recipe ideas.......

  • HI everyone, I am not what most consider a vegetarian( I eat fish ), but have some great ideas for recipes to share.
    go to the ethnic markets( asian, latino, african, ect..) and you will find the produce much cheaper. Also don't be afraid to try new things.
    Tonight for dinner we had boiled Yucca( cassava), with a cabbage and onion salad( no dressing) topped it with a tbs of enchilada sauce and pico de gallo. I also bought this veggie? called Pataste( in Louisiana it is called something like Mertlin) and boiled it and ate it with 2 garden burgers. Platains can be boiled, fried, grilled, and baked. We also make sushi , and lots of other interesting things. If anyone has any questions please ask.

    Can I just say yummy yum halloumi. i like it with a full salad and the beans though. So yummy.