Shopping List?

  • I have decided to make the transition away from eating meat and most dairy/eggs as well. I go grocery shopping on Thursdays, and I was wondering what you ladies think of as the most important things to buy for a vegetarian menu. Could anyone possibly give an example of their shopping list or staples? What do I definitely need to start out with? Thanks!
  • My staples
    Beans - I buy canned and dried. My favorites are black beans and garbanzos. I also enjoy dried black eyed peas as they don't need to be soaked and are delicious. Lentils are also awesome for making Indian style dishes.

    Tofu - I don't always buy tofu but I really enjoy baking tofu, it is one of my favorite dishes. I like creating a marinade and then baking in the toaster oven (or regular oven) at 400 degrees.

    Tempeh - I don't always buy it but my husband loves tempeh. I'd recommend looking up a tempeh 'bacon' recipe as many people like it that way. Basically you'd soak it in some soy sauce, liquid smoke and possibly maple syrup (although I omit maple syrup)

    Grains - I buy a variety of grains from brown basmati, quinoa, barley, etc.

    Almond butter - Good for sandwiches or eating with an apple or celery

    Hummus - You can also make your own but sometimes I'm lazy and buy it

    Sprouted grain bread - I used to do whole wheat but I really like sprouted grain breads.

    Greens - It depends on what is on sale but spinach, swiss chard, kale, collards, etc.

    Salad veggies - I personally love salads so I like to keep romaine, cucumbers, celery and tomatoes on hand. I sometimes put apples or other fruit in my salads instead of tomatoes. Cucumbers and celery are also awesome for dipping into hummus.

    Other veggies - again depends on what is on sale but asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, red peppers, onions, sweet potatoes, etc.

    Fruit - I buy based on what is on sale but apples, oranges, cherries, bananas, etc.

    Condiments/sauces - Soy sauce, mustard, balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, olive oil, hot sauce, etc

    What I would suggest doing for the most part is looking up some recipes and plan out what you might want to make or at least get a general idea what you would like to make.
  • I was vegetarian for quite a few years. I tried to go vegan once, but couldn't live without cheese, haha. Now I eat mostly vegetarian but do eat poultry (chicken/turkey only).

    Lots of beans! There are so many different varieties and you can do all kinds of things with them.

    Lots of nuts! Again, so many different varieties. I eat them as snacks, or toss them into salads & more. A good source of protein.

    Of course lots of fruits and veggies!

    I also use quite a bit of rice.
  • beans
    vegetables (broccoli, lettuce, mushrooms, baby spinach, tomatoes, green beans, asparagus)
    fruits (bananas, apples, oranges, anything you like)
    nuts (almonds, pecans, trail mix [natures own is awesome and has no candy in it)
    bread and sometimes pasta and brown rice
    peanut butter (or your favorite nut butter)
    almond milk (i use this is the green smoothie i make [1 cup milk, spinach, frozen banana, and another frozen fruit or cinnamon, or peanut butter for taste])
    clif bars (i like having these if i have no time, the peanut butter crunch and chocolate fudge are the best)
    seasonings (taco seasoning, garlic, italian etc)
    salad dressing (i love paul newmans low fat sesame ginger its only ~25 calories!)
    tofu (i'll either bake it and use it like you would a meat [in salad, on sandwhich etc, but my favorite way is to crumble it and use it with manwhich mmm)

    those are the things i always make sure to get when i go shopping! if you also want some recipe ideas let me know.
  • Thank you all! And yes, pinkalarmclock, recipe ideas would be great! you can PM me if you'd like