New Study Says Drinking Water May Have Little Benifit

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  • Quote: The study neither proves or disproves anything. I am sure we can get by with little water if we must. And the water industry line I get but who still buys bottled water? I thought with all the knowledge on how it effects the environment that fad was waning. I don't personally know anyone who does that anymore. I was guilty of it but committed to buying no more water ages ago. I carry a glass bottle to fill from a tap. I do realize many people in the world do not have such access a thus my above statement is only directed to a small slice if our world.
    I know I love water it is my favourite drink. I have great skin. I am regular. Yes still fat so does not cure that. Lol I feel great when I drink water. I rarely have headaches, maybe once per year and get a cold once per year. I cannot prove a correlation of course. But all good things can be overdone.
    Oh trust me, people who buy bottled is going strong. At work there are DOZENS of half drank plastic water bottles in the fridge. I use a pur filter/filtered water bottle at work. But I have one co-worker who swears her doctor told her to never drink from tap.

    Personally I love to drink water. I can drink a ton of it. When I drink pop/coffee excessively, I feel so thirsty all the time and it makes a viscous pop-buying-drinking cycle. With water, I can feel satisfied. I don't really drink my bodyweight in it. I just try to make sure I get at least 8 cups a day. But I also sweat a lot at work.
  • My friend's ex-partner died of water poisoning just before Christmas. I think he had subscribed to the following myths: that water is fantastic and the more the better; and that salt is evil and everyone should avoid it.

    He was small, thin, bedbound due to severe ME/CFS, and most likely had Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. No one had even diagnosed the POTS, let alone told him that people with POTS need more salt than usual. He was avoiding salt because he'd picked up vaguely that it was healthier. He hadn't eaten anything the previous day, too ill, and so decided to get his fluids up by drinking some water. I don't know how much he drank, but it doesn't sound like it was all that much. He was dead within two days. If he'd been supplementing properly with salt, I don't think this would have happened. It's the balance of water to salt that causes the damage, due to osmosis moving water around between cells, and the brain swelling.

    Ignore anyone telling you to drink ludicrous amounts of water for no good reason, and if you do need to drink a lot of water, make sure you get salt as well. It's worth generally working out how much salt you're getting and how much you personally need.

    I have severe ME/CFS and almost certainly have POTS, so I now aim to drink 2.5l of water a day, with half a teaspoon of salt mixed into each 800ml/27oz water bottle (actually, it's half sea salt and half low-sodium salt, so I get potassium too). Some of us do need that. I'm using a water-drinking app to remind me to drink enough. My blood pressure seems to be a bit better on this, more often normal and less often low, but it's hard to tell as the doctor's been changing my meds quite a lot.
  • It's really hard to comment on the validity of the reasearch, but I discovered something that works for me, anyway.

    A few years ago, I was surfing one night and had a horrible craving to eat - I usually crave either sweets, or protein. As it turned out, I had a bottle of water sitting beside me, so thought that I would drink the water. It was an AHA moment - once I had finished the water, I not only wasn't hungry, but didn't have the cravings any longer.

    Since then, I have made it a ritual to drink the equivalent of a bottle of water if I feel cravings coming on. By doing that, I am able to better decide whether I am truly hungry and need to eat, or just dehydrated. 2 cents
  • I know for me, drinking water helps me eat a lot less. And it helps keep me from getting the heart palpitations that I can get with my mitral valve prolapse. I usually drink around 64oz of just water, as well as two-ish cups of coffee or tea. I will certainly be doing more research about water consumption though, concerning how much is too much.

    All of you made valid points that I agree with and I think it comes down to this: Everyone has different fluid needs that can't be met with a one-size-fits-all rule like 8 8oz glasses/day.
  • I think water must have some effect -- while the theories that have been proposed before are likely true.. such as you are thirsty not hungry etc... I submit two other reasons for the effect.

    (1) Water is "H2O" so that means you are taking in more than 2/3rds Oxygen. There is actually evidence out there that oxygen can increase weight loss. In fact some people go to what is called Oxygen therapy where they put the mask over their face and suck it down for weight loss. You may remember an infomercial a few years back with this lady who proposed weight loss just via breathing. I always thought that was intriguing. But based on that I have always wondered if exercise is good for you / weight loss because while you are breathing heavier you are getting more Oxygen - than if you were just sitting around the house.

    (2) The liver is known to be the only fat burning organ in your body. The liver is the major fat burning organ in the body and regulates fat metabolism. And what keeps the liver in amazing shape... water! Water is great for the liver and kidneys and help both expel toxins and many other issues.

    I went on a mostly liquid diet last year and while there were tons of reasons it could have worked so amazingly I have to note that a lot of liquid diets / fasting do work amazing. Also my liver enzymes fell like a stone... I have to think there is something to and and we are dehydrated. My hair was never thicker, my skin never better than when I was full on the liquid diet and since going off I have noticed dryer skin and hair, something I might not have noticed before because it doesn't look that bad.
  • Oxygen can increase weight loss? Interesting. I live in an area with about 17% less oxygen than what is at sea level and we have the lowest obesity level in the country. Also, I'm no chemist, but I don't think the oxygen atom becomes unbonded from the two hydrogen atoms. Also the oxygen we breathe is O2, two oxygen atmos. I don't think 1 free oxygen atom is stable and would try to bond to something. But like I said, I'm no chemist so I can't remember for sure from my studies.

    I drink, at minimum, 2 liters per day. More if I exercise or eat a lot of salty food. But I also live in a semi-arid climate that can get pretty hot during the summer, which was one of the caveats. I rarely drank water when I lived back east where it was cooler and more moist. I carry a bottle of water with me pretty much everywhere I go so that it's available to me when I need it. I also rely a lot more on lotions and chapsticks than I did before moving out here.

