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wikidsnyper 07-21-2010 06:31 PM

Vegan Camping
Hello everyone! I had just switched over to a MOSTLY vegan lifestyle (no meat or meat products or processed foods, just the occasional sweets and breads). Everything is going great, but we got a camping trip coming up in September. Everyone will be bringing food (processed meats, bread, chips-the works) and I am stuck..I need food suggestions that I can bring for myself and share with our friends. My husband is making this difficult by not sharing the same interest as I am. I am planning on bringing fresh fruits and some dried (I have a dehydrator and I plan on using it within the next few weeks for my treats). I guess in other words, I will need ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner for about 3-4 days, and also if I can make this in advance, reheat at the campsite or if there is no need. Thank you all in advance for all suggestions and recommendations.


bonnnie 07-22-2010 03:16 AM

I would say any peanut butter (any nut really), would be good for sandwiches. Of course bring fruit like apples, bananas and oranges. You could make a broccoli salad, red pepper, sunflower seed salad if you brought an oil based salad dressing. And bring lots of nuts.

I suppose I would think about the veggies that hold the longest and concoct dishes accordingly: cooked potatoes, beans, whole tomatoes, red peppers, broccoli, cauliflower......

I would probably bring a jar of sundried tomatoes in olive oil for my salads. I would also buy some of those pre-made smoothies and use that as breakfast every morning.

In the end, just think of how good your body will feel if you stay away from salty, hormone-filled, processed meats and cheeses!

duckchick 07-22-2010 06:28 AM

This site might have a few answers for you:


Good luck!

Wildflower 07-23-2010 11:56 AM

I love to cook Fantastic Foods over a camp stove when camping. Not sure if you will one of those in order to boil water? But I believe they are all vegan, and they make sloppy joes, taco filling and chili that are great and taste amazing when camping. They are also very light to carry, although some (chili is one) require a can of tomatoes or beans.

www fantasticfoods dot com

Other ideas:

Breakfast: Bottled smoothies, luna bars, granola, tofu scramble, peanut butter and jelly, vegan muffins or donuts (ha, not the healthiest, but yummy vegan treats!). coffee w/silk soycreamer

Lunches/dinner: hummus, veggies, fruits, tofurky sandwiches, chips w/salsa/guacamole, trail mix, veggie burgers, fantastic foods mixes, dehydrated instant soup/potato/noodle cups (the kind you add hot water to) Tokurky sausages and my favorite mock meat sausages are these soy free vegan ones:

www field roast dot com

tofurky dot com

sorry, I can't post links until I reach 25 posts. :(

oh and tortillas pack a bit better than bread, so it's good to do wraps. sometimes i grill portabella caps (brush with light itallian dressing) when others are doing steak, or I take a foil pack and add corn, beans and cut up potatos, add salt and a liquid (like beer, even though i don't even like beer), some onions, spices, etc and fold it all up and put it in the fire. everything will cook into a yummy veggie hash you can eat with a fork. yuuuumm. grilled corn on the cob is good too, just put it right on the grill or the fire in the husks. also, you can heat a can of baked beans near the fire, but make sure you let it cool before trying to open or it will explode everywhere!

nelie 07-26-2010 09:42 AM

I just got back from a camping trip so I'll give you a general idea of what I do.

For breakfast - I usually make pancakes which are easy to make vegan. You can look for vegan recipes or you could use a pancake mix with your choice of dairy free milk and an egg substitute. Although on this trip, I ate mostly cereal and fruit for breakfast. You can easily keep dairy free milk in a cooler.

Lunch - Chickpea salad sandwiches are one of my favorite lunches. Also, side salads such as potato salad, coleslaw, fruit salad, quinoa/bean salad, other bean salads, etc. If you don't have any vegan cookbooks, there are a lot of online resources such as blog.fatfreevegan.com and also your local library would hopefully have some vegan cookbooks.

Dinner - Grilled veggies, 'hobo' packets with tempeh, veggies, etc. You could also do hobo packets with tofu, crumbled veggie burger or even things like chickpeas. Basically get a large piece of foil, put whatever you want into the foil, season as you like and throw the packet on the coals. rotate the packet a couple of times and then open and eat. You can also use side salads similar to lunch.

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