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Newmala 04-02-2007 12:14 AM

Succumbing to the scale
Mrrr....the scale. Why is it that the scale means EVERYTHING when it comes to the journey of weight loss. Seriously. I could look thinner and my clothes could feel looser but if that scale says i havent lost a thing I freak out! I do a weigh in once a week and it used to be enjoyable. I'd wake up every friday morning and be excited to see my results. But now that i've hit that flat spot I absolutely dread friday mornings. Usually, on thursdays, I eat really light, or not at all, and drink lots of water to make sure i weigh less on Friday. It's a great feeling to see results on the scale but I havent got that excitement in a while. Do you think it's wrong to practically starve myself on Thursdays to see these results? It's almost like i've become obsessed with the darn thing.

Also another problem....I do look thinner and i am wearing smaller sizes but NO ONE IS NOTICING. When i see a person who has lost weight I tell them so. "You look great," or "Wow, you've lost weight!" Why isnt anyone saying anything? This just makes me feel just as fat as before and that i havent made any progress. This is really getting frustrating!
Thanks for listening :)

lesleydee 04-02-2007 12:26 AM

i know
i find it so hard when i start and all of a sudden i feel oh ive lost weight someone will say something and noone does makes you wonder if you look any different
i always now make a point of telling someone when i notice any small ammount of weight loss even , as i know all too well how hard it is!

RoyalAthena 04-02-2007 02:14 AM

You are doing well
Welcome to the site! Congrats to you on your weight lose. I know losing weight is hard work and we want the world to notice. There may be two reasons that someone isn’t commenting on your weight.

1. They may think it is rude to comment on someone’s weight. Some people have had some bad experiences when simply asking someone: "Have you lost weight?" You would be surprised. Us regular people would be trilled but there are some "meanies" that have put some people in their place and shamed them from asking other people unless they feel they have that type of relationship with the person.

2. Some people don't notice that type of thing. They are oblivious to their environment. I lost 50lbs before some people noticed OR said anything. In fact, one of my coworkers commented on my weight and said that she noticed earlier but didn’t know how I would feel if she said something :) Has anyone asked if you have gotten your hair cut or colored? Sometimes people think that is the culprit when it is really weight lose


It is not healthy to fast on Thursday for Friday’s weigh in. In fact that may have something to do with the plateau. The body is a machine it has to be fed to work properly and that includes dieting. :) We all hit plateaus from time to time. Maybe you can change you diet around or your exercise routine. Some of the other forums on here can probably give you some more ideas. This place has so much valuable information!

Well, good luck on your weight loss and don't get discouraged.

JayEll 04-02-2007 07:13 AM

Welcome, Newmala.

Yeah, the doggone scale. It's easy to become obsessed with what it says. I have hit many plateaus that I thought would be forever.

If you are eating on plan and doing your activity/exercise, then the scale WILL drop. It may take longer than you like, but I promise, it will. Sometimes it seems like the body has to rearrange everything for awhile before weight drops again.

Don't get into trying to eat less on Thursday just because you're weighing on Friday. Just stick with your regular plan, no matter what. The only way out is through!

You can SUCCEED! :cb: :cb: :cb:


BlueToBlue 04-02-2007 12:26 PM

I definitely think "practically starving yourself" on Thursday is a real problem. When you don't eat like that, your metabolism shuts down, which means that you are going to gain weight as soon as you start eating again. Any weight you lose is going to come right back, and possibly even more. I had the stomach flu earlier this year and couldn't keep anything down for 24 hours. I literally lost 6 pounds overnight. But as soon as I started eating again, I gained those 6 pounds back, again almost overnight.

You should eat regularly on Thursdays; fasting is not helpful in any way for permanent weight loss. The fact that you've been doing it for a while now could be causing your metabolism to slow down and causing the plateau that you are seeing. If you aren't getting enough food, your body will hang onto its fat reserves in response, causing a stall in your weight loss. Losing weight isn't just about not overeating; it's also about making sure you get enough food and proper nutrients and not starving yourself.

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