was recommended to me by two different people and I fired him. I should have mentioned this sinus problem to the one that I just saw because it has gotten worse in the last two days. I am sneezing a lot now and the nose thing is getting worse and so is the achy head. I don't dare take anything over the counter because it usually stops me up totally. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed that I make it through Christmas without getting too bad. This cold weather should get rid of the mosquitoes and we can spend Christmas eve like we did last year, around the fire outside drinking stuff that warms the insides. :lol:

I am ready for a shower, a loose house dress and maybe a fire in the family room. That sounds good with a cup of hot decaf tea. Y'all have a good evening too. :lol:

Marlana 12-22-2001 09:19 AM

Good Morning~~I couldn't make it in yesterday. I could have, but I wouldn't have got much more than hi typed out intil I had to get up and do something for Brett. He is still in the bad this morning. We got Kassie Thursday evening. She will be here until the Sat. after Christmas. Brett will be going home today and I'll get another grand child to bring home today. Kassie and I stopped int Tulsa before we come home to buy another fish for my fish appartment that is empty. We went to two Petsmarts and didn't find one I wanted. We had to go to Walmart and pick up some panties and socks for her, when someone passed by and we heard them say something about it's over by the fish. We went to check it out. I found one I liked a lot. He's pink with a shimmer of purple on his body and he fins are a red. Or at least that is what he looks like out of the tank. In the tank he looks pink with a shimmer of purple and his fins are coral. But guess what then Kassie has a fit for a fish, so I said I'll buy her one. So she picked out one for herself while I was asking some questions of the person working there. She come up with two fish and couldn't make up her mind. Her mom had given her 45.00 to buy the panties and socks with and she decided to buy a douple compartment tank,(sm one) and take both fish. Her fish are turqoise and red like my Neon and all red, very pretty. But I have a big problem, I can't get either of her fish to eat and mine will only eat about one pellet twice a day. I've consulted the fish expert,(Skeeter) and she says not to worry for a day or two. Kassie's fish won't even try to eat. AND GET THIS SKEETER TOLD ME THAT MY NEON AND CLEO ARE PIGS!!!:lol: A gal could take that wrong, but I guess it's true. They never eat less than 16 pellets each a day.

Tobey~~You and I got lucky with this last teeth we had worked on, mine never hurt at all. The one I had worked on before that is letting up too, thank goodness. When you said you was going out to eat Sushi, so you mean raw fish??? Boy can't go there, I'll stick to the coffee cake. You have been so up, what has got you in that mood, I could use some of that.

Jen~~I'm setting here typing and can barly hold up my head, and if I was standing my butt would be dragging on the floor I'm so sluggish and you and Tobey is setting on a pink cloud. As I read on in your post I see why your so up, it sounds like you've got everything at your job going your way. I already knew to get the head down during pressure drops. I have phones with programed numbers in them so I can call someone and tell them I'm not feeling good. I know everyone had those phones but that is why I first got mine. Also a cordless phone so I can take it to the floor with me. Thanks for the advice though. I need all the help I can find. Do my fish know that they have neighbors, they sure do, they keep their little fins flared up a lot of the time, I don't care thats when they are the prettiest.

Skeeter~~I did not know that you was that short, I'm sure I seen it on your bio, but had just forgot. No luck with the fish this morning either. I thank I'm going to put the red one out in my big bowl and see if that helps. If I can't get them eating, she sure don't need to take them home with her. Maybe I'll have to put another devider in my tank and have 4 and let her take one home to let die. I hope it don't come to that though. Would you believe that hubby in now encourageing me to go and get some catfish to clean the bottom of the tank. They aren't very pretty, they are white. But if any food was dropped at least they would eat it. And they eat poop too, but then they poop, so what does that gain. Now I got to get off this fish stuff, it's getting a little gross. I'm glad you like your new doctor and that there is at least one understanding person in the office.

Jo Jo~~Christmas just come on the wrong day according to my hubby. He likes it to be on a Thursday so he will be off for 5 days. He had one vacation day left so he took it on Friday so he got 5 days off anyway. I got double duty for 5 days though. When we moved here we come from a place that we didn't have a tree one. We was so proud of these these trees that we built a garage with a tree right in the middle of the door about 20 feet out from the door. It made it a little harder to get the car in the garage. Then we bought the RV and cut the tree down. It cost me 500.00 to get it cut. Of course that took 20 years to cut one and we have plenty left.

