Does anyone know anything about the 'Metabolic Type Diet'?????

  • I was having a quick look thro amazon this morning and I saw this diet book about the metabolic type diet. I was wondering if anybody knows anything regarding this plan????
  • Nope sorry. There are a lot of diets out there.
  • It is supposed to match your diet with your metabolic type!

    Now regardless of what it REALLY includes it is selling naff science! I mean any site that sells its product with:

    The "diet debate" is over. The "diet wars" have ended." The only diet that is right for you is the one that is right for YOUR Metabolic Type. "

    is surely trying too hard! They are simialr to, and based on the same ideas as the blood group diets! And they are based on word of mouth stuff - like the original "Dr" who "cured" himself of cancer by using a veggie diet!

    Apparently everyone is a metabolic type: carb, protein or mixed: find out which you are here - personally I wouldn't bother - a quick read and you can see how the questions are loaded to supply an answer that fits with the theory - for which you are supposed to pay!

    Your metabolic RATE - it isn't a type - is the speed at which your body consumes energy! Think of a car engine - the heavier the car or the faster it moves the more energy is needed more quickly!

    Your metabolic system provides your body with energy the same as a car engine does, so a heavier person has a faster metabolic rate than a lighter one and a sedentary person has a slower metabolism than a runner!

    The right diet for this is one that balances calories in with calories out!!!

    Like any other diet this book may well include lots of common sense and useable tips - but I seriously doubt that the science as advertised would stand up to serious scrutiny!

    Sorry I am such a bah humbug on this! I actually don't slam to many diet books - just the ones selling cod science that take your money on false permises and weird and whacky 'scientific' principles - cos I think they set out to con you by pretending to be something they are not - like DOCTOR Gillian McKeith - NOT!!
  • You have a good rant Stef.
  • Sorry Veggie,

    I had to find a way of easing myself back in, didn't I?

    I just read it back - and I am a little bit ashamed of myself - the spelling is a bot off, to say the least!