    I guess I'm in the "drink when you feel you need to" camp, but I think having water at hand facilitates it.
  • Quote: Water is "H2O" so that means you are taking in more than 2/3rds Oxygen.
    the "H2O" molecule is two hydrogen atoms and ONE oxygen atom...
  • Quote: the "H2O" molecule is two hydrogen atoms and ONE oxygen atom...
    Woops sorry... never mind.

    Although I read this whole theory on this in a book once...
  • I feel better when I drink a lot of water. I probably drink at least 100 oz during the week and a little less on weekends. The only other liquid I get is black coffee in the morning (1-2 cups) and weekend drinks.
  • Human body is 70% water. And Oxygen is the basic component of energy that the body uses. The more water you drink the more you are helping your body to flush the toxins out of your system and also helping your body lose the weight which is also highly related to being toxic. Juicing is also beneficial for supplying the body with the hydration it requires. having a dry skin and aging are all symptoms of dehydration of the body. Those who drink a lot of water look and feel younger and also don't gain as much weight as the one who drink only a couple of glasses a day. An ideal amount is like 3 litres per day for an average person
  • Quote: Three or four years ago, my mother was hospitalized for water intoxication (also called water poisoning and water overdose - which causes a dangerous drop in electrolytes, especially sodium). She was hospitalized for more than a week (who is hospitalized that long any more) they tried to get her sodium levels into a safe range).

    She was almost killed because she believed many of the current water myths. She was only drinking a little more than a gallon a day, and yet it was too much for her. She could easily have died, and she did end up with permanent kidney damage because she believed what her Weight Watchers leader told her (that she had to drink extra water because of her extra pounds, that coffee and tea didn't count and she had to drink extra to compensate for caffeine).

    I think this study is far less "dangerous" than all the diet myths that have become so firmly entrenched in our culture that they pass for fact and "common wisdom" to the point that even many doctors believe them (because they've heard them so often).

    What concerns me most about the water myths is that they keep getting more and more extreme (like gossip, fish stories, and games of telephone).

    At first it was 2 quarts of liquids including those from food

    Then it was 2 quarts of liquid in addition to food

    Then it was 2 quarts of non-cafeinated liquid in addition to food and caffeinated liquids.

    Then it was 2 quarts of unflavored, "pure" water.

    Then it was 2 quarts of unflavored, pure water PLUS an additional glass of water for every glass of caffeinated beverage (this is where my mother's water intake was at when she had the water poisoning).

    Then it was 2 quarts of water plus two additional glasses of water for every glass of caffeinated beverage.

    Then it was one half ounce of water per pound of body weight - plus additional water to compensate for caffeinated beverages (if you're morbidly obese, this amount of water can be fatal, especially if you happen to be on a blood pressure medication or are not eating loads of salt).

    The kidney specialist called in on my mother's case told us that water poisoning was once so rare that even kidney specialists rarely saw more than once case per lifetime, and now even general practitioners are becoming familiar with it. Also, the cases used to be only seen in marathon and extreme athletes, mentally ill folk with water drinking compulsion, and people trying to pass a drug screen thinking that gallons of water would do it. That's no longer true. He said they're seeing it in people of all ages and health levels, and he believed the water myths were largely to blame.

    I used to teach college classes in psychology and human development, and I taught that water intoxication is virtually impossible in a healthy person (because that's what we used to believe), but that's not true anymore, because so many of the water myths out there encourage ridiculous amounts of fluids. You can get water poisoning even if you never drink plain water, and only drink other beverages (or even only drink coffee) because caffeine doesn't provide enough water to actually dehydrate you. So an 8 ounce cup of coffee isn't "dehydrating" it just provides a little less hydration than an 8 ounce glass of water. That means that coffee doesn't provide zero hydration, and it definitely doesn't promote dehydration. It does contribute to your water needs, but may be equal to 6 or 7.5 ounces of plain water - it certainly is not equivalent to negative 8-16 ounces of water as some of the water myths suggest.

    This study is just one small spit in the wind, compared to all the dangerous myths (that more and more people are believing to be gospel truth) that encourage ridiculous amounts of water.

    I am copying this because I think it has such important information that we rarely hear.

    If I drank the amount of water WW coaches told me I had to I wouldn't be able to work. I would have to spend the day a few feet from a bathroom. I drink when I am thirsty but also watch the colour of my urine.
  • Quote: I must go through about 10 cups of tea & coffee a day (mostly tea). I cannot remember the last time I drank any water, I think it was during particularly strenuous exercise. I have absolutely no signs of dehydration and I feel fine.
    Ditto. And I might add that I never get any headaches -- well, maybe one every year or two -- and that my pee is only lightly coloured. You and I are living proof that the notion that you must drink X cups of plain water is complete bunk. As previously noted, many other drinks and foods contain lots of water. As long as you're sufficiently hydrated, it doesn't matter how you get there.

  • Have you ever had a kidney stone? I have. Incredibly painful. I was told my a doctor that (pardon the detail) urine should never be bright yellow. Drinking water is essential, imo. ymmv.
  • The latest research...
    Quote: I've always been in the "drink when you're thirsty" camp. I almost never drink plain water as the coffee, tea and juice I drink seem to hydrate me just fine. (My pee is never dark.) I suppose that drinking fluids on a schedule may be helpful for people who are unusually insensitive to thirst cues, but I don't think it needs to be plain water as long as the total fluid intake is adequate.

    Just my two cents,

    Everything I've read lately says that you do need to drink water, but the water in food and coffee/tea/soda count as "water". It makes sense. Your body is just going to filter out the non-water parts and use the water, anyway.