I'm going to run now and try to get something done before the kids get up. Not that it will help, they will have it right back in the same shape in an hour. You all have a good week end.

PeekabooICU 12-22-2001 01:51 PM

Hi Everyone

I am getting ready to start baking those chocolate mint cookies I told you about in another post. Last night I made gourmet style dipped pretzels. I got these thick stick pretzels that are about 6 inches long and melted chocolated and dipped them 3/4 of the length of the pretzels in the chocolate and then rolled them in some english toffee bits and also another toffee kind of ice cream topping. Today I am going to melt white chocolate and dip pretzels in it and roll them in some Xmas sprinkles. They should be pretty when I get them done. I've also got some sugar cookies to bake and ice and I think that will be the extent of it for me. I'm going to give the majority of these things away. I'd never be able to eat all of this stuff and I wouldn't want to try. Dh isn't real big on sweets but he does love chocolate chip cookies and I'm going to make a small batch of those for him.

I don't even have plans to leave the house today and I'm not dressed yet either.

Marlana, Oh boy, you have lost it for those fish, just like Skeeter. I'm sure if I search the web I can find a web site for Betta addicts to send you two the link to. I guess there are worse things but now you are leading Kassie into your fish addiction!!!! Gotta get you some help for this!!!!:lol: You guys are so funny!!!! I get a kick reading about your fishies. What did you name your latest fishies? Oh my, now your fish are pigs!!!! :lol: This is getting a little out of hand. You know, I wish Christmas just automatically fell on Sunday every year then I'd always have a 3 day weekend. As it stands now, I'm off this weekend, work Monday and off Tuesday and Wednesday. Thats not so bad tho. It will be a nice short week for me.

Skeeter, it was really cold here yesterday but it got up in the 50's and today it was 45 when I got up which was pretty nice for winter. As I was telling Marlana, you girls are going a little overboard for your fishies. I think its time for you to wean yourselves away from the fish section when you go into a Walmart or Petsmart or wherever else they carry them. You gals are strong and I know you can do this. :lol: You know, it never fails when I go to the Dr., I always forget to mention something I planned to bring up and I'm not about to make another appointment so I just wait and put it off. Sometimes I try to write down what I want to discuss with the Dr but then forget to look at my note. Must be something to do with my age.

Well, I've got to go pre-heat the oven so I can start the cookies. Take care everyone and I'll talk to you tomorrow.

TobeyToe 12-23-2001 08:58 AM

Good morning all

Just two more sleeps until Santa comes! At least I feel very prepared and am just enjoying the season. Last night we went with some friends to go see Lord of the Ring. Everyone enjoyed it but me. I just can’t get into fantasy stories with elves, dwarves, hobbits, etc.. and their special language for everything. So around the 2 hour mark (the movie is 3 hours long) I decided to go buy a bottled water and hit the washroom in order to kill some time. So when I get to the washroom I ran into an old friend who I haven’t seen in about 2 years. She made me feel good about my life. I found out that her and her common-law hubby of 5 years broke up in February. He travelled a lot on business and after one of his trips, she was unpacking his suitcase. While doing this she discovered that he had condoms and they hadn’t been using them for years! :nono: How nasty is that? She was very smart though and bought out his half of the house they bought together and now she is living very independently.

Jen: What did you think of the movie? Running 4 days a week is a good schedule – especially if you are also doing strength training. I have been using the recommended routine in that book and I find it is really good. I actually have defined muscles in my shoulders and arms. Not bulky – just toned.

Jojo: Good for you – everyone should having Boxing Day as a holiday. I couldn’t even imagine having to work the day after Christmas. Ohhhh those pretzels sound so good – I am drooling right now. My hd isn’t that crazy about sweets either so we normally don’t have anything like that in the house – thank goodness!

Skeeter: I think you were colder than us (only by a few degrees) yesterday. That can’t be right! Glad hubby got your plants in okay. That flea market does sound like fun. Too bad it wasn’t busier. That dog pouch sounds too cute – I was laughing while reading it. You have to get a picture of you and one of the boys with it. I have you had a chance to try it out yet? Sounds like that cockatiel could spot a softie coming. Funny how animals can sense that. That is exactly how our kitty acted when we went to go pick one out from the human society. She won our heart. But I am with you, I can’t stand the sound of cockatiels. My aunt used to have 2 – they could really drive you nuts!

Marlana: I think I should lend you my runners to chase after those kiddies. Are you just pooped by now? I don’t know how people do it! That new fish sounds so pretty. The nerve of that lady telling you that you have piggy fish! :lol: What a trouble maker. Sushi isn’t always raw fish. Sushi actually refers to the rice that it is made with. Then it can be rolled or topped with anything. Since I am vegetarian, I don’t eat fish. Mine are normally topped/rolled with things like cucumber, carrot, avocado, tofu, etc… I’ll attach a picture so you can see an example of a vegetarian roll. They are really quite yummy and very healthy. Don’t worry I would never eat Neon.

Well that’s all for now. I have to go and get ready for my run. I have 6 miles planned for this morning. Then when I get back I am going to make a romantic brunch dh and myself.



Marlana 12-23-2001 09:03 AM

Good Morning~~I've lost my mind and I need one of you to come and shoot me NOW!!! Or, maybe Skeeter!!:D She is the one who got me started down the road of fish ****. And if somebody don't do something with her, she'll have us all with fish and God only knows what other kind of critters. I had a death at my house last night. One of Kassie's fish didn't make it and the other one will be gone by the end of the day. They just wouldn't eat, because, they was sick when I got them. I bought 3, and mine is the only one that is going to make it. He couldn't eat either when I first got him, I had to cut his food up for him and baby him, and now this morning he ate 4 pellets. The two sick ones wouldn't even try to eat. But I have some more bad news too, I BOUGHT 4 MORE FISH!!!! :?: :nono: it's :cool:! I got a pair of guppies and 2 catfish. I thank I told you my last betta is name Bubba. There is a reason for that rough and tough name....He's pink and needed a name like that to live it down. I'm searching for new names for the guppies but I have the catfish named. I have a yellow one and he is WacCo. He went nuts for hours after I got him home. The other one is spotted and his name is Sucker. I had to move Sucker into the appartment with WacCo before he knocked his brains out on the side of the tank. I need some help naming my Guppies. She is almost clear with a yellow tail. He is so pretty with a big wide tail of yellow and bright blue and his body is all kinds of colors. Enough of this fish crap.
We are leaving here in about an hour to go to Sapulpa to his folks home to take them out to eat. We aren't going to be seeing them on Christmas day. They are having a dinner on Christmas night and it's too for for us to go and get back home in time for Hubby to get to bed. He has to work the next day. Food Food Food, it is at every turn. I'll be so glad when the holidays are over. I've talked your legs off and not said one thing. I'm not going to address everyone, and I feel bad about that, but I don't have time today. I'll be back in here bright and early in the morning. Everybody have a great day.

Skeeter2 12-23-2001 11:08 AM

Hey everyone. :wave:

I had a wonderful day yesterday with our kids. Half of my kids and half of hubby's kids with their kids were here and we really enjoyed each other. We only had 4 out of 10 grandchildren here but it was some quality time.

Tobey~It was 32 degrees again yesterday morning but got up to 70 during the day. It is warming up fast now because it only got down to 50 last night and that sun is warm today. I haven't used the pouch outside yet but have tested it a few times with the dog so he will get used to it. He already knows what it is for and comes running every time that I put it on. He is going to love it out there on the road when he gets tired. We don't walk on the weekends because of all the out of town hunters in the woods. I plan on starting back on Monday for sure. My parrot started making some of those irritating cockatiel noises that she picked up from one that we used to have. I was telling her to cool it and thinking about how stupid that I almost brought another one into this house. That is one of the two noises that my parrot does that makes us want to strangle her. The other is of a wooden drawer that squeaks except she does it much louder. It has about the same effect as chalk squeaking on a blackboard. :mad:

JoJo~All these Christmas goodies are getting the best of me. I can't seem to quit eating them and it is really showing around my middle. I started to say around my waist but then realized that I don't have one of those. :) I have decided not to get dressed today and just wear a house dress all day. It allows me to move better while bathing and grooming the dogs. My daughter mentioned on the phone yesterday that she was packing two of her aquariums to bring to me since I was having so much fun with the fish. I thanked her then asked that she please leave them in her garage because I am afraid that I would have to fill them up with fish. I have my hands full now. I could take today off and just watch TV and read if I didn't have all these pets. :lol:

Marlana~I'm sorry that you have lost a fish and probably going to lose another one. I don't think Wal Mart hires people that spend enough time taking care of the tanks. There are always dead fish in them when we are there. I just hope that whatever is wrong with those two sick ones doesn't spread to your other fish. Be careful when using a fish net with the sick ones. Make sure you don't use it on the healthy ones. My guys are doing good the last couple of days. The first one that I bought has always been a very small eater but has been pigging out the last two days. The two that are normally pigs are hardly eating. That is a normal cycle for them though. It is actually good to not feed them one day a week but I find it hard to withhold food from them.

I have a lot to do today so I better get busy. Y'all have a good day.

Marlana 12-24-2001 07:32 AM

Morning Ladies, I just come in for a moment, I've got the cramps until I can't set here. My last blood pressure meds have a side effect and I had to take something to releive the problem. I did find the following and thought it fit you guys and my feelings. I hope the holidays are going well. Except for the cramps and losing a couple of fish, mine is great. I did get my money back from Walmart for the fish.


Maybe you don't look me right in the eye...

Maybe you can't ever wipe my tears when I cry

Maybe we can't share some tea and honey...so sweet,

or walk together down a path... or up the street.

But we can still be good friends because, you see,

we met on the internet, you and me.

And when you have a "cyber" friend it matters not...

how you look, what you wear, or what you've got.

I don't care if your last name is Smith or Jones,

or if your size is perfect, plump, or skin and bones.

You're there for me,

you've been a pal through thick and thin...

You shared my glad times...

and in my sad times - you made me grin

So I have sent this greeting to you, dear friend so fine...

to tell you I'm So Glad you're a pal of mine.

And here's a hug, though not with arms,

for that can't be...

But it's a hug straight from my heart...

To You,


TobeyToe 12-24-2001 08:09 AM

Merry Christmas Eve!

I can’t believe that it is December 24th! We may have a white Christmas after all. Rumour has it that it is supposed to snow today. Hard to believe after the mild temperatures and rain that we had yesterday. Today will be spent relaxing with dh (after a quick 2-mile run) and tonight we are going to potluck dinner. The idea was started my friends of ours who weren’t do anything with their family Christmas Eve. So they thought they would have this dinner party and maybe one or two other couples would be able come. Well it ends up there are around 20 people going! Good thing they decided to do potluck!

Marlana: Sorry to hear of the passing in your extended fish family. Although it seemed to be ever expanding. Good thing you have been fixing up that big tank. I just read this mornings post - :( hope you start feeling better soon! That was a very sweet poem!

Skeeter: Sounds like you had a great day with family. I love this time of year! Sounds like to your pooches adapt to things very quickly! They must be very smart. I got a shiver just thinking about those sounds your parrot can make! I must be in a good mood – I just noticed that almost every second sentence has ended with an exclamation mark!!!!! :lol:

Well must be off and get on with my day.



Skeeter2 12-24-2001 11:29 AM

Hey everyone. :wave:

Merry Christmas everyone. Our temps are back up and we got sweaty walking this morning. It is supposed to be cold again by the end of the week though.

Tobey~We had all the windows open last night and I was so hot that I almost got up and turned the a/c back on. My smallest poodle loves his pouch. He got tired on the last leg home this moring and rode in it just fine. I like it too because it distributes his weight across my back instead of my arms. We were both happy. As soon as we returned from our walk the pest company called and wants me to sign a contract and have the termite treatment done by the 1st. He couldn't answer my questions though about the warranty and wanted to get the answers and do everything on Wednesday. I told him not this year because we are going shopping this year the day after Christmas. We haven't done that in many years and have decided to do it this year. We will probably regret it after we fight the crowds for a while but we are going to give it a try. I'll deal with the termites on Thursday. :D

JoJo~I remember that you had to work today and hope that you didn't have to work too hard. Have a good Christmas Eve.

Marlana~I'm sorry to hear that you are having pain from the pills. Have you called the doctor? You aren't having very good luck with the medications. I am assuming that the other fish died. Did you find any for Kassie in another store? I ended up not grooming the dogs this week and only bathed and brushed them. I will have to do it next week though because their hair will get too long and start matting. I hope that you start feeling better.

[COLOR=purple]Have a wonderful Christmas Eve. [/COLOR

PeekabooICU 12-24-2001 05:29 PM


Hope your all having a nice day. It was very quiet at work today, hardly anyone was even there. But I got a lot done until the afternoon and then it was hard to concentrate cause I just wanted out of there. We were finally told we could leave around 3:30 (I get off at 4:00) but then I remembered dh took me to work this morning so I had to wait for him to come and get me. Oh well. I'm off now for 2 days.

We are going to my bil & sil's for our annual Xmas eve get together. Instead of the usual ham dinner we are doing Tacos. Yummmmmm. Can't wait. I can't be on here to long cause we have to start getting ready to get going but thought I'd come in and say hello to ya all.

Marlana, so sorry about the fishie(s). How's the guppies doing, by the way? They are usually pretty hardy plus they like to multiply quickly so don't be surprised if you start having fishie babies. Thanks so much for the poem, that is so sweet of you. You know we all feel the same way about you to. :)

Skeeter, I think I'm about cookied out. I baked about 150 of those chocolate cookies with the andies mints melted on them. Plus I probably made about 80 or 90 of the dipped pretzels. I've got bags made for everyone and I'll probably take some to work on Thursday cause dh won't eat the cookies and I'm not sure if he cares much for pretzels. I'm glad you had a nice day with the kids. Are you staying home tomorrow?

Tobey, Xmas eve just kinda snuck up on me this year. Last thing I recall it was Saturday and here it is now Monday. :lol: I think I slept somewhere in between but I just can't remember. Your Xmas eve party sounds fun. I am hoping for a white Xmas and they are saying maybe we might get a little snow in the morning. We got a surprise snow Saturday and it took everyone by surprise and slicked up the streets pretty good. In fact, on the interstate, just a little north of town there was a 27 car pile up because of it. I'm glad I don't have to worry about driving the interstates in the winter. The only time I want to go on the interstate is if we are going gambling and that doesn't happen often enuff.

Well everyone, have a great Christmas. I'm not sure what graphic I'm posting. It may be Xmasy and it may not. Take care.

Mommy2Girls 12-24-2001 05:48 PM

Merry Christmas Ladies!
Love you all and hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow--write more later on--gotta wrap presents for the mutts.

Dolphin 12-25-2001 02:20 PM

Merry Xmas! It's all about over for me. Yesterday afternoon we went over to my aunts house for dinner and a gift exchange. I was sort of disappointed. As soon as everyone was done opening gifts and stuffing themselves, they all took off. No time to just be together. Then when we got back home, me and mom exchanged gifts and ate more! I even had a bunch of stuff for my "kids". Tonight I work, 7pm to 7am. I switched my hours around a little, it's all time & a half, and if I feel like it in the morning, I'll hit a couple stores for the day after sales.

Boy, I can't believe how fast the weekend went. From Friday to Tuesday in the blink of an eye. I didn't make it in here at all, it seems like I was so busy, but now I don't know what I did!

Sally- Merry xmas. Hope your "mutts" and you have a good day.

Jojo- Tacos for dinner. That's an interesting twist. My aunt made italian beef sandwiches. I don't eat beef so I had alot of the other stuff. I love those dipped pretzels. I made a ton of them myself, along with a ton of other cookies. I've got to take more to work tonight.

Skeeter- Your pooch pouch sounds cute. We definately need to see a picture of this. I'm gonna try to fight the crowds this year too. I may regret it as much as you, I've only done it once before.

Tobey- I'll admit it, my running has slacked off this weekend. But I'm starting over now. It's hard to start a new "habit" during the crazy holidays. I liked the movie. I usually enjoy action/horror types, so I really liked the special effects. Plus, I enjoyed watching a couple of the actors run around in tights!!!

Marlana- Thanks for the poem. Very sweet. What is going on in your house with all those fish? I hope the catfish and guppies are adjusting. Have you named them yet? I vote for Sunny and Bo (short for rainbow). Wacco and Sucker had me laughing!

Well, I guess that's about all for me for now. I let myself really sleep in and now I need to get my butt moving.

Oh yeah, tomorrow I'm getting myself really back on the plan. Anyone with me?


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